Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4153: Chaos

   Ye Chen knew the background of the ancient alien universe, not just as simple as the three half-step overlords such as Aoyuan.

Today, Pangu Universe has four half-step hegemons: Fighting Saint Ancestor, Heaven-defying Warlord, Supreme Emperor, and Time and Space Great Emperor, as well as the Heavenly Emperor, a world-class overlord. Even under the half-step overlord, it is still not as good as the alien ancient universe, but there are more A half-step overlord can still do many things.

  Pangu Universe, and the ancient universe of foreign races are insoluble enmity, the ancestor of fighting is the main battle group, fearless.

   However, in the millions of years since his fall, the Pangu universe has always appeared to be very peaceful. Even these years of playing, the alien ancient universe has watched the Pangu universe time and time again. There are eternal giants on the opposite side of Pangu Pass, always watching.

   This, no matter how it looks, it doesn't make sense.

   What's more, the Alien Ancient Universe is not only targeting the Pangu Universe, but also the Primordial Immortal Realm. When Ye Chen just brought the Eastern Emperor back to the Primordial Immortal Realm, the Alien Ancient Universe also sent a large army to attack the Eastern Empire.

   Alien Ancient Universe, how dare to send troops at the same time to deal with the two strongest ancient universes, the Primordial Immortal Realm and the Pangu Universe.

   However, the ancient alien universe has been able to cross the Chaos Sea to this day, and it has been prosperous, which shows that this legendary tenth ancient Chaos universe is far more unfathomable than imagined.

The annihilation in front of us is one of the foundations of the ancient alien universe. A half-step overlord who has died and revived, actively enters the eternal extinction array, and is concealed, compared to the other three half-step overlords such as the Aoyuan. The mastery of the Extinction Array is even more amazing.

   Four-fifths of the eternal extinction formation is enough to kill the half-step overlord.

   Endless killing intent, that is all half-step overlord level, and even close to the world overlord level of attacking and killing techniques, overwhelmingly submerged, turned into the most terrifying killing array chaos ancient universe.

   is as strong as Ye Chen and immortal like a cosmic chaotic body. At this moment, his body is also cracking every inch, and blood is spilt like crazy without money.

   Even the phantom of the universe could not fully bear the killing intent.

But Ye Chen's expression remained unchanged. The power of the half-step overlord of Immortal Dao combined with the three powers of the universe chaotic body and the original universe. In a flash, the attack power surpassed the general half-step overlord, tearing open the infinite killing thoughts, and blasting away. .

   It's just that the broken figure is illusory, Ye Chen's attack can't hurt him at all, as if hitting a mass of illusion, unable to touch the real entity.

   Duan Mie grinned: "Emperor Chaos, although you are strong, you are too young after all. You are trapped in the eternal extinction array. Unless you are a peerless overlord like the emperor, you will undoubtedly die."

   In the Eternal Extinction Array, Annihilation is the only ruler. He can manipulate the Eternal Extinction Array to continuously attack Ye Chen.

   But Ye Chen couldn't attack him effectively.

   Ye Chen frowned, the Eternal Extinction Array was even more terrifying than he thought.

   However, he Chaotian Emperor, how can he be an ordinary half-step overlord.

   "In that case, I will refining this vast array of eternal extinction!"

   With a soft drink, the chaotic body of Ye Chen's universe changed and turned into a vast ancient chaotic universe, rapidly expanding, actively magnifying, and blending with the eternal extinction array.

Extinction was just mocking Ye Chen's stupid behavior, but soon, he changed color, because the ancient chaotic universe that Ye Chen transformed into was invisible and invisible, letting the killing thought of the Eternal Extinction Array be so terrifying, but it also seemed Without the goal, he couldn't effectively hurt him at all.

   This scene surprised everyone as to what happened.

In the Pangu universe, the emperor who has been entrenched in the origin of the universe showed a smile: "As expected to be the master of chaos. After rebirth, the physical body is completely integrated with the universe, and it also has the greatest characteristic of chaos-the body of all dimensions!"

   The so-called universal body refers to the ability to transform into everything.

   Chaos is the origin of everything, all paths, all ages, and so on. As the highest master in the history of Chaos, Ye Chen's cultivation is at the half-step overlord level, and naturally has this characteristic.

No matter how terrible the Great Extinction Array is, Ye Chen can even deal with the Emperor of Heaven in a complete state, but Ye Chen has the body of Chaos and Wanxiang, which can be transformed into a member of the Great Extinction Array and directly assimilate. In this way, Eternal Extinction is great. The formation just couldn't imagine that it could hurt Ye Chen a bit.

   Unless it is a complete form of the Eternal Extinction Array, it can hurt Ye Chen.

   "It hasn't been seen for a million years, the Emperor Chaos actually became so powerful."

   In another ancient chaotic universe, the **** emperor was sighing lightly.

The same is true for the Great Tianzun of the Ancient Times. He is the new half-step overlord of this era. In the past years, he did not hesitate to abandon the fruit of the first generation of giants, reincarnated and rebuilt, transformed into an eternal emperor, self-named eternal, and finally achieved half-step overlord’s fruit Bit, can also be called one of the most powerful invincible existence in Chaos Sea.

   But he also admired Ye Chen, another eternal emperor who was in the same world.

Silently, Ye Chen came to Duan Mie with a body of ten thousand things. Without a word, he lifted the Great Chaos Cauldron and blasted out, bursting out infinite brilliance, eloquently, as if to wipe out everything all!

   Duan Mie's expression changed, and he fought Ye Chen.


It’s just Ye Chen’s strength is definitely one of the best among the half-step overlords. Although Broken and Annihilation is strong, it is a bit worse than Ye Chen. Under the battle, Retreat steadily, showing signs of defeat.

   It is conceivable that it will be sooner or later to be defeated.

   As far as Diane is concerned, the only thing to be thankful for is that although Ye Chen can assimilate and prevent the Eternal Extinction Array from effectively harming him, he can't leave the Eternal Extinction Array in a short period of time, but Die Chen can.

  The ancient alien universe, where the origin of the universe is, the first generation looks into the distance, and the chaotic figure standing next to him is still there.

   The chaotic figure looked at Ye Chen from a distance, with an extremely complicated expression, and said, "Shidai, don't you want to take action?"

   Shidai was silent, and turned his gaze to the Tianjue Ancient Universe that had been pulled back by the seven giants of the alien race. Because of the participation of the five half-step overlords of the alien race, the Tianjue Ancient Universe was also smoothly pulled back.

   Compared to Ye Chen and others, what is more important to the current alien ancient universe is this heavenly ancient universe.

  The Heavenly Ancient Universe, although it is vast and endless, compared with the ancient alien universe, in terms of size, it is quite different, at least several times worse.

  Tian Jue Ancient Universe, a chaotic ancient universe, is like a child meeting a strong man. The gap is obvious. This shows the terrible alien ancient universe. Over the years, it has grown for an unknown amount and is comparable to the prehistoric immortal world.

   In the ancient alien universe, in the ancestral temples, immeasurable figures of the big alien giants are emerging, covering the sky and the sun, piercing the barriers of the universe, and looking at the ancient universe beyond the universe.

   Shidai ordered: "Swallow!"


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