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Xiaoyueyue’s new book "Urban Immortal Medical Warrior" has been uploaded for a week. This time it’s the beginning of the city. The protagonist is Qin Wudao, but I am innocent, a domineering male protagonist, much more domineering than Ye Chen .

The same is the reincarnation of a strong man, but this protagonist is much more powerful than Ye Chen. Before he reincarnated, he was a world-renowned medical immortal. He was both excellent in medicine and military. The characters ask him for medical treatment and owe him a lot, such as trillions of wealth, such as a thousand-year-old castle, and so on.

He is also the undefeated God of War across the world, the first person in the gods list, raising his hand to suppress the other nine gods list masters.

Reincarnation and rebirth, directly obtained the golden pill of Hunyuan before the death of the previous life, and became the rank of the gods in one fell swoop, directly simplifying the many processes of cultivation and upgrading, making the plot rhythm faster and more enjoyable.

Of course, there is no shortage of pretending to slap your face.

The protagonist will also use the forces of the previous life to rise quickly and be invincible.

This book has been prepared for a long time, and I have written it very carefully. Now it has 50,000 characters and is a little fat. I want to collect it and recommend it in a brazen way~

Here is also something to say in my heart.

To be honest, although I have said several times when the "Eternal Saint Emperor" will end, and in the end, I missed the appointment time and time again and said sorry. In the final analysis, the reason is that the new book has not been approved by the editor.

Without the approval of the editor, for us authors, the old book cannot be finished, because once the old book is finished, it basically means that there is no income.

Without income, parents will be forced to work.

So generally speaking, unless it is the kind of super hot, super awesome god, will finish old books, and then rest for a few months before opening new books.

Of course, I'm not a super **** at that level, so I can only seamlessly connect new and old books. When the new books are released, well, the old books can be finished with peace of mind.

This is also the only way for many authors.

Many people think that I want to procrastinate. It is undeniable that I have procrastination, but "Eternal Emperor" has been written for nearly five years. Five years have been a long time for you. It is also a long time for me, and now I am too Without the original passion, to be able to update every day, I just don't want to stop updating, at least still maintain an attitude of continuous updating.

Therefore, I hope that readers can give more support to the new book "Urban Immortal Medical Warrior", the new book is up, um, the old book can be over with peace of mind, and I don’t want to write in two open words. It is a kind of waiting for you, for me. Isn't it also a kind of suffering?

So, here, Xiaoyueyue urges readers to move to the new book "Urban Immortal Medical Warrior", click on the upper right corner to view the details of the book, and then drag to the bottom there will be my other, click in, bookmark it, and vote for a recommendation. , Give a reward, write a book review to be active, try to get a better result on the shelves of new books, don't ask to compare with those super gods, at least not so ugly, right?

Xiaoyueyue is here to thank you, everyone!

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Net mobile version reading URL:

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