Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4142: Identity exposure

   Silently, an immortal giant of foreign race was killed in this way, his body and spirit were destroyed, and he fell before Qianxun's eyes.

   Rao is that Qianxun knew his father's strength, and never expected that an eternal tycoon who was looking across the chaotic sea and overlooking the past, the present and the future would be easily killed.

   Even if it is him, he has faced off with this alien eternal giant for many thousands of years, and has been unable to successfully kill the opponent.

   Right now, just like that.

   Ye Chen lifted his palm and instantly annihilated all the visions, so that these visions disappeared before they could spread smoothly.

   Moreover, he mastered chaos and changed the chaos rules so that everyone in the alien border not far away could not notice that a strong eternal giant had quietly died.

   Ye Chen grabbed the void, the eternal body of this alien eternal giant was caught by him in the air, and came to Pangu Pass.

   "Father, you are finally back." Chihiro was surprised and happy, and hurried up to hug his father.

Ye Chen also hugged the eldest son, patted him on the shoulder, threw the eternal body of the foreign giant, and smiled: "This can be regarded as a meeting gift for you by your father. After refining it, it should make you a fighting master. Go further."

   Chihiro was very pleasantly surprised, this is simply a great meeting ceremony.

It is known to the world that he witnessed Dao becoming emperor in his flesh and became an eternal tycoon. The most powerful one has been this unparalleled battle body. Among the eternal tycoons of the same level, he is invincible, even if the innate Chaos Demon God is in the flesh. In terms of it, it is not as good.

Refining the eternal body of an alien giant, the eternal origin is enough to make Qianxun's fighting eucharist go a step further and reach a higher level. At that time, there will even be a certain chance to reach the invincible body of the first generation giant. It is not impossible for the first-generation giants.

   But he suppressed the excitement in his heart, and said: "Father, mother, and younger brothers and sisters have been waiting for you for a long time. Go back quickly."

   Qianxun met with Ye Chen in the prehistoric immortal realm, but the other family members did not know that Ye Chen had returned in this way, and had been silently guarding him by the chaos holy soul that was reunited in the past.

   If it weren't for fear of the leak of the news, he would have told him the first time he returned to Pangu Universe.

"Will do."

   Thinking of his family, Ye Chen was also quite guilty. After all, even after he was reborn, he still never went back to Pangu Universe directly, so that he didn't want the alien ancient universe to know the news of his rebirth.

   Now that Xian Dao has become a half-step overlord, he is no longer fearless and returns with the world-class combat power.

He glanced at Pangu Pass. Pangu Pass is now extremely strong, far better than in the past. It is not known how many times, because there are many blessings from the strongest giants, and there is also the Heavenly Emperor, the overlord who personally arranges the formation of blessings. Therefore, even if you are alone The half-step overlord of's can't even break the opening of the ancient pass, unless multiple half-step overlords come out together, and all of them blast off the pass, it is possible to break the opening of the ancient pass.

   Ye Chen also put away the idea of ​​blessing Pangu Pass, took a step forward, and left Pangu Pass instantly and entered the Pangu universe.

   "Little friend!"

   For the first time, a soundtrack sounded in his mind. Needless to say, it must be the Emperor of Heaven.

In today’s world, apart from the highest level of invincible hegemony like Emperor Shechotian, in addition to the half-step hegemony level such as Fighting Saint Ancestor, Supreme Sage Emperor, Defying Warlord, Human Emperor, etc., it cannot be discovered immediately. .

   "Senior Tiandi!"

   Ye Chen also responded.

   "Little friend Ye Chen!"


Afterwards, a series of sound transmissions continued to resonate in his mind. Obviously, Fighting Saint Ancestor and others also sensed the arrival of Ye Chen one by one. After all, this is the Pangu universe, the mother universe they were born into, and it can be connected to the origin of the universe. , Anyone can feel it when entering.

   Ye Chen's return, they naturally found out, and there were surprise voices.

   "Just come back, I have been waiting for your return."

   The heavenly emperor's voice sounded through his mind with a laugh.

   "Little guy, I didn't expect you to be resurrected elsewhere, hey, the half-step overlord of Xiandao, it's amazing!"

   "It is worthy of being the most critical person. Not only has he resurrected, but he has also become a half-step overlord of Xiandao. I am not as good as waiting!"

   Several Pangu Universe Half-Step Overlords also discovered Ye Chen's Xiandao Half-Step Overlord Qi machine one by one, and were shocked.

   "Seniors are interested. After gathering with family members later, I will visit you seniors one by one!"

   Ye Chen thanked them one by one, and at the same time, came to Chaos Tianfu.

   "Hey, there are so many more formation patterns, there is no lack of giant-level formation patterns, even if the first generation giants want to break into Chaos Tianfu silently, it is not that easy."

   Ye Chen screamed, and in a flash, he saw countless insights and revealed a smile.

   On the other hand, it also proved the prosperous power of Chaos Tianfu.

After so many tens of thousands of years of development, Chaos Tianfu’s unprecedented heyday has surpassed all forces in the Pangu universe, even including the Heavenly Court rebuilt by the Emperor, the Fighting Temple rebuilt by the Fighting Ancestor, etc. Perhaps the highest level is not as good as , But under the peak combat power, it is not as good as Chaos Tianfu.

Now, who presides over Chaos Tianfu is Ye Chen’s young cotyledon Ye Junlin. When he returned with the Emperor of Heaven a million years ago, he was already a giant of the first generation. Now a million years have passed, only strong but not weak. The cultivation base became more and more unfathomable.

Naturally, these formations of Chaos Tianfu can't stop Ye Chen at all, not to mention that he is a half-step overlord, and the formations are basically arranged by Ye Junlin, dominated by chaos, and Ye Chen is the highest achiever of Chaos Sea Chaos Avenue. , Don't stop.

   silently, passed through the dense and innumerable avenue pattern, and entered the Chaos Tianfu.


   It’s just that the Chaos Tianfu suddenly shook, and Ye Junlin, who was sitting in the Chaos Tian Palace, noticed it for the first time and shouted: "Where can the rats dare to break into the Chaos Tianfu!"

The monstrous majesty flooded the boundless chaos Tianfu endless palace, and also shocked the strongest of the immortal palaces. There are dazzling emperor lights rushing into the sky at a time, and the heavens of the chaotic Tianfu are all shocked. There are also several eternal giants. He opened his glaring eyes and scanned the Chaos Tianfu.

Just now, in the Chaotian Temple of Chaos Tianfu, the Chaos Holy Soul of the Chaos Tianfu was stored. The soul power is unparalleled in the world. Although it is still sleeping, once the unpredictable strongest enters the Chaos Tianfu, it will be affected by that invincible chaos. The holy soul sensed it, causing ripples of soul power.

   This scene made Ye Chen dumbfounded. He had just returned, but he inadvertently caused the former Chaos Holy Spirit to resonate, causing huge fluctuations. .

   so much so that he was exposed.

   With a bitter smile, Ye Chen could only get to the top of the Chaos Tianfu, looking at the figure of the strongest Tianfu rushing from all sides, and the first to bear the brunt was the chaotic giant Ye Junlin.

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