Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4147: Inner throbbing

  Nine Immortal King Passes of the Eastern Imperial Realm, each immortal king pass has immortal kings, immortal sovereigns and other supreme giants in the immortal world, looking at the direction of the ancient alien universe, revealing a solemn color.

   End Yan Xianzun, this immortal world's world-class immortal is also there, his expression is also extremely solemn.

Beside   , the Lord of the Ancient City is also there.

   The sudden action of the ancient alien universe has aroused great attention from the entire prehistoric immortal world, and even the Donghuang, the half-step overlord of the immortal road, has also come to him, and the immortal power is the world, and the entire eastern emperor is vast.

   At the same time, the chaotic ancient universes in the Chaos Sea, as well as the chaotic primitive worlds and secrets with supreme powers, quasi-giants, eternal giants, and first-generation giants, are closely watching.

   There are celestial races, eternal celestial realms, and the most mysterious and powerful origin holy races.

   Countless eyes fell on the ancient alien universe.

   The Ancient Alien Universe suddenly collapsed Tianjue Ancient Universe, and the seven giants dragged them back. What was the fundamental purpose?

  The sudden move to suddenly attack Tian Jue Gu Universe is everyone's doubt.

  No one would believe that the Alien Ancient Universe would attack Tianjue Ancient Universe for no reason.

However, without revealing any purpose, even if he didn’t even bother to declare so-called hatred or other reasons, he suddenly attacked Tianjuegu Universe, which would inevitably arouse the attention of the entire Chaos Sea, and even cause a group of people. Attack it.

   For Shidai, the biggest black hand in history, this should not be the case.

   However, the ancient alien universe is very peaceful, except that this strongest ancient universe is stirring the Chaos Sea and forming a terrible Chaos Sea destroying storm, there is nothing to explain.

   It seems to be commonplace to break a chaotic ancient universe.

   "What is the intention of the foreign race to destroy the ancient universe?"

   In a chaotic ancient universe, the eternal giant who dominates this chaotic ancient universe stands at the origin of the universe, looking at the destroyed Tianjue ancient universe, revealing a strong color of fear.

  On the overall background, it is nothing more than the Tianjue Ancient Universe.

   Tian Jue Ancient Universe was suddenly destroyed, how could it be calm.

   At the same time, other Chaos Ancient Universes with similar strengths are also the same, one by one is worried.

   "Foreign race, is it really the source of the blood-stained future?"

   In another ancient chaotic universe, the overall aura is far stronger than that of the Tian Jue ancient universe, because the strongest person in this ancient chaotic universe is not other people, but the famous emperor.

   God emperor, the half-step overlord of the mighty Chaos Sea, powerful and incomparably powerful, the emperor who dared to fight against the ancestors in the past, also dared to kill foreign giants.

   Under the leadership of the **** emperor, this chaotic ancient universe is also extremely powerful, and many giants have been born, including the first generation giants.

   However, facing the alien ancient universe's actions, as strong as the **** emperor, the invincible ancient and modern, he also looked extremely solemn at this moment.

   On the other side, he has long returned to the former status of giants, and the eternal emperor of the eternal emperor, the same is true.

  No one can keep his heart as calm as water.

   Especially when a chaotic ancient universe is suddenly destroyed.

   In the sea of ​​chaos, a total of seven forty-nine chaotic ancient universes were born from ancient to modern times, and a dozen of them collapsed due to various reasons throughout the ages.

   So far, the most powerful ancient Chaos universe, if it is considered the three ancient universes of the Primordial Immortal Realm, the Alien Ancient Universe, and the Pangu Universe, there are invincible overlords and many half-step overlords and supreme giants.

Of course, the Chaos Ancient Universe of the Universe is also one of them. Universe is one of the five great overlords. Even the Primordial Immortal Realm, the Alien Ancient Universe, and the Pangu Universe are unwilling to easily provoke them. They all know that the Universe Emperor is completely dependent on daily life. Mastering the Chaos Ancient Universe is prestigious, but the strongest of the three ancient universes knows that the emperor of the universe was cultivated by the Pangu Axe. Even without the Chaos Ancient Universe, he still has the invincible combat power that surpasses the Chaos Sea.

As for other ancient chaotic universes, the strongest ones are the **** emperor, eternal emperor eternal, etc., who have half-step overlords. There are only a handful of these types, and they are pitifully rare. It is extremely great that other ancient chaotic universes can have the first generation giants. It's amazing, some even have only one eternal giant sitting here, such as Tianjuegu Universe.

   But even half-step overlords such as the God Emperor and the Great Heavenly Venerable Emperor are in danger, because the Eight Desolate Ancient Universes had the half-step overlord Hantian the Great, but in the end, the universe collapsed and the race was charred.

   Wouldn't you worry about the weaker Chaos Ancient Universe?

   Of course, there are also those who are not afraid of it, such as the origin holy race.

The origin of the holy race is still very mysterious, but it is not afraid of any forces in the world, including the prehistoric immortal world and the alien ancient universe, because the origin of the holy race comes from the place of origin, and the ancestor of the origin holy race is with the emperor, the first generation, The overlord of the world, the immortal ancestor and the emperor of the universe, once ruled the Chaos Sea for endless years.

   The origin of the holy race has always been high above, indifferently overlooking the various actions of the entire Chaos Sea.

   Pangu closed, Ye Chen's expression was solemn, he loomed an extremely terrifying Dao Qi, and said in a deep voice, "What is the real plan of the Alien Ancient Universe? Is it really the source of the blood-stained future?"

The blood-stained future, everything is destroyed, no one can escape it. The blood-stained future he saw, the ancient universe of the heavens has been destroyed, even if the heavenly overlords such as the emperor and the ancestor have disappeared, the first generation is suspected No longer, everything was buried, only himself was left, and one or two heirs survived by chance.

He only knew that Alien Ancient Universe had been planning an unknown plan forever, but he didn't know what the real plan was. The plans he knew before are basically just hearsay, not necessarily. Really.

   Even if he had captured many supreme powerhouses of foreign races, including the eternal giants, and personally searched for their souls, the relevant information has never really been obtained.

   It is conceivable that the foreign race has always hidden the most confidential information, even the eternal giants cannot understand this most important information.

   I’m afraid that even the first generation giants don’t understand clearly, only the half-step overlord is qualified to know.

   It can be seen that the plan of the alien ancient universe is definitely not simple.

Tai Sheng Emperor, Fighting Saint Ancestor, Defying Warlord, Time and Space Emperor, Human Emperor, Liu Dao Emperor and other extremely ancient and supreme giants are all present. They have crossed the ages, and have fought countless times with alien ancient universes throughout the ages. Even the Great Emperor Liu Dao did not hesitate to bear infamy in the past, even his own heirs were concealed, and he sacrificed, just to hide his identity, hiding in the alien ancient universe as an undercover, and becoming an absolute high-level superior.

   But even the Six Dao Emperors shook their heads at this moment, undercover for an entire era, sacrificed their children, paid a lot, and still never got the real secret. I don’t know what the real plan of the ancient alien universe is.

  Perhaps, from the very beginning, the ancient universe of the alien race had never trusted the Six Dao Emperors.

   Inexplicably, Ye Chen felt the throbbing, which originated from the depths of his soul, looking at the origin of the alien ancient universe, and there was a wave that throbbed his soul. .

   He didn't know what it was, but he knew that these throbbing originated in the ancestral temple of the first generation.

   That ancestral temple, or Shidai, what was happening, made him so throbbing.

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