Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4136: long time no see

During this time, many people came to Ye Chen.

Among them, there are kings, celestial princes, and true celestial beings, and each has different goals.

Regardless of whether it is a king or an immortal monarch, the purpose of friendship is the main one, and there are many immortal heirs. Seeing Ye Chen's performance on the battlefield, I was shocked by the heavens. I can't believe that someone can do this step in the domain of the king.

As for the true immortal's purpose, the simplest and most direct, I hope to accept Ye Chen as a disciple.

After all, in the cultivating world, the relationship between master and apprentice is often very important.

Of course, after being rejected by Ye Chenwan, these true immortals also knew that their purpose of accepting disciples was wishful thinking. How can eternal kings such as Ye Chen be able to defeat high-ranking kings and even the pinnacle king with the body of a junior king. What a terrifying ability, even if the Immortal King knew about it, he would rush to accept him as a disciple.

After the First World War, Ye Chen had a lot of insights and benefited from the "General Outline of the Immortal Law". He has a better understanding of the Immortal Law.

Unconsciously, Ye Chen came to Taiyu Immortal King Pass for thirty thousand years.

In the past 30,000 years, the Taiyu Immortal King Pass was very simple, because the alien army attacked this Immortal King pass time and time again, and even several times, not only the alien emperor came, there were quasi-kings, and even the eternal giants came. More than once.

This is very curious, why the foreign giants have been dispatched, so it is aimed at the Taiyu Immortal King Pass.

In 30,000 years, Ye Chen naturally went through many battles in the sky. After countless battles, he is no longer the first emperor. With the passage of time, his immortal way has gradually improved, and he is now the king's tenth heaven. Now, it is the peak king.

In the end, he stayed for eight thousand years, broke the realm in one fell swoop, and became the eternal fairy.

At this time, Ye Chen's perception of Immortal Fa reached an unprecedented height.

Of course, Ye Chen hasn't reached the extreme level of "The General Outline of Immortal Law", and it is still a little bit worse. Although he is an eternal fairy, but at present, he can only attack the quasi-immortal king and quasi-giant level.

However, as long as he was given a few more years, he would be able to reach the level of the half-step overlord of Immortal Dao.

On this day, Taiyu Immortal King Pass broke out again. A foreign quasi-giant came and led an infinite army to kill. The entire world was overwhelmed. The Taiyu Immortal King Pass was crumbling and almost collapsed.

The two strongest armies of the ancient universe fought again, and the sound of fighting soared to the sky and annihilated all parties.

The three quasi-immortal kings Wang Xiong, Jian Wuhen, and Shi Baitian led their troops to fight, tearing the sky, and also beheading an alien great emperor, fighting a foreign quasi-giant, and blood-staining the Chaos Sea.

But this time the foreign race was very prepared, and as many as five quasi-giants came to besiege the three quasi-immortal kings.

Although the quasi-immortal kings of the other Immortal King Pass rushed over at the first time, the foreign race army sacrificed the eternal formation and blocked the three quasi-immortal kings and wanted to take them away.

Once taken away by them, the three quasi-immortal kings are afraid that there will be more fortunes.

At this time, Ye Chen broke out suddenly, showing the quasi-immortal king-level power, violently attacked the eternal formation, and sacrificed an eternal Taoist soldier.

The eternal Taoist soldiers fully recovered and hit the eternal formation, successfully tearing apart a corner of the eternal formation, and the three quasi-immortal kings were able to escape smoothly.

This scene also surprised both parties. They looked at Ye Chen, who looked like a devil in shock. Thirty thousand years have passed. Ye Chen, who was only a junior emperor at the time, not only became a fairy king, but also became more powerful than ever. Able to hold the eternal Taoist soldiers and tear the eternal formation.

Although it was only relying on the power of the eternal Taoist soldiers, on the other hand, doesn't it also explain the power of Ye Chen?

In the final analysis, if Ye Chen himself is not strong enough, how can he use the eternal Taoist soldiers to tear apart the eternal formation?

"It's you!"

The three quasi-immortals were also taken aback.

Ye Chen still did not reveal his identity. He was in charge of the eternal Taoist soldiers, with infinite coercion, and proactively attacked and killed the foreign quasi-giants.

The three quasi-immortal king disciples followed, rushed over and greeted the alien army.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

The terrible battle completely shocked the two sides, like the innate Chaos Demon God who pioneered the world, and was involved in a wide range of battles.

In the end, the most amazing thing was that during the war, Ye Chen soared into the sky. After repeated battles, he finally killed a foreign quasi-giant and shocked both sides.

It can be described as a quasi-giant, extremely powerful, above the supreme, but now it was cut by a fairy, which shocked people.

"This is not an ordinary fairy monarch, it is an eternal fairy monarch, and it is even very likely to be an eternal monarch back then. I should have expected it a long time ago. Otherwise, how can I defeat the seventh heaven, the eighth heaven, and even the first-level king? The strongest king of the Nine Heavens." The expressions of the other quasi giants of foreign races were extremely gloomy.

An eternal fairy who has stepped into the eternal realm since the emperor's time, indeed has this ability to reversibly cut the giant.

Unexpectedly, the prehistoric fairy world would be so lucky to give birth to an eternal fairy king.

"Is it an eternal fairy, or a fairy who has stepped into the eternal realm from the time of the emperor."

A thunderous voice sounded, and an alien giant kissed him and looked at Ye Chen with cold eyes, full of killing intent.

Such eternal immortal monarchs will not only be able to become immortal kings in the future, but even have great hopes to become immortal deities. Immortal deities are a huge threat to the alien ancient universe.

Such an eternal fairy, should be killed!

Following the heartbeat, the foreign giants directly attacked Ye Chen, coming to the eternal killing desire.

But, soon, the immortal King Taiyu closed, and an extremely terrifying figure appeared. The body was huge, even surpassing the giants of foreign races. The immortal King Taiyu closed in front of this figure. Looks small...

This terrifying figure is the Immortal Great Heavenly Lord, looking coldly at the alien giant.

The alien giants changed color and felt deeply the horror of the Immortal Great Tianzun. I remembered that over the years, a terrifying giant in the prehistoric immortal world guarded the nine immortal kings of the Eastern and even gave several alien giants. Killed the eternal body, exploded, and returned with a heavy wound, is it this fairy giant?

For the first time, the alien giants directly led the army to retreat.

Fortunately, the Immortal Great Heavenly Lord standing on the gate of the Immortal King Taiyu did not pursue it, otherwise he suspected that he might not be able to leave alive.

The immortal army also retreated, and the three quasi-immortal kings visited the Immortal Great Tianzun for the first time and thanked him: "Thank Great Tianzun for the action!"

Immortal Datian said: "If you want to thank you, thank him."


Wang Xiong, Jian Wuhen, and Shi Baitian were stunned to see the ancient temple of Tianzun. Ye Chen walked out slowly, secretly shocked. Is it because the immortal Great Tianzun made the move because of this young eternal fairy?

At this moment, Ye Chen took the initiative to remove the fog from his body, revealing his true face, and said with a smile: "Long time no see."

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