Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4155: The emperor shot, reversed 1 cut

   The Chaos Sea shook greatly, and all parties were shocked.

   No one thought that the Great Heavenly Sovereign of the Ancient Times would fall.

   A generation of invincible half-step overlord just fell away, was killed by the first generation, and sacrificed to the alien ancient universe.

   If it weren't for the endless visions of the Great Dao, which spread to the entire Chaos Sea, all parties could not believe that the Great Heavenly Sovereign had really fallen.

Moreover, what shocked them even more was that the strength of the original generation was terrible. The last time it was shown was a million years ago, when he fought Ye Chen and even completely reversed Ye Chen’s destruction of the ancient alien universe. Kill Ye Chen.

   It is conceivable that, on the whole, the first generation has only made two shots in these years, but each shot is earth-shattering and can kill the half-step overlord.

   It is hard to imagine how strong the five great overlords of Chaos Sea really are.

   swallowed the Great Ancient Heavenly Sovereign, and the overall aura of the alien ancient universe suddenly became stronger for unknown reasons, and even the surrounding Chaos Sea vortex was many times more terrifying.

   At the same time, Tian Jue Ancient Universe was also being swallowed inch by inch, and the atmosphere of the universe became more and more terrifying.

   "Ancient Great Heavenly Lord!"

   "Your old man will fall away like this, impossible!"

   The chaotic ancient universe, which had been renamed the ancient universe a long time ago, was crying, and no one dared to imagine that the invincible ancient great heavenly sovereign would one day fall, and so suddenly, everyone would not react to return.

   Lost the ancient universe protected by the Great Heavenly Master, I am afraid it will follow in the footsteps of the ancient universe.

  The giants of all parties all looked solemn.

  The **** emperor's face was extremely gloomy, and he looked at the ancient alien universe, half-step the power of the overlord dissipated and shattered hundreds of millions of time and space, indicating that there was a storm in his heart.

  Because, originally he was just afraid of the alien ancient universe. After all, he is also a half-step overlord. Even if Shidai takes action, he has the power to resist.

   However, when he saw that the ancient Great Heavenly Sovereign who was also a half-step overlord was so vulnerable, after being easily killed, he couldn't calm down.

At the same time, the **** emperor is also deeply puzzled: "Why did the first generation take action against Tianjue Ancient Universe, and why did he want to take action against Great Heavenly Venerable Gengu? Isn't this for the enemy of the ancient universe of the alien race? We are not afraid that the chaos of the ancient universe will be against the alien race. Did the ancient universe make a move?"

In fact, this seems to be a stupid behavior, because although the ancient alien universe is extremely powerful, it is not strong enough to fight the entire Chaos Sea. It hastily swallowed an ancient Chaos universe and killed a half-step overlord. It looks absolutely stupid, and it is easy to set the entire Chaos Sea on the opposite side.

   But can the alien ancient universe be stupid?

   Will Shidai be stupid?

   There is no doubt that this is impossible.

   But what is Shidai's behavior like this?

   makes people feel very puzzled.

On the battlefield of Chaos Sea, Ye Chen saw the death of the Great Heavenly Venerable Eternal, his expression changed drastically, especially the various manifestations of the first generation, which made him feel great danger, and even a feeling, even if it was twice as powerful. It is impossible to resist the original generation.

   Shidai is too strong.

   On the other side, a half-step overlord, such as Fighting Saint Ancestor, Defying Warlord, Taisheng Emperor, and Time and Space, looked extremely dignified. Looking at Shidai, his heart gave birth to an unprecedented look of jealousy.

   Killed a half-step overlord so easily, there is no room for resistance, is this the true strength of the world overlord?

   At this moment, in the Pangu universe, the emperor rose up from the origin of the universe, looking at the alien ancient universe, and even the first generation, saying: "The first generation, you have passed."


   He swung the Heavenly Sword, and cut out a sword in the air. This sword involved the eternal heavens, and it was terrifying. It instantly crossed the Pangu universe, across the Chaos Sea, and slashed towards the beginning.

   It's a lot of attention, and finally there are other worldly overlords who can't help but want to attack the Emperor of Heaven.

   Besides, it's the emperor of heaven!

   The power of the Emperor of Heaven is beyond doubt.

   Facing the sword of the Emperor of Heaven, the figure of the first generation disappeared in an instant, and reappeared. It was already in the original ancestral temple of the ancient alien universe, as if it had never left.

   Heavenly Emperor's sword did not fail, but still cut it down, with incomparable power, cut open the Chaos Sea time and space in an instant, and there appeared an abyss-like chasm that lasted hundreds of millions of miles.

After    the gap appeared, it involved time and space, and the Chaos Sea fundamentals, reversing the time, and finally appeared the scene of the ancient Great Heavenly Sovereign being killed just now.

   This sword slashed down the scene of the death of the Ancient Great Heavenly Sovereign. It penetrated the years, and the figure of the Ancient Great Heavenly Sovereign was actually reappeared in the Chaos Sea out of thin air.


   All parties were shocked, but the emperor actually resurrected the fallen ancient great heavenly place back?

The Great Emperor Time and Space shook his head and said: "No, the real Great Heavenly Venerable Eternal Age has not been completely lost, and his true spirit fragments are still there. That's it, but most of the souls and physical bodies of the Ancient Great Heavenly Sovereign have been swallowed by the alien ancient universe, so it is difficult to restore the half-step overlord body in a short time."

  The Great Emperor of Time and Space is the highest achiever on the path of time and space ~ ~ naturally has the most right to speak.

   "That's it."

   Everyone understood it, but on the other hand, they had to sigh at the greatness of the emperor, and unexpectedly let the fallen ancient Great Heavenly Sovereign return back in time and space.

   "Thank you God!"

   The Ancient Great Heavenly Sovereign was very weak and sluggish. He bowed to the direction of the Pangu universe, turned and left, not daring to stay.

Because Shidai's shot left him too deeply impressed by the half-step overlord. He was as powerful as him, reincarnated and rebuilt, and hit the half-step overlord's position, but in the end it was still so vulnerable. It is hard to imagine what level the strength of the world overlord has reached.

   At this time, Ye Chen took the opportunity to attack and continuously attacked the Eternal Extinction Array, and broke out unprecedented combat power, finally penetrated a corner and successfully escaped.

   Duan Mie was bleeding from the corner of his mouth, showing injuries, and looked at Ye Chen solemnly.

   Ye Chen didn't pay attention to him, but looked at the original ancestral temple of the alien ancient universe. He felt the gaze of the chaotic figure stepping on the river for years, and it also fell on him, with a strange feeling.

   "Who are you?" Ye Chen asked.

   However, the chaotic figure who has been stepping on the river did not answer.


   At this moment, the ancient universe of Tianjue collapsed and shattered completely, the entire ancient universe of chaos was completely swallowed, and the ancient universe of alien race became a lot stronger. .

   Shidai said to the chaotic figure who was stepping on the river for years: "You should go."

   "Yes, I should go now. I really hope I can stay in this age of prosperity forever..." He looked confused and full of nostalgia.

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