Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4134: Quiet and moving

Millions of years have passed, Ye Chen didn't expect to see the three disciples of the past again on this occasion.

It’s a bit ashamed to say that, because in the past, although he had accepted Wang Xiong, Shi Baitian, and Jian Wuhen as his disciples, the three of them at that time were actually at the level of true immortals. After all, his father’s generation was all immortal kings and gave the best. Cultivation resources are also the most potential children.

At that time, even though Ye Chen was holding the three of them to the level of the immortal king, he obviously didn't do it, because he died soon after.

Over millions of years, from a true immortal to a quasi-immortal king, this kind of cultivation speed can be called very fast.

After all, whether it is a true immortal or the ancient emperor, the supreme, generally speaking, it often takes one or two epochs to become a quasi-immortal king, and even many supreme have never reached the level of the quasi-immortal king in their lifetime.

Goodbye to the three quasi-immortal king disciples, Ye Chen did not recognize each other. It was not the time yet. He did not even tell the identity of Pangu Universe's family, let alone them.

Once his reincarnation identity is exposed, it is likely to thoroughly stimulate the plan of the alien ancient universe to advance and aggressively attack.

In this way, Ye Chen became a general of Taiyu Immortal King Pass.

During this period of time, he took the opportunity to contact the Immortal Great Heavenly Sovereign who was sitting in the Eastern Emperor's Realm. It was because of Ye Chen, and because of his deep relationship with the Eastern Emperor in the Eternal Heavenly Realm, and because of his own powerful first-generation giant level. Invited by the Eastern Emperor, he personally sits on the edge of the Eastern Emperor's domain, secretly in the Taiyu Immortal King Pass.

Once there is a problem with the nine immortal kings of the Eastern Emperor's Domain, the Immortal Great Heavenly Sovereign will arrive as soon as possible.

At this stage, in the Chaos Sea, all half-step overlords are subject to agreement and will not be easily shot. Immortal Great Heavenly Venerable Realm is the first generation giant, and the same is true for the physical body. It can be called the first generation giant and the king of the immortal, extremely powerful, even if it is different. There are first-generation giants in the world who are close to each other, and they can also resist and even suppress them in reverse.

The Immortal Datianzun is a follower of Ye Chen. Over the past tens of thousands of years, Ye Chen has left, traveled through the fairy world and enlightened the Taoist method, and he has also been comprehending the fairy road system of the prehistoric fairy world.

At his level, to comprehend another system that is no less than the Shinto system, mutual confirmation, is also of great benefit, and many insights will be initiated.

Ye Chen returned suddenly and spoke.

Immortal Great Tianzun understood Ye Chen's thoughts, and asked if he needed to send two true immortals to follow him and do things for him?

Let the true immortals follow, and only their level can command.

Ye Chen shook his head and refused. This time he contacted the Immortal Great Tianzun, only to give a notice, nothing more.

At his level, if you really want to do something, the true immortal may not be able to help.

Besides, the real immortal follows his side, which is very conspicuous.

On this day, an army of foreign races attacked the Immortal King Pass of Taiyu. According to the usual practice, an army of the immortal world also attacked and fought with it.

This is an active counterattack behavior from the prehistoric immortal realm. On the one hand, it demonstrates the power of the prehistoric immortal realm, even if the alien army dares to invade, they must kill it.

On the other hand, why not use war to support war and use large-scale wars to cultivate more superpowers.

Only after experiencing the real battle of life and death can the real supreme power be cultivated.

Over the past ten thousand years, there have been several immortal monarchs who have gone through life and death battles and become immortals.

Of course, in successive years of wars, whether it is the prehistoric immortal realm or the ancient alien universe, a terrible price has been paid. Each of the true immortals or the ancient emperor has fallen and bloodied the battlefield.

Ye Chen fought with the army of the immortal world and entered the army of foreign races to fight with it.

He uses the "General Outline of Immortal Law" to control the eight realms of Daogu, God Transformation, Holy Treasure, Reincarnation, Heavenly King, Mighty, Divine King, and Primordial King, and other chapters of the strongest immortal kings, a variety of colorful and bright fairy lights. The body, the essence of various immortals emerged, like a true immortal in the dust, attacking the Primordial King among the alien army.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

I have to say that Ye Chen is very strong, especially when he has cultivated to this stage in "The General Outline of the Immortal Law", he has shown his true defense against the sky, instantly killing a foreign king and annihilating a large alien army.

His existence naturally attracted the attention of the alien army, and immediately a super king of the seventh heaven went to deal with Ye Chen.


But Ye Chen is against the sky. Although the cultivation speed of "The General Outline of the Immortal Law" is extremely slow, it is not as good as before. He directly cultivated to the King's Tenth Heaven. Right now, it is only the first heaven of the King Realm. Duel against the super king.

The Primordial King of the alien race who came to deal with was extremely surprised. Even the Primordial King promoted by the Heaven-defying Quasi-King could only deal with the Primordial King of the Second and Third Heavens in the First Heaven. It is absolutely impossible to cross so many small realms to deal with him. Super king.

Who is the other party?

"All laws are one!"

The strongest chapters of the Immortal King Scriptures in Ye Chen resonated for his use. In an instant, the strongest bright celestial light burst out, as if the immortal king was Linchen, hitting the sky.

With a loud bang, the alien super king was smashed into nothingness before he turned around, and then died.

However, this scene did not attract too much attention from both sides.

On the battlefield, many immortal super talents have joined, and there are no lack of immortal heirs. These immortal heirs possess the taboo artifacts given by their parents. It is normal. Once the corresponding power erupts, it is not a problem to go retrograde to kill immortals.

Ye Chen also killed many super powers of foreign races on the battlefield time and time again. After tens of thousands of years of retreat, he is now on the verge of killing, and the opposite changes have given him another level of insight into "The General Outline of the Fairy Law". .

Gradually, under the battle of the ancient universe of the two worlds, Ye Chen gradually gained fame, and both sides knew of his existence. He was a very young but strong super arrogant.

However, it still has not attracted much attention.

Until once.

Facing the heir of an eternal tycoon of a foreign race, Ye Chen is already the Seventh Heaven Super King, extremely powerful, and inherited the blood of the eternal tycoon. He is also Dzogchen Supreme Tianjiao, and his advantages are superimposed, even when facing the Nine Heavens. The supreme king also has the power of peak wars.

In his opinion, Ye Chen was just a junior king with some potential, nothing more.

Can be killed easily.

Just when he didn't put Ye Chen in his eyes, and just shot a blow casually, thinking that he could completely destroy Ye Chen.

Ye Chen exploded with terrifying combat power, and the eternal king's anti-sky combat power broke out.


The son of the eternal giant's super king has fallen!

This scene shocked both sides of the battlefield.

The primordial immortal world did not expect that there is such an amazing super arrogant in the army, who would retrograde the immortal with the body of a junior king, and kill a super king of the seventh heaven, especially this super king is still an eternal giant Heirs, the fighting power is far from ordinary super kings can be compared, can not be said to be against the sky.

On the side of the foreign race army, countless powerful people regarded it as a thorn in the eye, and there was even a peerless emperor who respected the eight or nine heavens, and even the emperor stood up with shocking pressure and looked at Ye Chen with murderous intent.

The alien ancient universe will naturally not allow the super arrogance of the prehistoric immortal world to rise.

For a time on the battlefield, many super kings, peerless kings, and even emperors of the alien army were surging and surrounded in all directions to deal with Ye Chen.

In any case, Ye Chenge must be completely strangled here, and he cannot be allowed to survive.

Ye Chen showed a slight smile: "I have been quietly cultivating for two to three thousand years, so let me move my muscles and bones!"

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