Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4152: the dead

   The Chaos Sea shook, and countless eyes all cast their eyes to the Pangu Universe, or to be more accurate, to the Pangu Pass.

   Visible to the naked eye, a series of unbelievably terrifying and immeasurable figures are appearing from Pangu Pass. The indiscriminate aura can easily explode the sea of ​​chaos, as if a chaotic ancient universe is attacking.

Among them, the Taishenghuang, the warlord against the sky, the fighting ancestor, and the space-time emperor are the first to bear the brunt. They are all at the world-destroying level, causing the sea of ​​chaos to explode, shocking many ancient chaotic universes. Boundary.

   "They are fighting ancestors!"

The discoloration of all parties has changed over the years. Although the fighting ancestors and others have been in the Pangu universe for nearly a million years, the world has never forgotten their horror. They returned strongly and caused the alien ancient universe to be planted. Somersault.

  Furthermore, the four of them are at the half-step overlord level, which is an extremely terrifying lineup, much more terrifying than the true face of the foreign race against Ye Chen.

   The four people were dispatched, naturally incredibly fast, and they quickly arrived at the Chaos Sea area where Ye Chen was.

   Fighting ancestor roared: "Foreign race, dare to bully my ancestors of fighting ancestor line, looking for death!"

This fighting saint ancestor, who is known as the first person in the Chaos Sea fighting force, is strong and domineering. Ye Chen, the descendant of the fighting saint line, has largely inherited his strength. Now this one has started fighting. The saint ancestors of the saint line did not have any soldiers, because he was the best soldier, his fists blasted out, and the luminous immeasurable golden light shone through the ages and directly slammed an alien half-step overlord.

The warlord against the sky is silent, but as the ancestor of the fighting, he is also extremely strong. Holding a halberd in his hand, a completely different surging silver light appears, but the same horror is boundless. The road is simplified and straightforward. Aim at the eyebrows of another alien half-step overlord, and hit Divine Soul directly.

   The Tai Sage Emperor transformed into the Tai Yin Sun, and the huge Yin Yang Tai Chi figure descended from the sky to deal with Ao Yuan.

   In the blink of an eye, the three half-step overlords of the alien race were targeted by the three half-step overlords of the Pangu universe.

   "Pangu Universe is really strong. After the return of the Supreme Emperor and the others, they have been dormant so much that we are about to forget their power!"

   "Although the ancient alien universe is strong, there are only three half-step overlords, while the Pangu universe is stronger. Including the Chaos Emperor, it has as many as five half-step overlords."

   "I only feel the terribleness of the Pangu universe now. With the emperor of heaven, there are also five and half-step overlords, which is not worse than the prehistoric immortal world and the ancient alien universe."

   "No, the top power of the Pangu universe is not bad, but under the half-step overlord, there is still a big gap between the supreme, quasi-giant, and giant levels."

   The Chaos Sea is arguing from all sides, but it is undeniable that the current Pangu universe is enough to rank the third strongest Chaos Ancient Universe under the Primordial Immortal Realm and Alien Ancient Universe.

Time and Space Emperor is the only Pangu universe half-step overlord who has no opponents, but he hasn't been careless, and has not even cooperated with the fighting ancestors, the heavenly warriors, and the Supreme Emperor to deal with the foreign half-step overlords, but his expression is solemn. , Scanning the emptiness in the Chaos Sea, said indifferently: "You don't need to hide, come out."

   Hearing the words, all parties in the Chaos Sea were shocked. Could there be others who are not?

   "As expected to be the emperor of time and space, the first person in time and space in ancient and modern times, even if we hide well, I still can't hide it from you old fellow."

   A sound of laughter sounded, but it was a bit cold, and I saw a void in the Chaos Sea, and two figures walked out silently, also exuding extremely terrifying auras, and they were also half-step overlords.

   They stared at Emperor Time and Space, full of killing intent.

   When seeing the emergence of these two half-step overlords, Chaos Sea suddenly caused an uproar: "It was the two of them. Didn't they fall away back then?"

"Back then, the five half-step overlords of the alien races came with an eternal extinction array. Aiming at the emperor, although the emperor was trapped in that place, he eventually killed the two half-step overlords. It was the two of them. I didn't expect to be alive."

   In the words, the secret of the ages that is unknown is revealed.

   In the past, the Emperor of Heaven fought against the foreign race's eternal extinction battle. He once killed two foreign race half-step overlords, but now he has come back to life, shocking everyone.

  Instructions, that is a half-step overlord, regardless of the countless epochs of the Chaos Sea, it is only an invincible existence second only to the five overlords. Once it falls, how to resurrect?

   But thinking that the Chaos Emperor can also be resurrected, with the terrifying background of the alien ancient universe, and the existence of the greatest black hand of the beginning, it seems not impossible.

  Time and Space Emperor sneered: "Extinction, extinction, you two are still alive as expected."

   Annihilation and Extinction are the real names of the two dead and resurgent alien half-step overlords.

Duan Mie said indifferently: "Want to kill the two of us, it's still a little harder. You should know that I am waiting for half a step for the overlord, entrusting my soul to the heavens of the universe, and imprinting the road and imprinting on the long river of It can also travel through the past, the present, and the future. Who in the world can be killed? Nor can the Emperor of Heaven."

   There is a strong self-confidence in the words.

  Half-step overlord, immortal and immortal, not to mention that when the Emperor of Heaven took action, but after the eternal extinction formation, no matter how strong it is, it is difficult to kill them, and it is impossible to do it.

   During the conversation, the two parties had already started to do it.

   One of the two half-step overlords of alien races took action to deal with the time and space, and the two launched a half-step overlord level duel.

   There is no doubt that the time-space emperor who came to the rescue was restrained and could not help Ye Chen.

The other person's gaze fell on Ye Chen who was trapped in the Eternal Extinction Array, with a hint of suspicion: "Is this the key person selected by your Pangu universe? He came back from the dead a million years ago, indeed He is an extraordinary person, but just like that, people who are not from the ancient universe in our world will undoubtedly die!"

   He took the initiative to enter the Eternal Extinction Array, and a large array flew out of his body, which combined with the Eternal Extinction Array, which actually complemented a part, making the Eternal Extinction Array a lot better.

   At that time, he, Duanjie was one of the five people who mastered the Great Extinction Array.

Because of the advancing of Destruction, the Great Extinction Array of Eternal Extinction suddenly bloomed with an extremely astonishing momentum. It was much stronger in all aspects. The endless road runes intertwined and turned into endless killing intent, compared with the previous three and a half. The step overlord is even more powerful when manipulating it. .

   So that the cosmic shadow on the surface of Ye Chen's body was attacked and faded a lot, and the cosmic chaos body was damaged, and Ye Chen was covered in blood.

   Ye Chen continued to spill blood from the corner of his mouth, but his expression remained unchanged, and he looked up at Die.

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