Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4156: War against the fairy world


   Within the origin of the ancient alien universe, there suddenly appeared extremely terrifying fluctuations.

Suddenly, the pupils of Ye Chen, Taishenghuang and others shrank suddenly, only to see the origin of the ancient alien universe, a shadow of the ancient chaotic universe appeared loomingly. It was the Tianjue ancient universe that had been swallowed before, suddenly turning into a majestic. The power, and then condensed to the extreme point, is a singularity.

   The singularity collapsed suddenly, and a huge black hole with a deep and boundless appearance appeared. This black hole was so powerful that it even directly distorted the time and space of time and did not know where to lead.

   At this moment, they suddenly understood that the Tianjue Ancient Universe they had swallowed was actually swallowed by the alien ancient universe, but it was also transformed into this terrifying black hole, penetrating through the years.

   Thinking of the sigh of the chaotic figure who stepped on the river for years, Ye Chen's expression was heavy. He felt that the other party had reversed the years and came to this life, which definitely had the purpose of affecting the past and the present.

  I don’t know what is going on, he is worried, looking at Duan Mie, and said: "Who is he?"

   Duan Mie was indifferent and did not answer.

   In fact, even the overlord of the foreign race doesn't know how sacred that person is. They only know that since the first generation personally ordered them, they will obey.

   "Who are you?" Ye Chen asked again.

   He felt that this person must be related to himself.

   The chaotic figure with its feet on the river looked at him, and said, "I know, you think I am you, but I am not you."

not me?

   is Ye Junlin?

   Ye Chen looked at Ye Junlin, but Ye Junlin was also at a loss, and the other party was silent and could not judge.

Several half-step overlords such as Fighting Saint Ancestor, Heaven-defying Warlord, Taishenghuang and other half-step overlords looked solemnly. Seeing this chaotic figure stepping on the river over the years, they could not deduce the true identity of the other party, because they came from the blood-stained future. All secrets are shielded, and the opponent is extremely powerful, at least at the half-step overlord level.

   His appearance is just ordinary communication, and it does not involve some eternal secrets, so it is not a problem.

   "Let me deduce who he is."

Time and Space Great Emperor spoke, he is the highest achiever of the ancient and modern time and space avenue, even the overlord of the world could not surpass him, and now he actively enters the long river of time and space, the time and space emperor road revolves, and behind him emerges the shadow of the world ancestor tree covering the heavens. A leaf can hold up a galaxy, you can imagine how huge it is.

   The terrifying power of time and space is exploding, and the emperor of time and space is deducing.

   But the chaotic figure shook his head and said: "Don't try, it's impossible to succeed."


   The time and space emperor coughed up blood, he was as powerful as him, and time and space mastered as he was, and he also suffered a terrible backlash. He looked at the chaotic figure deeply, and was silent this time.

"It's nice to see this heyday of ten thousand races side by side. The ancient chaotic universes are still there. The purpose of my return is to be able to trace your traces." The chaotic figure sighed slightly, seeming to speak to the original generation. , Also seemed to speak to Ye Chen, without telling who to speak to. When he came to the black hole, the terrible black hole made him feel palpitation.

   However, the chaotic figure holding the emperor sword in his hand, stepped into the black hole, disappeared gradually, and finally only a voice remained: "The future can change!"

   The chaotic sea changes colors, what does this sentence mean?

   Can the blood stain reverse the change in the future?

   Ye Chen looked heavy, staring at the direction where the chaotic figure disappeared, and suddenly said, "Senior Time and Space, is there a way for me to track down that person?"

Time and Space Emperor was silent for a moment, shook his head and said, "Although that person came from the blood-stained future, now, everything in the blood-stained future cannot be deduced. Moreover, there were taboos that cut off the cause and effect of the blood-stained future, and even cut it off. The relevant timeline is broken and cannot be deduced."

   The future is blood-stained, and it becomes more and more impossible to deduct.

   Many years ago, the giants of all parties were able to deduce, and even the supreme could look into the blood-stained future and see one or two corners, but now it is no longer possible, as if being blocked, it is impossible to see everything.

   No one knows what happened to the blood stained future, only knowing that everything seems impossible to deduct.

   It’s just that the first generation took great pains to devour the heaven and the ancient universe, evolved this mysterious black hole, and let the chaotic figure that stepped on the river for years to enter, where did it finally go?

   It's a pity that the black hole was shielded by Shidai himself, and he couldn't see everything inside.

   "The first generation!"

   Suddenly, a voice came out from the deepest part of the unfathomable forty-nine immortal realm.

   If looming, an old and awe-inspiring immortal figure appeared, shining on the heavens of the immortal world, and all beings in the immortal world, including the true immortal, the quasi-immortal king, the immortal king, and the immortal deity, will worship and worship together.


   The sentient beings in the immortal realm are excited, the legendary ancestor of the immortal, the supreme ancestor who created the immortal system, really survives in the world.

   In the sea of ​​chaos, all parties shook. In addition to the first generation and the emperor, the third strongest overlord was finally shocked and appeared.

   Shidai looked at Xianzu and said, "It's been a long time."

"Yes, long time no see, but Shidai, you are too You sacrificed the Tianjue Ancient Universe." Xianzu said, "Are you really going to be the enemy of the Chaos Sea? ?"

   When these words came out, the entire Chaos Sea fell silent, and everyone looked at the ancient alien universe, and even more so, at the origin of the universe.

   Shidai, is it really going to be an enemy of the entire Chaos Sea?

   "It's interesting."

   Within the eternal sky, the Ancient Demon Lord smiled. Seeing all this, he also wanted to know whether the ancient and modern invincible First Generation dared to attack the entire Chaos Sea.

   But he believes it is better than Shidai and dare not.

   Shidai said: "Will the prehistoric world be an enemy of our ancient universe?"

  Xianzu said: "If the ancient universe of foreign races is obsessed with not realizing it, there will be a battle."

   "Really?" Shidai smiled, "I didn't expect you to say the same. It seems you have made a decision."

   "That's right." Xianzu said.

   "In that case." Shidai smiled suddenly, "Then sink the entire Chaos Sea!"

   The world is shocked, Shidai, want to bring the ancient universe of the alien race to declare war against the entire Chaos Sea?

are you crazy?

   Shidai said: "Tao friends, let's do it!"


Suddenly, the prehistoric immortal world quaked, a cosmic boundary was torn open, and the fairy kings guarding the northern desert exploded, the immortal kings were also broken to pieces, and the infinite immortal powers of the immortal kings were all destroyed. , Blood stained the heavens of the immortal world, very terrible. .

   only saw a vast and boundless world descending, as boundless as the upper realm, a number of strongest giants appeared, leading an infinite army into the prehistoric fairyland.

   Discoloration of all parties in the Great Desolate Immortal Realm: "Origin from the Saints?"

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