Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4139: Xiandao half-step overlord


When father and son met, no one expected to meet on this occasion.

Chihiro was very excited, unbelievable, his father was really still alive.

The family didn't guess wrong, and sure enough, the father could not die and survive again and again.

He could feel that Ye Chen's original aura was undoubtedly sure, and the blood was thicker than water and couldn't be imitated.

On the other hand, he was also shocked by his father's realm. He was an eternal tycoon and Ye Chen's bloodline. He could vaguely sense his father's real realm, and he did not do much better than he did before.

However, the chaos holy soul whose father was reunited is clearly in the chaotic heaven of Pangu universe. It is a half-step overlord-level spirit power, but the father in front of him has the chaotic holy soul no less than the chaotic heaven. Soul power.

If the two holy souls are one, how powerful will the father be?

"You are very good, you have become a giant of the party, and even the Dao of Space and Time has been cultivated to this point, no less than the former Emperor Hunyuan." Ye Chen smiled and said, the eldest son can become a giant of the ages, and it is somewhat beyond him. Unexpected.

Although Qianxun’s talent is very strong, it is only the same as the heirs of Xiandao and the heirs of the Supreme. They are all the heirs of the Dzogchen Supreme Tianjiao. Far away, you can only rely on yourself.

Ye Junlin is special. He inherited his bloodline with Abenu, and became a true chaos dragon no less than the ancestor dragon. He also became a disciple of the emperor. He walked to the place where the emperor was trapped, and experienced countless life and death battles. The passage of time is also different. It was only when the Emperor of Heaven returned that he became a chaotic giant at the first generation level.

But Qianxun is different, being able to become an eternal giant in just two million years is enough to explain his extraordinary.

Qianxun, the venerable War God Emperor of Chaos Sea, scratched his head in embarrassment in front of Ye Chen at this moment.

"This is?" Qianxun looked at the Immortal Great Heavenly Sovereign, and could fully feel the horror of the latter, even though he is now very strong, known as the God of War, but he also asked himself to have a very strong sense of oppression. Obviously, the opponent is very strong, even It is much stronger than the three Immortal King Junior Brothers.

"This is the Immortal Great Heavenly Sovereign, one of the most powerful innate Chaos Demon God in Chaos Sea." Ye Chen introduced Qianxun.

The Immortal Great Tianzun looked at Qianxun with a look of surprise, and sighed: "As expected of his descendants, you are indeed extraordinary. You have the strongest battle body of the eternal giant level, and you have the corresponding realm. At the level of a giant, I am just as good as you."

Regardless of the physical body or the realm, both powerful people who have reached the level of eternal giants, even if they look at the Chaos Sea, looking at the past and present, they are not many.

Such a person already has the strength to challenge the original giants.

When Qianxun learned that the strongest immortal great **** among the first generation giants was actually a follower of his father, he was also shocked, but it was also relieved to think of his father's invincibility.

Probably only a person who is as stunning as his father can conquer such a strong first-generation giant as a follower.

Similarly, knowing that Qianxun, who had been awakened by Ye Chen for tens of thousands of years, looked at his father with a bit of resentment, and blamed him for not giving them these family messages.

Ye Chen shook his head: "The information I returned from the resurrection is too sensitive. If you know it, your emotions will definitely change. And I haven't reached Immortal Dao Consummation yet, and I still have some time to go."

Knowing that his father would also evolve Immortal Dao to a half-step overlord level, Qianxun could not speak for a long time.

This is his father, the invincible Emperor Chaos.

The father and son talked and learned about the current situation of Pangu universe and Chaos Tianfu.

With the return of the Emperor of Heaven, with the seat of this worldly overlord, the Pangu universe is unprecedentedly stable, and the alien ancient universe dare not easily invade.

Moreover, the return of the strongest giants such as the fighting ancestor, the warlord against the sky, the Taisheng Emperor, the time-space great, the Liudao great emperor, for millions of years, the great emperor of the Pangu universe has also returned one after another, making Pangu The universe is getting stronger and stronger.

Especially the two fighting madmen, the ancestor of fighting and the warlord against the sky, more than one committed suicide to the alien ancient universe, and once forcefully killed several alien giants, blood-stained the Chaos Sea, and caused heavy casualties to the alien ancient universe.

In fact, Ye Chen had learned a lot over the years and nodded slightly.

Otherwise, how could he stay in the prehistoric immortal realm for long, instead of going to Pangu universe.

He was relieved to have the Tiandi and others guarding the Pangu universe.

The Chaos Tianfu, under the management of Qianxun, Ye Junlin and others, has flourished for millions of years, and it is even more prosperous than before. It can be said to be incredibly powerful, covering the past and present, and it is difficult to find a few comparable forces.

Faintly, it is called the number one force in the Pangu universe by sentient beings.

Today, the new master of Chaos Tianfu is Ye Junlin, because he is also a giant of Chaos, who is known by the world as the person who has inherited everything Ye Chen perfectly, he is the most suitable for the new master of Chaos Tianfu.

After repeated refusal, Ye Junlin had to assume the responsibility of the new master, but he declared that it was only temporary, and once Ye Chen returned, he immediately gave up.

When asked when Ye Chen would return to Pangu Universe, Ye Chen just replied: "When the time comes, I will go back."

Chihiro didn't ask much, as long as he knew his father was still alive, he was happy.

Although I was very dissatisfied with Ye Chen, Qianxun was not idle, because in the past few years, Chaos Burial Ground has formed an alliance with the ancient alien universe. Under the agitation of the ancient alien universe, Chaos Burial Ground sent a terrifying army and stationed outside Pangu Pass. Second conquest.

Among them, there are several emperors of the eternal giant level, always lingering behind the battlefield, monitoring the Pangu universe.

For this reason, Chihiro fought many times with the Emperor of Chaos Burial Ground, and even almost killed the Emperor of Chaos Burial Ground. Although he was lucky enough to escape, he was called the God of War Emperor.

The entire Chaos Sea recognized that Qianxun was peerlessly powerful, thinking that he would be the second ancestor of fighting.

Qianxun cherishes the time spent with his father Ye Ye Chen also points out some of Qianxun’s practice problems from time to time.

After staying in the prehistoric world for about a month, Qianxun finally returned to Pangu universe.

Ye Chen was still cultivating in the realm of the Primordial Immortal, silently cultivating.

Time is quiet, and another 30,000 years have passed.

During this period of time, Ye Chen also comprehended the "General Outline of the Immortal Law" to the extreme, reaching the level of the Immortal Venerable, no less than the perception of Immortal Dao back then, even higher and more comprehensive.

After that, he combined all the insights of the two cultivations.


This time, Ye Chen’s perception of the immortal Dao reached the most extreme, with a long roar, the immortal light was infinite, the prehistoric immortal realm was shaken, and hundreds of millions of resplendent colors fell down, and countless visions appeared, all of auspicious visions. .

Xiandao, become the half-step overlord!

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