Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4158: Xuan Clan, Xuan Shen Zu

   Chaos Sea, no one would have thought that the Primordial Immortal Realm would have fought a war with the original holy race before it had a war with the alien ancient universe, and it was a full-scale war, extremely fierce.

The faces of the giants of all parties are very gloomy, and they feel that this battle is very likely to directly escalate the blood-stained era to the blood-stained future, affecting the entire Chaos Sea, far more than when fighting for the head of the original burial master. Intense countless times.

"How to do?"

   "The battle between the two great new and old overlords of the Primordial Immortal Realm and the Origin Saint Clan has been too great, not only to let the blood-stained future come early, but even directly!"

   "This battle will affect the entire Chaos Sea, and no one can avoid it!"

   "The deepest sleeper is afraid that he will wake up!"

  All the forces from all sides are worried, and the giant looks extremely solemn, and has already begun to face the blood-stained future.

"The **** Origin Saint Clan actually chose to take action at this time. Is the Origin Saint Clan the true source of the blood-stained future?" The **** emperor's expression was extremely gloomy. He did not expect that the Origin Saint Clan would suddenly happen at this time. Intervening, and still attacking the current hegemonic power of the prehistoric immortal world, the impact is really too great.

   After the blood-stained future comes, no one will be spared, everything will be affected.


   At this moment, in the Chaos Sea, a wave of horror suddenly rushed, shaking all parties and attracting attention.

I saw a figure soaring into the sky in an unknown chaotic sea secret realm, and was going through the catastrophe, countless great terrible catastrophes were coming, and the terrifying aura flooded several circles around the world, shocking all parties. .

  Because this is to obtain the half-step overlord's fruit position in Cross Tribulation!

  Someone is attacking the half-step overlord!

   Who is it that chooses to attack the half-step overlord when the Primordial Immortal Realm is fighting with the Origin Saint Race?

   Many people were puzzled, but after seeing the figure clearly, everyone suddenly saw the true face and knew the identity of the robber.

   "It turned out to be the Profound God Ancestor of the Xuan Clan. He has been dormant for many years, but now he has finally attacked the overlord for half a step!"

All parties were surprised that the Origin Saint Clan was exactly the Xuan Clan, one of the eight tribes who betrayed the Origin Saint Clan in the past. Many unknown secrets were involved in the past. Now the Xuan Clan’s first ancestor, the Profound God Ancestor, is also fighting for half a step. Overlord.

   "Boom, yeah, it's the ancestor!"

   Yiyi exclaimed.

   "The Profound God Ancestor is considered to be hidden deep enough, so I choose to attack at this time, otherwise the Origin Saint Clan will not allow him to succeed."

  Many giants marveled that the Xuan Clan belongs to the traitor of the Origin Saint Clan. The Origin Saint Clan has been searching for the whereabouts of the Xuan Clan for these years, but to no avail.

  The Profound Ancestor is also dormant, because once he hits the half-step overlord, he will inevitably be discovered by the origin holy race, and will never allow his success. Therefore, since these endless years, he has been hiding and has not been discovered.

   Now, taking advantage of the battle between the Origin Saint Clan and the prehistoric immortal world, the Profound God Ancestor decisively attacked the position of the overlord for half a step.

   In this way, God Profound Ancestor has the greatest hope for success.

   "Damn Profound God Ancestor, actually chose to cross the catastrophe at this time!" The half-step overlords of the Origin Saint Clan all had ugly faces, which killed them all.

   "I'm going to kill him!" A half-step overlord of the origin holy clan said, looking at the Profound God Ancestor who was going through the catastrophe, his intention to kill was not concealed.

However, an immortal half-step overlord made a move, stopped the opponent, and chuckled: "Friends, you can't be so mean. Profound **** ancestor is also a member of your origin saint clan, let him become a half-step overlord, your origin saint clan. Isn’t there a light on your face?"

   "Day by day, you go away!" The half-step overlord of the Origin Saint Clan looked a little ugly.

   The half-step overlord with cinnabar on the eyebrows, "Ji Sun" sneered and said, "If I don't go away, what can you do, Earth Sage."

   Earth saint, the origin ancestor of the saint clan.

  The Profound God Ancestor attacked the half-step overlord. Once it succeeded, it would definitely be beneficial to the Primordial Immortal Realm, and could pose a threat to the origin holy race.

   That being the case, the Primordial Immortal Realm is naturally happy to help the Profound God Ancestor at this critical moment.


   Immeasurable calamity, annihilation of the realm, that is the status of the half-step overlord.

  The Profound God Ancestor has been dormant for too many years. In order to avoid the chase of the saints of the origin, he has been sleeping with suspended animation and evading secret deductions.

Naturally, while feign death is sleeping, the Profound God Ancestor is also deducing the avenue. In his sleep, he has gone through the ages and evolved his own supreme avenue to become stronger. Now when he exits the customs, the avenue soars into the sky. It is stronger, more against the sky, and subject to chaos. The baptism of the rule of the sea is to use the tribulation to forcefully become the real half-step overlord in a short time.

In the deepest part of the Secret Realm of the Origin Saint Race, the Supreme Ancestor of the Saint Ancestor appeared, looking into the depths of the Chaos Sea, revealing a touch of surprise: "Unexpectedly, the Profound God Ancestor chose to cross the catastrophe and attack the half-step overlord at this time, but it is a bit out of the ordinary. It’s beyond our expectations, but you can’t be allowed to succeed.”

The Xuan Clan is a traitor. As the original holy tribe of the main tribe, it is naturally not allowed to At this time, the immortal ancestor emerged, looking at the ancestor of the holy tribe in the deepest secret world of the origin holy family, said: "Dao Shi, you and I have not seen each other for countless epochs, so I might as well fight one or two, and also want to know if these endless years have passed, whether you have made progress."

The Chaos Sea was shocked. The Celestial Ancestor mainly invited the ancestors of the Origin Saint Race. This is a battle between the two invincible overlords of the world. It is rare in ancient and modern times. For a long time, except for the early days of the Chaos Sea, all parties have deprived the Origin Saint Race of the overlord power. Outside of the Great War, there has never been one since then.

   Even if the myths launched by the ancient alien universe against the Pangu universe in the past were greatly shattered, there is still no such thing as the emperor is trapped, and the first generation has never really taken any action, so there has been no real hegemonic existence war.

   Now, it will start soon.

  Originated from the Saint Clan, there were other giants from the origin, leaving the battlefield, slaying to the position of the Profound God Ancestor and crossing the catastrophe, holding a half-step overlord of peerless warriors, not allowing the Profound God Ancestor to become a half-step overlord.

   At the same time, the Origin Saint Clan transmitted a voice to the other giants of Chaos Sea, saying: "As soon as the Profound God Ancestor dies, our clan only needs his half-step overlord Dao Fruit and Dao Mark, and you can take it if you don't want it!"

  As soon as this statement came out, I don't know how many giants have attracted the attention of fiery eyes.

A half-step overlord, even if the Tao fruit and the mark of the great road are gone, the body, blood, and bones left behind are all priceless treasures that are hard to find in the world, even if it is just a hair, it is a treasure to the supreme Things. .

   There is no doubt that the words of the giants of the Origin Saint Clan have made the giants of all parties in the Chaos Sea very excited, even crazy.

   In an instant, I don't know how many giants moved and rushed to the direction of the Profound God Ancestor crossing the catastrophe.

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