Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4140: Attention from all parties

   Finally, Ye Chen became the half-step overlord of Xiandao!

The endless Rui Cai radiates the entire prehistoric immortal realm, causing countless visions, many times more astonishing than the vision of someone attaining the Tao to become an immortal and becoming a fairy king. Kind of movement.

   The immortal realm is a vast immortal realm, a huge and boundless fairy king realm, various secret realms, billions of sentient beings, at this moment, all raised their heads and looked towards the sky.

   The stars are shining, and the auspicious visions continue.

   The heavenly celestial beings, the quasi-immortal kings, the celestial kings, the celestial beings, including the ancient beings that slept deepest, were all awakened.

  Because that kind of vision originated from the origin of the universe of the prehistoric immortal world, and the vision resonates with all immortal cultivators.

   Even in the deepest part of the Forty-Nine Immortal Pass, the half-step overlords of the Immortal Realm who really dominated the destiny of the Immortal Realm, as well as the immortal ancestor, all reacted and looked towards the outside world.

   "This chaos master is really amazing!" The half-step overlord of Immortal Dao sighed faintly.

  The other half-step overlord with cinnabar on the eyebrows whispered: "Could he be the sixth person in Chaos Sea to achieve the overlord's status?"

   Other immortal half-step overlords also showed complex colors.

   Xianzu didn't say a word, but looked at that direction from a distance, seemingly in a trance.

  East Emperor's Domain, the east emperor looked in the direction of Taiyu Immortal King Pass and smiled.

   After many years, this chaotic half-step overlord finally broke through and became the immortal half-step overlord. In the realm of immortality, he is no less than his oldest immortal.

   Immortal King Taiyu, Immortal King Hao Zun, and Immortal King Jiuyou also felt envy.

   They are still pursuing the Avenue of Immortal Respect, but Ye Chen has also become a half-step overlord in Immortal Dao, and he has to sigh that people are better than others, and they are really angry!

   Final Yan Xian Zun and Wangu City Lord looked at Taiyu Immortal King Pass in the distance. The former gave a wry smile and couldn't help but sigh. The waves behind the Yangtze River pushed the waves forward, and the new generation replaced the old!

  Xuejue Immortal King Realm, Xuejue Immortal King looked at that location in shock, saw the stalwart figure that established the heavens, and was shocked: "It's him!"

   There is a sense of the immortal deity and immortal king. Looking at the Taiyu Immortal King Pass, he knows that the new half-step overlord of the Immortal Dao was promoted at Taiyu Immortal King Pass.

  Many people are speculating, where is the new half-step overlord of immortality?


   Ye Cen became the half-step overlord of Immortal Dao, and the resulting movement was unprecedented.

   Even, the majestic auspicious light rushed out of Taiyu Immortal King Pass, the mighty light shining through the ages and the present, shaking the chaotic sea, and also causing the phantom of the river to emerge.

All the foreign powers stationed in the two great universe battlefields of the immortal world and the foreign race outside the gate of the immortal king of Taiyu were all discolored, especially the foreign tycoon, who was shocked and clearly felt the horror of the visions, he Although he is a generation of eternal giants, he is still far from being able to cause the vastness of the vastness of the chaotic ancient universe as large as the entire prehistoric immortal world.

   That kind of fluctuation is like the fluctuation caused by Oyuan and other half-step overlords when they were born.

   Could it be that a half-step overlord of immortality was born in the prehistoric world?


   At the same time, in the Chaos Sea, the Xeon who was traveling, all clearly sensed the fluctuation.

   Pangu universe, although it is far from the prehistoric immortal world, it is not very far in fact.

   In the universe, the giants such as Tai Sage Emperor, Fighting Saint Ancestor, and Heaven-against Warlord first noticed that because the half-step overlord of Immortal Dao was born, the aura of the entire prehistoric immortal realm was strengthened.

   That's right, the overall aura of the Primordial Immortal Realm is so strong that it is extremely astonishing, because the birth of the half-step overlord has greatly increased the great luck of the immortal realm, resulting in a stronger source of the immortal realm.

   In the Palace of Ziji Lingxiao, the emperor smiled.

  Pangu Pass, Chihiro originally confronted an alien giant. At this moment, feeling the majestic fluctuations of the prehistoric fairy world, he was suddenly surprised: "Could it be—"

   On the other side, the alien ancient universe was naturally aware of it, looking deeply at the prehistoric world of immortality, feeling the majestic nature of the fairy world, and secretly shocked.

   Aoyuan and other half-step overlords of foreign races looked so gloomy that they were dripping.

  In the ancestral temple, the shadow of the first generation is unknown, no one knows what the first person in the alien ancient universe is thinking...

   A new half-step overlord of Immortal Dao was born in Honghuangxianjie, which really shocked so many people.

   is especially eye-catching in this blood-stained era.

  All parties are paying attention to the prehistoric world, many giants are deducing, who is the newly born half-step overlord of the fairy road?

  Yes, the half-step overlord is too powerful, the secret cannot be deduced, even if the half-step overlord is the same, it can't be deduced.


In Taiyu Immortal King Pass, Ye Chen accepted the celestial starry sky of the immortal world and included the auspicious light of the sky. He sensed that he was faintly blessed by the origin of the immortal world, and was irrigated by the origin of the immortal world. Even the soul was also imprinted in the immortal world. The heavens, and even the origin of the fairy world, are no different in the Pangu universe as when they became giants in the past.

However, as the most powerful ancient Chaos universe, the origin of the immortal world is also very close to Ye Chen, the half-step overlord of the chaos, even if he is not a native creature of the immortal world, but because of the chaos attribute, he adds luck to the immortal world, so he irrigates The origin of the massive immortal realm is so large that the prehistoric realm as a whole is slightly weaker.

   Ye Chen took the initiative to cut off this kind of immortal origin irrigation, because the primordial immortal realm was not his and could not be seized. Once too much immortal origin was seized, the few in the deepest part of the forty-nine immortal gate would definitely not give up.

Moreover, he sensed the origin of the immortal realm and imprinted a deep imprint of the immortal ancestor. He didn’t know whether getting too much immortal origin would transfer the imprints of the immortal ancestor to him, and from then on to something Species are controlled.

   Even so, Ye Chen still received the blessing of the extremely energetic immortal realm's original power. It was extremely powerful, suddenly surpassing the immortal, and every gesture seemed to contain the mighty power to kill the immortal king-level existence.

   "Today, I finally became a half-step overlord of Xiandao!"

   Ye Chen showed a ray of smile, and was irrigated by the origin of the Primordial Immortal Realm, which greatly expanded his origin universe, faintly, it was already close to the size of the true ancient Chaos universe.

It’s just that in the original universe, the heavens and the world have not completely evolved, and there is no upper realm. The real creatures are only the world tree, and no real creatures have evolved. The rules of the universe have not been perfected. It can be regarded as the chaotic ancient universe in the true sense.

   But it is also very close.

Once the original universe has completely evolved and perfected into the true ancient chaotic universe, his chaotic power will be able to return. He is the half-step overlord of the Shinto, combined with the half-step overlord of the immortal path, and even the cosmic chaos body and the original universe. The sixth invincible overlord. .

PS: The new book is uploaded today, and I am reading it on QQ. The title of the book is "Urban Immortal Medical Warrior". This time I wrote about the city, the protagonist Qin Wudao, who lives as his name, is a domineering character, very powerful, and I am looking forward to it. A character who is indifferent and unforgiving, but has warmth to the people around him, and returns with a strong personality, and masters the peerless medical skills of life and death.

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