Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4161: Blood Eyes

   In the past, Huangtian Demon Lord established an alliance with Ye Chen, and now he sees an accident with the Xuanzu who is also an ally of the Pangu Universe, he will naturally not sit idly by.

   It's just that, because the eternal world is far away, even if he is a half-step overlord, he has finally arrived now.

   However, his appearance completely blocked the half-step Overlord of Chaos Burial Ground from continuing to make a move.

   "Wild Demon Lord!"

All the giants present exclaimed. Naturally, they knew the identity of the Demon Lord of Huangtian. He was the first person among the Demon Gods of Innate Chaos. He had reached the highest realm long before the endless years, but disappeared for many epochs. I thought of appearing now, and now stand on the side of the Xuan Clan.

   The half-step overlord of the Chaos Burial Ground is the Burial Emperor, the oldest strongest person in the ancient universe of the Chaos Burial Ground, and the powerful ancestor who led the Chaos Burial Ground to rise.

Seeing Huangtian Demon Lord such prehistoric great demon gods personally, even the Burial Emperor Ancestor, the ancestor of the burial ground, also had a solemn expression, but seeing success, he was unwilling to give up easily, and said in a deep voice, "Huangtian Demon Lord, you rush in, but It is tantamount to bringing infinite disasters to the innate Chaos Demon God. You have to know that once you stop it, you will be an enemy of the origin holy race. Can you afford it?"

  The ancestor of the burial did not hesitate to threaten the Lord of the Wild Demon with the saint of origin.

The line of Innate Chaos Demon God is indeed very powerful. Innate is supreme, and those who have lived to this day are basically at the level of eternal giants, and there are even first-generation giants. For example, the first person of the wild demon is a half-step overlord, but it is related to the origin. Compared with the saint race, it is still a far cry.

   It’s not impossible that the Origin Saint Clan wants to destroy the innate Chaos Demon God.

   At this time, Ye Junlin sneered and said: "In this way, if you dare to make a move, it is equivalent to being an enemy of our Pangu universe. You are buried in chaos, and you bury the emperor, can you afford to offend it?"

  Pangu universe, perhaps the number of giants is not as good as the origin of the holy race, but the peak combat power, such as the overlord of the world, such as the half-step hegemon, is no less than the origin of the holy race.

   Today’s Pangu universe also has this confidence.

   Hearing this, the face of Burial Emperor's ancestor suddenly became gloomy, glanced at Ye Junlin, and said indifferently: "Junior, you are not qualified to speak here, just interrupt and die!"

   As he spoke, a big hand pointed, and a terrifying magic light was bombarded out, enough to blast the first generation giants, but a half-step overlord’s wrathful blow.

  The Wild Demon Lord was about to make a move. Suddenly, another terrifying figure appeared in the universe phantom of the Chaos Burial Ground, and he confronted him in the air, saying: "The Wild Demon Lord, your opponent is me!"

   "Ancient ancestor buried in the sky, you are still alive!"

  The desolate ancient demon lord's discoloration changed, and the ancient ancestor of the buried sky was another ancestor of the chaotic burial ground no less than the ancestor of the buried emperor. It was extremely terrifying, and the breath released by it had reached the half-step overlord level.

   With the restraint of the ancient ancestor of the buried sky, the ancient demon lord could not save Ye Junlin at all.

   Ye Jun was on the verge of a change of color, only feeling the crisis of death rushing over his face, knowing that the blow of the burial of the emperor could not be stopped by him.

   "Buried Emperor Ancestor, you old guy is looking for death, dare to kill my son!"

   The Great Chaos Cauldron came out with a loud shout, shaking the Chaos Sea, shining to the extreme, and suddenly shattered the magic light, and it also revealed Ye Chen's Chaos Heavenly Emperor's magic appearance, and slammed it.

   Even if Ye Chen is not here, but with the help of the Great Chaos Cauldron, he can still show a unique blow in the air.

"It's just a mere Taoist soldier. I really thought you were here. Today, this seat is really going to kill you the descendants of the Chaos Emperor." The Burial Emperor snorted coldly, and directly slammed the Chaos cauldron to disintegrate the offensive, and even kill Xiangye. King's Landing, will kill this heir of the Chaos Emperor.

  Because, this Ye Junlin is too enchanting and terrible, how old he is, he is already the first generation giant, no less than his father.

   Once it grows up, it must be another surpassing existence, especially when the Chaos Burial Ground and the Pangu Universe are enemies, it must be killed anyway to avoid future troubles and cannot stay.

   "Huh, old guy, I don't need my body to kill you!"

   Inside the Great Chaos Cauldron, the extremely terrifying soul power surged out, and the Heavenly Chaos Emperor's form became much more real at once, as if Ye Chenzhen had descended, driving the Great Chaos Cauldron, colliding with the Burial Emperor, without losing the slightest bit.

  The Burial Emperor was taken aback: "Impossible, it is impossible for a mere soldier to stop this seat!"

   Ye Junlin and Qianxun said in amazement: "It is the chaos holy soul of the father, and he actually entered the chaos cauldron!"

They all know that Ye Chen did not refine the infinite spirit power of the chaotic holy soul left over from the past. He has never understood why, even if he ever asked, Ye Chen always laughed and said nothing. In Kanai, as soon as he took a shot, he immediately showed the power no less than the half-step overlord.

The chaos holy soul controls the great chaos cauldron. This ancient cauldron, which has followed him since his childhood, has long been psychic and has also killed many strong people of the same order, so that later the supreme, the quasi-giant, the eternal giant, the first-generation giant , And even the half-step overlord, had been killed, had also drank blood, and transformed to an incredible level.

   With the Chaos Soul of Shang Ye Chen, it is no less than the real half-step overlord.

   This is one of Ye Chen's hole cards. It has been hidden, but today, in order to protect his children, he does not hesitate to expose it.

  The chaos holy soul is like Ye Chen's second, combined with the chaos heaven emperor's method, incarnate into the real chaos heaven emperor, control the chaos cauldron, control many realms, and take the initiative to attack the buried ancestor.

   The chaotic light exploded, and hundreds of millions of voids collapsed, terrifying.

  The Burial Emperor's face was gloomy, and he coldly snorted: "The Emperor Chaos, you are just a new half-step overlord. How about this soul-dividing method, manner, and Taoist soldiers, it is not an opponent of this seat."

   The battle between the two resulted in a great collapse of the realm and the turbulence. I don't know how many realms in the realm ~ and the giants of all parties retreated.

   During the war, the chaos holy soul controlled the chaos cauldron, and did not fall in the wind, and even a powerful half-step overlord like Burying Emperor Ancestor did not have the slightest advantage.

   This makes the Burial Emperor look very ugly.

  The ancient ancestor of Buried Heaven also looked gloomy, and he didn't seem to expect Ye Chen to be so powerful.

   This also gave the Profound God Ancestor valuable time. He successfully reorganized his body, swallowed the light of the sky, and was about to survive the final catastrophe and become the true half-step overlord.

   This delighted the expressions of the powers of the Xuan Clan, Pangu Universe, and the Primordial Immortal Realm. The Profound God Ancestor will eventually become the new half-step overlord and will add indispensable and important combat power to this side.

   In the end, the sky full of calamity light dissipated, the Profound God Ancestor's treasure body was solemn, the strong breath was erupting, and the turbulent chaotic sea became the new half-step overlord.

  The Profound God Ancestor has a magnificent posture, looks quite young, with scattered black hair, and a glowing body, with endless avenues of runes intertwined, and his eyes are wise. Since the early days of the Chaos Sea, he has lived for a long time.

   But just after the tribulation, he is still a little weak, and it takes a while to stabilize the state.

   But it is not important anymore, because there are the Primordial Immortal Realm, Pangu Universe, and Eternal Heaven Realm behind him. As long as you practice for a period of time, you can completely stabilize this realm. .


At the moment when the robbery light dissipated, all of a sudden, the four half-step overlords of Ye Chen Chaos Sacred Soul, Wild Sky Demon Lord, Emperor Burying Ancestor, and Ancient Burying Ancestor gave birth to induction. At the same time, he raised his head and saw a dark sky appearing above. Mo's weird figure showed only a blood-red eye, staring at the Profound God Ancestor below, extremely weird.

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