Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4137: Master and Disciples Meet


The moment the three quasi-immortal kings saw Ye Chen Zhenrong, they were first startled, and sensed his familiar origin aura. Isn't it the Master Chaotian Emperor?

It cannot be imitated, and when Ye Chen showed his true face, his half-step overlord level aura was also looming, much more terrifying than the Immortal Great Heavenly Venerate, exactly the same as before.

The three quasi-immortal kings were extremely excited, tears filled their eyes, and immediately bowed down.

How can I think that after a lapse of millions of years, I will still see Master again, still in the Taiyu Immortal King Pass, and what I never expected is that Master came silently and silently at the Taiyu Immortal King Pass for thirty thousand years, but they Can't recognize it at all.

"Get up."

Ye Chen stepped forward and helped the three quasi-immortal king disciples up.

The master and apprentice met, very happy.

Especially Wang Xiong, Jian Wuhen, and Shi Baitian, although they have heard of how legendary Master is, and have come back from death again and again, even in Chaos Tianfu, they always think that Master is not dead. Falling, just alive somehow.

However, when they were apprentices, Ye Chen was already the king of the first generation giants, and later became a half-step overlord, unable to see it with his own eyes.

In the final battle, even if they were not on the scene, the half-step overlord-level battle was so shocking, it can be described as alarming the ancient and modern future. They can also be clearly sensed and seen in the depths of the Chaos Sea. Witnessed, Master alone fought against the four half-step overlords of foreign races, and eventually burned himself to fight the strongest ancestor.

In that battle, the Master was clearly extinguished in form and spirit, but they felt incredible why they still survived in the end.

Of course, the master can live, this is the best.

"After a long absence, I didn't expect the three of you to have become the quasi-immortal kings, and your cultivation progress is good." Ye Chen appreciated, but the three quasi-immortal kings were a little embarrassed, because they were far behind other seniors.

Especially several of Master’s sons and daughters, such as Qianxun, have also become giants of the ages. People such as Yaya, Chenxi, Ye Jing, etc. have all become supreme for many years, and many of them have also entered the ranks of quasi-giants.

Especially Ye Junlin, the most powerful, like Ye Chen's reincarnation, possessing a talent no less than Ye Chen, when he returned a million years ago, he was already a generation of giants of the first generation, incredibly powerful.

More importantly, the Master's family are very young, and they are only two million years old now. They are extremely young to the Supreme, let alone the ranks of quasi-giants and eternal giants.

Even though they are all Ye Chen's disciples, but the years of cultivation, everyone is far above Ye Chen, and they can easily be an era or two.

Wang Xiong, Jian Wuhen, and Shi Baitian were very happy. They also said: "Master, you are reborn, and you will be very happy with your wife, your uncle, and your brothers and sisters. I will tell them right away."

Ye Chen waved his hand: "Don't tell them yet."

"Why?" The three were puzzled.

"My reincarnation and return this time is a secret. I don't want to expose it too soon. One day I return to Pangu Universe, and they will know it." Ye Chen had his own plan. He told the three disciples because he trusted them. One.

But if you go back to Pangu Universe, your relatives will be very excited, and maybe even rush to the Primordial Immortal Realm for the first time, then your identity will be easily exposed completely.

At present, he still doesn't want to expose it too soon, unless one day, he also becomes the half-step overlord of Immortal Dao, at that time, he can speak.

"The disciple understands." The three quasi-immortal kings naturally followed Ye Chen's meaning.

"Master, why do you pretend to be a fairy?" The three of them were puzzled. Master clearly possessed half-step overlord-level combat power. Why did he pretend to be a mere immortal, even for tens of thousands of years, he always pretended to be Taikoo. King, surprised them.

"I'm enlightening Dao and Immortal Dharma as a teacher, and practice based on the "General Outline of Immortal Dharma"." Ye Chen said with a smile without concealment.

"Enlightenment of the "General Outline of the Immortal Law"?" The three of them are a little puzzled. The "General Outline of the Immortal Law" is only the most basic cultivation method. Although it is rumored that it was created by the ancestor, it is extremely basic. How to practice seems to be for the master. The half-step overlord is not very useful.

Ye Chen smiled, and there was a wave of extremely powerful fairy lights on his body, containing the strongest chapters of the different Immortal King Scriptures, clearly only at the eternal immortal monarch level, but shining with a terrifying aura that made the three of them feel threatened.

When they learned that Master was based on the "General Outline of Immortal Law" and fused the strongest chapters of all the Great Immortal King Sutras into one, they were shocked, and it was the first time they knew that the "General Outline of Immortal Law" was still like this. The mystery.

""The General Outline of the Immortal Law" is the immortal scripture created by Xianzu. It seems to be the most basic and simple, but in fact it is also broad and profound. It's not a problem to enter the Immortal Venerable." Ye Chen said, and his evaluation of "The General Outline of Immortal Law" was extremely high, which surprised the three quasi-immortal king disciples.

Ye Chen imparted all his experience in the practice of "The General Outline of Immortal Law" to the three disciples and asked them to practice immediately.

The three disciples are all quasi-immortal kings and heirs of the fairy princes. They are extremely talented and extremely advanced in cultivating the Immortal Dao. They have also been taught by Ye Chen. They have a great understanding of "The General Outline of Immortal Law", and they will soon realize the state of Dao today.

As the masters of the three, who have been a hand-shoulder for millions of years, when we met this time, in order to make up for the guilt in his heart, Ye Chen stayed and taught them how to practice.

Since the First World War that day, and the Immortal Great Heavenly Lord personally came to Taiyu Immortal King For a while, the foreign army has not attacked for six thousand years, so Taiyu Immortal King Pass entered a short period of time. Time of peace.

During this period of time, the three quasi-immortal kings practiced the "General Outline of the Immortal Law" and felt profoundly here. It was of great help to Immortal Dao, so that their perception of Immortal Dao was rising steadily, and their realm was high enough, and Ye Chen's With personal guidance, in just a few thousand years, it has become a lot stronger than before, and it has even stepped into the realm of the fairy king with one foot, which is amazing.

I believe that it won't be long before they will all become the fairy king, and if they spread it out, it will inevitably shake the prehistoric fairy world.

The three disciples were very pleasantly surprised. Master is worthy of being one of the most powerful existences in the Chaos Sea, allowing them to set foot in the realm of the Immortal King so quickly. If it were not for Master’s guidance, they believed , Relying on my own perception, I don’t know how long it takes to get to this step.

On this day, Ye Chen said to them: "You have stepped into the realm of the immortal king with one foot. You are already the pinnacle of the quasi-immortal king, and you are also a half-step immortal king. In the battle, it is best to find the eternal giants or the immortal kings to fight, and it is a battle of life and death, which will let you better sense the mysteries of the immortal king level and make it easier to step into the immortal king."

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