Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4154: Half-step overlord falls

At this moment, the ancient universe of Tianjue, because it was pierced by a foreign ancient universe, the wall of the universe appeared infinite cracks, and it fell into signs of impending collapse. A huge black cave hole penetrated the entire ancient universe of Tianjue. .


   can vaguely pass through this black cave, and see the heavenly universe, the sentient beings are smeared with charcoal, blood stained the universe.


  The strongest eternal giants are all gone, and the huge wreckage of the great primordial lords floats in the deadly cosmic void, only a few cries can be heard vaguely.


When Shidai personally ordered, amid the rumbling noise, a huge black hole suddenly appeared on the surface of the ancient alien universe, as if this chaotic ancient universe opened its blood basin and opened its mouth slowly. The ancient universe was swallowed.


It can be seen to the naked eye that the moment it was swallowed, the ancient alien universe that was already in disintegration broke apart quickly, the boundary wall shattered and turned into the purest chaotic air current, rushing towards the devouring of the ancient alien universe Black hole.


   All parties in the Chaos Sea shook, and the ancient alien universe actually swallowed the ancient universe.


   In this scene, even the top ten half-step overlords of the two chaotic ancient universes that are fighting the Chaos Sea are also shocked.


  Especially the five half-step overlords of Pangu Universe, they have changed their colors.


   Alien Ancient Universe, after all, the conspiracy succeeded!


   "No, you can't let the ancient alien universe swallow the ancient universe, I have a bad feeling!"


Ye Chen changed color and his heartbeat was accelerating. This is a kind of heart palpitations. It was quickly transmitted to the four half-step overlords, including the fighting ancestor, the warlord against the sky, the emperor, the time and space, and said: "Senior, please stop the alien I have an unknown premonition about the swallowing behavior of the ancient universe."


   Fighting Saint Ancestor and others are naturally the same. They don't understand the actions of the alien ancient universe, but they must have a profound meaning, and even involve a lot of them. Naturally, they are not allowed to happen, and they will act immediately.


   It's just that Aoyuan, Jue and other four half-step overlords, did not allow the fighting ancestors to stop them, and quickly shot them, entangled them, and made them powerless.


"I come!"


At Pangu Pass, Ye Junlin appeared. He surrounded Chaos Qi, like the Emperor of Chaos, holding the sword of Chaos Emperor and crossing the Sea of ​​Chaos. Behind him, many giants of the Pangu universe rushed out, like Qianxun, like the Emperor of War, like The unphased king waited and killed him.


  Among them, the Emperor of Humanity and the Six Dao Great Emperors are also there. Although they are not half-step overlords, they are absolutely the kings of the first generation giants. They are extremely powerful. At this moment, they take action to prevent the alien ancient universe from devouring the heaven and the ancient universe.


  Naturally, how can the alien ancient universe seem to have walked out of many giants, that is the horror of the past and present, directly resisting the interference of the Pangu universe.




Suddenly, on the side of the Alien Ancient Universe, a number of giants exploded. Among them, two of the first-generation giants exploded half of their bodies. Only a domineering figure broke through the air, and one of their hands also grabbed an alien giant. His head seemed to grab a chicken, and the alien giant had no resistance.


   The Great God of Heaven!


   The eternal quasi-monarch who used to be the same as Ye Chen, is now a half-step overlord, unfathomable. At this moment, he also feels an inexplicable heart palpitation. He has to take action against the ancient alien universe at any cost, and there is boundless stormy waves in the chaotic sea.


   "Ancient Great Heavenly Lord!"


   Seeing the visitors, the tycoons of the foreign races also changed color. This is a half-step overlord who is the best in the Chaos Sea. He is extremely powerful, and he is also targeting them at this moment.


   The alien giant who was caught in his head shouted: "The Great Heavenly Master, you are going to be an enemy of our ancient universe!"




The ancient Great Heavenly Sovereign held the palm of his hand, directly blasting the head of the alien giant, and incidentally tore open the soul of the ages, causing the alien giant to explode directly. Although it was not completely destroyed, it was also severely damaged at the origin and fell directly. At the giant level, he reorganized his body and mind in Yuankong, his face was ugly.


   However, the Ancient Great Heavenly Sovereign did not pay any attention, but looked at the Tian Jue Ancient Universe that was being swallowed by the alien ancient universe, and the special heart palpitations became more and more intense.


   No, you must never let the conspiracy of the alien ancient universe succeed.


   The Ancient Great Heavenly Sovereign shot directly, exploding the Chaos Sea, bombarding the position of the alien ancient universe and devouring the Tian Jue ancient universe, to prevent all this from happening.


   All parties in the Chaos Sea are also paying close attention to all of this, not to be missed.


   "Ever ancient!"


   At this moment, the Great Ancient Heavenly Lord heard a voice, his eyes pierced through the boundary of the ancient alien universe, separated by an infinite distance, and saw the first generation at the origin of the universe, and it was the first generation who spoke.


   Shidai's figure is dim and can't be seen clearly, just saying: "I didn't want to make a move, but since you want to intervene, you should sacrifice it together!"


   The voice fell, Shidai had already taken action!




The face of the ancient Great Tianzun was full of horror, and he only felt the time and space confinement of his body. Everything in the radius was completely solidified. It was as strong as him. He was half-step overlord, but he could not move. Blocked.


   It is difficult for him to imagine all this happening. It should be noted that he is a dignified overlord. Although the opponent is a world-class overlord, it should be only a little worse. How can he think that the gap will be so big.


   There was a loud bang, as powerful as the Great Heavenly Venerate of the ancient times. At this moment, he was suddenly broken and exploded.


  The blood is surging, affecting many realms, causing unimaginable huge waves and alarming all parties.


   Shidai was so strong that he had beaten a half-step overlord Feishengsheng before he got close?


   What kind of amazing strength is this?


   In the far sky, the ten half-step overlords of the Alien Ancient Universe and the Pangu Universe are fighting, all of them shrinking.


   Overlord of the world, so powerful?


   In the Pangu universe, the emperor's eyes are much deeper.


   Hong Huang Xianjie, the deepest part of the forty-nine Xianguan secret realm, Xianzu is silent.


   The Emperor Universe showed a hint of surprise.


  The ancestor of the holy clan of origin is hidden under the law of absolute Tao, no one can see his face...


  The most shocking nature is the Great Heavenly Venerable Eternal Age. He is reorganizing his body and spirit, but at this moment he discovered that he could not successfully reorganize.


   There was no sound and no sound, I saw that the first generation left the origin of the universe at some unknown time, and came to the Chaos Sea, with a slight palm pat.


Suddenly, the infinite blood and soul fragments of the Great Ancient Heavenly Sovereign also rushed into the huge black hole of the ancient alien universe, and it can be vaguely felt that the ancient alien universe has grown a lot at this moment, whether it is mentioned or the overall breath, It has grown a lot, which is extremely amazing.


   At the same time, in the sea of ​​chaos suddenly an endless road vision appeared, and the sea of ​​chaos suddenly shocked all parties.


   The appearance of the vision is a sign that a generation of half-step overlord, the ancient Great Tianzun, has fallen!

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