Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4157: The ultimate battle between the old and new overlords

  The origin of the saints raided the prehistoric immortal world, this is something that no one expected.

   Although the origin saints are not born in the ancient universe of chaos, but their origins are so large that they involve the place of origin in the legend.

   It is rumored that the origin holy race is a race from the place of origin. There are eight tribes, also called the eight origin tribes.

Of course, endless years ago, the Xuan Clan betrayed the Origin Saint Clan, and now there are only seven Origin Saint Clan. Even so, the Origin Saint Clan is still powerful and can be called one of the most powerful forces in the Chaos Sea. In the primordial immortal world, alien ancient universe, and Pangu universe, because there are also overlord-level existences.

   Moreover, many epochs ago, the Origin Saint Clan was the strongest overlord clan that ruled the entire Chaos Sea, and it was naturally extremely powerful.

   Nowadays, no one would have thought that the Chaos Sea Overlord of the past would have raided the prehistoric immortal realm of the current overlord, directly tore open the barriers of the fairy realm universe, and collapsed many Immortal King Passes, appearing strong.

   shocked the Chaos Sea.

  The holy race of origin has colluded with the alien ancient universe!

I saw the blood surging in the northern wilderness of the prehistoric immortal realm, and the few immortal kings guarding this place were crushed to pieces. The quasi-immortal kings, true immortals, and the strong under the supreme were killed and injured. The vast northern wilderness was sunk. The territories are so vast, the immortal beings that are difficult to calculate have been smeared.

   Many giants of the origin holy clan led an army to march in forcefully, creating endless lives in the immortal world, causing extremely heavy casualties for a while.

   "The origin of the holy race!"

   Exploded with a loud shout!

   In the realm of the desolate immortal world, one after another celestial beams rushed above the clouds, and in the thirty-three heavens, the celestial light was endless, spreading all over the sky, causing the heavens and stars to tremble.

   I saw a series of stalwart and unparalleled figures appearing, but the immortal kings and immortals from all over the immortal world, all of them recovered, rushed over in the first place, and swept coldly toward the origin holy race, full of killing intent.

  The holy clan of origin, dare to declare war on the prehistoric fairyland!

   Final Yan Xianzun said coldly: "Today, the Origin Saint Clan dares to declare war on my prehistoric immortal realm, and we must pay the corresponding price!"

An early tycoon of the Origin Saint Clan, he is indeed the patriarch of the Celestial Clan in the past. He is extremely powerful, no less than the Final Immortal Venerable. The eternal majesty annihilates the surrounding time and space, pulling the starry sky of the fairy world. The ground wiped away the starlight, and sneered: "The price? The price is the collapse of the fairy world. My origin holy clan will replace it today and become the new master clan of the fairy world!"

   Today, the origin holy race dared to invade the prehistoric immortal world, and never thought of being good.

   And, in the dark, he has colluded with the ancient universe of alien races.

   This is one of the confidence that the ancient universe of the alien race dared to declare war on the Chaos Sea, and it was also the confidence that the origin holy race dared to declare war on the prehistoric immortal world.

   Regardless of the origin of the holy race or the alien ancient universe, it is one of the most powerful forces in the Chaos Sea, which is enough to push many Chaos ancient universes horizontally.

   The sea of ​​chaos is turbulent, this is a battle between the old power and the current power.

"Your origin saints are not small, do you really think it was when you ruled the Chaos Sea? Now you can be maimed by all parties led by the ancestor and the emperor, far less than that. And you must not forget. Now, those who dealt with the holy race of your origin back then, but there are also Primogens, alien ancient universes." Final Yan Xianzun coldly snorted.

   "These are all in the past, and now is the most important." Celestial clan chief said.

   "Let's fight then, I have to see how your original holy race is now and how prestigious it was back then!"

   Under the leadership of the Final Yan Xianzun, all the great immortals and the immortal kings run side by side, one after another, the stalwart figures supporting the sky and the earth, carrying endless fairy lights across the heavens and rushing to the origin holy race.

   An ultimate battle involving the entire prehistoric world, and even the Chaos Sea, broke out.

   Other people never expected that the Origin Saint Clan would attack the Primordial Immortal Realm at this time, and it seemed that it had a lot to do with the ancient alien universe.

In the fairy world, forty-nine immortal gates emerge in the secret realm, and a figure of horror is emerging, with thieves and mouse eyes, and with cinnabar on the eyebrows, all half-step overlords of the fairy world, incredible and powerful, overlooking the battlefield, looking at the origin holy race Behind him, his face was a little gloomy, and said, "I didn't expect your final choice to be on the side of the alien race..."

Behind the Forty-Nine Immortal Pass, there are also several vague and terrifying figures, who are the half-step overlord of the Origin Saint Clan, indifferently said: "Nothing, just want to rewrite the order, my Origin Saint Clan is destined to become the overlord of the Chaos Sea again Of the place."

"is it?"

   The half-step overlord of Immortal Dao with thief eyebrows and mouse eyes coldly said, "I also want to know if your Origin Saints have this ability!"

   "Then wait and see!"

   The Great War of the Primordial Immortal Realm and Origin Saint Race broke out.

   "Go, to the Chaos Sea!"

An immortal half-step overlord spoke, but the half-step overlord of the origin holy clan said: "No, it's in the prehistoric immortal realm. It just so happens that the immortal rules of the prehistoric immortal realm are too deep-rooted and need to be destroyed. Fight to destroy the foundation! "

The immortal system has been completely integrated into the origin of the immortal affecting the cultivation of other cultivation systems, otherwise even if they enter the prehistoric immortal world, in the long term, they may gradually change their cultivation methods and become a member of the immortal cultivator , It should be necessary to directly destroy the foundation of the immortality system.

   Hearing this, all the powers of the immortal world have ugly faces, the origin of the saints, this is the heart.

   "Okay, okay, okay!" The fairy half-step overlord with cinnabar on his eyebrows said indifferently. Back then, he also participated in that battle with the ancestor of the immortal, but now I want to know how much the origin of the holy race was capable of.

At the same time, immortal imprints appeared on the cosmic boundary wall of the primordial immortal realm, all immortal imprints left by those who became immortals resonated with the origin of the immortal realm, and a large array of immortals emerged, covering the entire primordial land. Immortal realm, to be stable, to avoid the war that is too tragic, causing all sentient beings to be wiped out.

   The terrifying battle between the two major forces broke out directly, and the ancient and the modern.

  The vast and desolate world of immortals, a vast territory was directly sunk, and the starry sky was annihilated by billions of stars, turning into the most splendid fireworks to bloom the last brilliance.

   The Northern Wilderness of the Immortal Realm, comparable to the Eastern Empire, has become the most terrifying battlefield.

   At the same time, the secret world of the Origin Saint Clan was also affected. The endless power of the immortal Dao bombarded it, annihilating the sky, and directly destroyed the secret world of the Origin Saint Clan.

   Soon, the blood is overwhelming, and there is a supreme fall, whether it is the prehistoric immortal world or the origin holy race, it is indispensable.

   Even, not long after, Qiangru Immortal King also fell. There were countless visions, but in an instant it was annihilated and turned into ashes by the aftermath of the supreme war between the two sides. .

  Originally, the saints also have giants who have fallen.

   The war is so tragic.

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