Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4150: Eternal Killing Array 1

Facing the three half-step overlords of the alien race, Ye Chen had no fear at all, and he firmly believed that there would be no accident.

Pangu universe is the biggest backer.

Aoyuan and other three half-step overlords looked gloomy, but they had to admit that Ye Chen's words were true. At this point, it was difficult to completely kill Ye Chen, the Chaos Emperor.

Ao Yuan said indifferently: "I can't kill you, but it's not that I can't suppress you and let you stay completely."

While they were speaking, the three half-step overlords of alien races showed a triangle surrounding the situation, completely surrounding Ye Chen.

"Then give it a try." Ye Chenwei is not afraid. It's really about this step. Don't forget that Pangu universe also has the fighting ancestor, the supreme emperor, the warlord against the sky, the emperor of time and space, the emperor of humans, the emperor of Liudao, etc. The strongest giants are there, and the current alien ancient universe really can't keep him.

"Suppress him!"

Ao Yuan opened his mouth and moved at the same time as the other two alien half-step overlords, and they killed Ye Chen together. Suddenly, the extremely terrifying power of destruction exploded, flooding many realms and directly hit Ye Chen.

Ye Chen was not afraid, just to use the three half-step overlords of alien races to explore the current level of his highest combat power.

It should be known that he can now use the power of the immortal half-step overlord, the cosmic chaos body, the power of the original universe, the Trinity, and the level of combat power that can be exerted. Even he does not know what level of combat power can be. To be stronger.

As for how strong it is, it needs to be verified.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

The vast and boundless territories were directly knocked down, and the eight wildernesses were destroyed. The world and the world derived from the chaos that originally existed in these territories were destroyed one after another.

Even if some worlds, such as the Primordial Chaos World, gave birth to the supreme, or even the quasi-giant, they couldn't protect them, and if they were not careful, they would fall into complete destruction.

Several half-step overlord-level battles are really terrifying to the point of shaking the entire Chaos Sea, and the battles again and again will sink a realm and destroy the boundless world.

Just aftermath, even the giants of the ages are in danger of perishing.

That level is already at the peak of the Chaos Sea, but no one can surpass it except for the five great overlords.

All parties in the Chaos Sea are watching this battle in the distance, shocked by the power of the half-step overlord, far surpassing the giants, even the first-generation giants or the Xianzun, there is a huge gap.

At Pangu Pass, Ye Junlin, Qianxun and others were very worried. His father alone fought against the three half-step overlords of the foreign race. It was really dangerous again and again. Qianxun directly addressed the time and space emperor, the ancestor of fighting, the warlord against the sky and others: " I also invite Master and Senior to help my father."

Ye Junlin also said to the emperor who is still entrenched in the center of Pangu Universe: "Please also ask Master to help my father."

Fighting Saint Ancestor shook his head and said: "You don't need to take action. Your father is only testing where his own combat power has taken. Back then, he was the four and a half step overlord of the alien race and it was difficult to kill. What's more, he now, you Don't worry, if something happens, how can we sit back and ignore it."

Upon hearing this, Ye Junlin, Qianxun and others couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Similarly, he was also shocked by his father's boldness, who dared to fight against the three half-step overlords of the foreign race alone, just to test his own combat effectiveness.

The Supreme Sage Emperor said with a serious face: "Your father is really strong, and his current strength is stronger than the average half-step overlord, but the most feared is that there are other ancient half-step overlords in the alien ancient universe that have never appeared. ."

Ye Junlin and others changed color: "There are other half-step overlords in the alien ancient universe?"

"Naturally, the background of the ancient alien universe is far beyond your imagination. Otherwise, after the original holy race ruled the Chaos Sea, why could the alien ancient universe destroy other ancient Chaos universes again and again while the Primordial Immortal Realm was still dominating the Chaos Sea? My Pangu universe has created a myth that has shattered." The Time and Space Emperor said in a deep voice, and so far no one knows how unfathomable the ancient alien universe is.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

Here, Ye Chen struggled to kill the three half-step overlords of the three alien races, killing the world and breaking the ground, and even the aftermath of the battle caused the relatively nearby Chaos Ancient Universe to be impacted, and was smashed away to the farther depths of the Chaos Sea.

I have to say that his combat power is unparalleled in the world, and all parties are shocked by the chaotic ancient universe.

After a lapse of millions of years, the Chaos Emperor has not only reborn against the sky and returned, but also has more combat power than before.

The three half-step overlords of alien races could not help Ye Chen for a while.

Ye Chen's fist was shining, carrying the most terrifying power of the immortal half-step overlord, the power of the cosmic chaotic body, and the power of the original universe, the three of them, penetrated everything, and fell heavily on an alien half-step overlord.

In the loud bang, the foreign half-step overlord's defenses collapsed, and Ye Chen's fist directly penetrated his chest, piercing the front and back, bringing endless blood to spill.

But Ye Chen didn’t feel good, because this alien half-step overlord was also a ruthless character. He didn’t hesitate to be pierced by Ye Chen’s chest, raised the soldiers, and pierced Ye Chen’s abdomen. Although there was no piercing, it also cut a line. Deeply visible bone wounds.

At the same time, Aoyuan and another alien half-step overlord simultaneously fought together, causing Ye Chen to suffer serious damage, and blood was spilled all over without money.

"It's an opportunity, let's take action together, and offer the first kill array!"

Suddenly, an alien half-step overlord opened his mouth and glanced at the other two half-step overlords such as Ao Yuan. A magic circle burst out of each body and quickly merged into a more complex and boundless killing circle. The array patterns are extremely complex, seeming to envelop the heavens and all the ways, smelt everything, and encompass the entire boundary and other boundless vast areas, including Ye Chen.

This killing array blooms with endless killing such as the light of killing, the killing of giants, the power of the universe, and other terrifying killing intents are emerging, coming from all directions, endless, Flooded Ye Chen in the killing array.

Their murderous voice came out: "Emperor Chaos, although you are strong, but after entering this eternal extinction array, if you are a half-step overlord, you are bound to perish. This is the most important thing in the history of the overlord. Strong kill formation!"

The Eternal Extinction Array can be called the first killing array in ancient and modern times.

Even when the myth was shattered, the ancient universe of alien races had been sacrificed to the Emperor of Heaven.

This matter was not known to the participants of the year, because this killing array was so fierce and so famous that in the end, the emperor was almost trapped in this killing array.

Now the sacrifice is specifically aimed at Ye Chen.

Ye Chen's expression sank slightly, but the whole body was shining with infinitely flaming chaotic fairy light, and there was a phantom of the universe appearing, as if the entire ancient chaotic universe was evolving, being supported by life and life, and hitting the eternal life heavily. Extinction Array.

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