Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4149: Who is he?

In the original ancestral temple of the ancient alien universe, the two figures stood side by side, and in this way, Ye Chen's mortal blow against the seven giants of the alien race was destroyed.

Ye Chen's expression changed drastically, not only because Shidai made the shot, but also because of the chaotic figure next to Shidai.

That figure, concealing hundreds of thousands of ancient chaos, concealing the heavens, stepping on the long river of years, holding the emperor sword, standing side by side with the most terrifying black hand in history, looking at himself.

Across the ancient chaos, Ye Chen could see the complex eyes of the other party.

What changed Ye Chen the most was that the chaotic figure made himself feel inexplicable heart palpitations.

Is this the one who made the three of them throb?

Who the **** is it?

Especially the other party is stepping on the long river of time, as if it is not this time and space, which reminds him a lot, is it coming from the blood-stained future, the future supreme self, or the future Ye Junlin crossing time and space.

However, the blood stained future is not blocked, how did it come?

In the midst of Ye Chenhuang's god, Ao Yuan had already arrived, and he shot Ye Chen in the air.

In this way, the two half-step overlords fought in the Chaos Sea, and the influence was extremely huge.

Ye Chen looked cold and couldn't understand the truth. This time, he wanted to know the truth.

Whether it is the future self or the future Ye Junlin, who has crossed time and space to return to this life, why find Shidai, and stand side by side with Shidai, even preventing his own shot.

There must be a big reason.

"Oyuan, get out of me if you don't want to die!"

Ye Chen yelled, his whole body shining with unparalleled fairy light, the power of the half-step overlord of the immortal path bloomed, and the mighty chaotic sea changed the colors of all parties. Only then did I remember that the new half-step overlord who was born not long ago in the wild immortal world was originally the Chaos Emperor .

Chaos Tiandi not only reborn and returned, but also achieved half-step overlord fruit in the realm of immortality. What an amazing achievement. Throughout the ages, no one has been able to achieve half-step overlord fruit at the same time as Shinto and Immortal, because it is too difficult.

Chaos Emperor, can be said to be the double half-step overlord, and should be the most powerful half-step overlord in history, right?

It’s just amazing that they can all feel the mighty power of the immortal Dao on the Chaos Emperor, but the power of the divine Dao is minimal. Why doesn’t the chaotic emperor use the power of the Shen Dao half-step overlord?

However, how could they know that it was not that Ye Chen didn’t want to use it, but that he couldn’t use it. The Tao fruit of the half-step overlord of the divine Dao would provide for the original universe and let the original universe evolve into a true ancient chaotic universe. Master again.

Otherwise, Ye Chen, who has a double half-step overlord Dao Guo, would not be impossible even if he killed Ao Yuan, the alien half-step overlord.

"Yes, since my Shendao Half-Step Overlord Dao Guo can support the Origin Universe, why can't the Immortal Dao Half Step Overlord Dao Guo support the Origin Universe?"

During the battle between Ye Chen and Aoyuan, he could still think about this issue in a distracted manner.

The power of the divine way supports the origin universe, and it is very likely that once the origin universe is completely perfected, people can only practice divine way.

But if the power of the immortal Dao supports the original universe, can immortals and gods be one body, so that the creatures born in the future can innately cultivate the immortal and **** two ways?

I have to say that this is a viable path.

But for now, Ye Chen couldn't experiment, because he still needed to use the power of Immortal Dao's half-step overlord Dao Guo to fight Ao Yuan.


In a single thought, Ye Chen directly mastered the realms, it was the power of the chaos controller, the power of the chaos sea that controlled these realms, the chaos sea was his home field, and the power of the half-step overlord of the immortal way suppressed the Oyuan.

Even if he was as strong as Aoyuan, he was horribly suppressed, and his expression changed slightly, as if these several realms turned into a large mountain and suppressed him, including the soul, and was greatly restricted!


Ye Chen drank softly, that great chaotic cauldron was radiant to the extreme, as if it was burning, with hundreds of millions of flames of chaos, and every inch of it was flaming like the sun of immortality, containing the destructive power of penetrating the ancient universe of chaos. A touch is enough. Destroying the eternal giants, fell from the sky, and smashed heavily towards Aoyuan.

Aoyuan's face changed drastically, only a million years ago, this Chaos Heavenly Emperor was not only reborn, but also better than before.

He did not dare to neglect. On the one hand, he called on other half-step overlords to come for reinforcements. On the other hand, he raised his exclusive war soldiers, collapsed hundreds of thousands of ways, shattered the sea of ​​chaos, collapsed the realm, and took the initiative. Meet up.


The vast chaotic sea, which is as vast as a realm, is directly into the sky. This is the horror of two half-step overlords. If it falls in the ancient chaotic universe, it will inevitably cause the collapse of the upper realm, the annihilation of the universe, and the great destruction of the stars. Waiting for the terrible scene is no less than the myth of the Pangu universe that was shattered.

Ao Yuan's figure flew wildly, he was naturally not Ye Chen's opponent.

The chest collapsed, and a lot of blood splashed.

Ye Chen didn't take advantage of the victory, because he knew how difficult it was to kill a half-step overlord, even now he couldn't do it, it would only waste time.

He summoned the Great Cauldron of Chaos and directly slammed the seven giants of foreign races. On the other hand, his deity refers to the ancient universe of foreign races, and more accurately refers to the original generation in the origin of the universe and the long river of time. The chaotic figure had an unusually cold expression.

This time, even if Shidai or the chaotic figure stepping on the long river of years made a move, he was confident that he could stop it.

"The Emperor Chaos, I didn't expect you to be alive!"

Silently, two extremely terrifying figures also appeared in the Chaos Sea, resisting the Great Chaos Cauldron. They were the other two half-step overlords of alien races who had besieged Ye Chen back then and met again after a hundred years.

"It's you, I didn't expect all to come!"

Ye Chen coldly swept over the three half-step overlords of the three alien races, including Aoyuan, and saw that the seven giants of the alien race escaped once again, dragging the ancient universe of Tian Jue to return to the ancient alien universe, and he couldn't help but frown slightly.

At the same time, the three half-step overlords will be dragged back to Tianjue Ancient Universe. What is the purpose of Alien Ancient Universe?

It is impossible for Ren Yechen to think about it.

Of course, he didn't bother to think about it, and just asked directly with force.

"Although you are strong, you are still not the opponent of the three of us!"

An alien half-step overlord spoke indifferently.

"It is indeed a bit difficult to be one enemy three, but you and the Mo Daozi who was killed by me were still unable to kill me. Now what can you do to kill me?" Ye Chen said indifferently. He didn't care about the threat of the three half-step overlords at all. To be honest, facing the three, he had to admit that there was a lot of pressure. Even now, he could hardly be the opponent of the three half-step overlords.

But it was extremely difficult to really want to kill him.

Even if Shidai made a move, Ye Chen believed that once Shidai dared to do it, the Emperor of Heaven would definitely not sit idly by.

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