Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4143: See you forever

Ye Junlin looks like a young young man in his early twenties, with hundreds of thousands of ancient chaos aura hanging over his body, looming in the heavens and worlds, like the supreme ruler of the worlds, on the highest point of the sky of Chaos Tianfu, Yuanzhu Yue Zhi, there are strands of Qi in his body, each strand is enough to crush the ages, can make the supreme bow his head and teach all living beings to worship!

   Behind him, there also appeared a supreme figure, either the ancient emperor, or the great emperor, and even quasi-giant and even other giants.

   The emperor and the princes of the ancient times are even more visible.

   Almost, the entire Chaos Tianfu strongest person is out.

I have to admit that the current Chaos Tianfu is indeed the most powerful. There are countless powerful people. There are more than 30 ancient emperors at the supreme level, which is amazing. Compared with the past myth, the Pangu universe is reborn. The era is even more powerful.

   is no less than a chaotic ancient universe.

   Ye Junlin is the current palace lord of Chaos Tianfu, and has been in charge of Chaos Tianfu for millions of years.

  At this moment, he personally went out, and made the strong hearts of Chaos Tianfu feel the great horror of trespassers. If it is not an ordinary person, how can he pass through the heavy array pattern silently, how can he shock the strongest Ye Junlin himself?

Not far away, the goddess, Yiwu, Chen'er, Yuqing, Abenu and other mistresses of Tianfu also appeared. In addition, several heirs such as Yaya, Chenxi, and Ye Jing also appeared, all of them are powerful. Extremely.

   There are so many powerful people out, if it weren't for the chaos of heaven, it would be enough to make the entire Pangu universe into chaos of ancient and modern times.

   But, even so, in the worlds of the heavens, other supreme or above powerhouses, all felt the shock of the Chaos Tianfu, and looked at the Chaos Tianfu one after another.

In the Chaos Tianfu, Ye Junlin stared coldly at the figure in the sky above the talent that enveloped the phantom of the universe, and felt the unfathomableness of the other party, if it weren't for the half-step overlord chaos holy soul of his father's previous years, it always enveloped the whole seat Because of Chaos Tianfu, as powerful as him, the first generation giants could not perceive the intrusion of the opponent. It is conceivable that this is definitely an unfathomable existence.

   But, for some reason, when he looked at the person in front of him, he felt a throbbing feeling of blood trembling.

   At the same time, Chen Xi and Ye Jing also emerged.

   Zhao Jingruo, Yi Wu, Chen'er, Yuqing, Abenu, Yaya looked at the mysterious person, and they felt a special heartfelt throbbing feeling.

   can't be said to be fear, but a very special feeling, as if this person is very important to them.

   "I said, I finally came back, are you doing this to me?"

   The human figure shrouded in the phantom of the universe spoke a little bit of helplessly, making the entire Chaos Heavenly House all the powers slightly startled.

   Finally come back?

What does    mean?

   It’s just that Ye Junlin, Zhao Jingruo and the others were suddenly shocked. They were as powerful as them, and they couldn’t stop the shaking of their bodies. It was not fear, but a kind of excitement, looking at each other in disbelief. Is it him?

   The phantom of the universe is dissipating, revealing a figure, abundance of gods like jade, which is different from the perfection of the past, but the most familiar original aura from the depths of the soul cannot be changed anyway.

   The familiar smile, as always.

   Like old friends Yiyi, Corpse Devourer, Will, King of War, etc., but they are very familiar, because this is clearly the appearance of Ye Chen before it was transformed to the most perfection.

   It is really him, Ye Chen is back!

"is that true?"

   Ye Junlin and the others wanted to believe, but they couldn't believe it. They looked at Ye Chen, and then at the strong chaotic holy soul. They were still rushing through waves of soul power.

   Father’s true Chaos Soul is still here, but who is this person who gave them such a familiar feeling?

   Ye Chen smiled helplessly, then yelled: "Stop!"

   The monstrous spirit power suddenly disappeared.

   Let the spirit power of the half-step overlord level disappear, this hand, even if other half-step overlords come, can't imagine that it is so easy to do, unless the real Ye Chen deity comes.

   There is no doubt that he is the real Ye Chen.





   A group of figures rushed over like lightning. It was Zhao Jingruo, Yi Wu, Ye Junlin, and other family members, and they arrived with excitement.

   The real Ye Chen is back.

   Sure enough, he is not dead, he has always been like this, and he can always perform miracles and resurrect again and again.

   This time too.

   Yiyi and other familiar friends also rushed over, very excited.

   Other people in Chaos Tianfu looked in their eyes and were dumbfounded. He was the invincible Chaos Emperor of the past?

   Yes, what is the Soul of the Chaos Emperor in Chaos Tianfu?

   When my family meets, I always feel so moved and cry.

   Ye Chen was very guilty, because he did this more than once. Fortunately, his family always forgave himself.

   Ye Chen flashed with his family and old friends, and then they came to the Chaos Temple. The other Chaos Tianfu's strongest people received Ye Junlin's message, and they all returned to the Tian Temple.

   However, it is destined to cause an uproar.

   Before Ye Chen was reunited with his family, there was a loud bang, and there was an invincible giant descending in Chaos fighter planes were terrifying and terrifying.

It is indeed the Emperor of War. Millions of years have passed, and he finally took that step. He finally made a leap from the extreme quasi-giant and became the invincible strongest of the first generation giants. Because of the abnormal changes in the Chaos Tianfu, he deliberately went forward. Come.

  Because the Emperor of War has a close relationship with Chaos Tianfu, there is no need to wait for Chaos Tianfu to open, and you can enter directly.

   In desperation, Ye Chen had to show up and greet him personally.

   "Are you Ye Chen?" The Emperor looked at Ye Chen in surprise, and sensed his original aura.

   "It's me, senior war emperor." Ye Chen smiled.

   just wanted to ask, at this time, the emperor also got the voice of the master, the warlord against the sky, and was truly convinced of Ye Chen's identity.

  He might be wrong, but Master and other half-step overlords, and even the Emperor of Heaven, would confirm that they were wrong.

   "Get together again in the future." It can be seen that Ye Chen has just returned. Without disturbing his gathering with his family, the Emperor of War laughed and turned away happily.

   The family gathered in the Chaos Temple, and even Ye Chen's parents were brought over.

   After all, they are Ye Chen's parents, and the descendants of Ye Junlin who are in charge of Chaos Tianfu naturally did not hesitate to waste countless resources. Even though Ye Chen's parents are ordinary aptitudes, two Primordial Kings have now emerged.

   This is because the time is still short. After a few thousand years, it is not impossible to pile up the emperor, even the supreme.

   Of course, the cost must be huge, no less than cultivating a true eternal giant. .

   But Chaos Tianfu has this capital.

  I never stingy with my family.

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