Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4162: Bad luck

   I saw the weird figure with blood-colored eyes, and stuck out a snow-white palm, on which a dark spear appeared.

   This pitch-black spear can swallow all light, and even the rules of the avenue, which is very weird, as if it is nothing but the incarnation of a black hole.

   At the moment the four-half-step overlord gave birth to the induction, the pitch-black spear was thrown out, and it pierced the endless sky in an instant, as if the years were stagnant, and suddenly reached the Profound God Ancestor, pierced his chest and nailed it into the chaotic sea.

   Everyone couldn't react, including several half-step overlords, that weird figure shot too fast.

What's more, what is shocking is that the Profound God Ancestor is also a half-step overlord. Although it has just completed the triumph, the divine body is already formed, and it is not so weak. It was actually penetrated by the dark spear and nailed to the sea of ​​chaos. The veteran half-step overlord is also extremely difficult to do this step.

   There is no doubt that the shot is extremely easy.

   All parties are shocked, there is such a big terror in the Chaos Sea!

   Profound **** ancestor's expression changed drastically, and he wanted to struggle, but the dark spear carried a weird power, which caused him to suffer heavy damage, and broke out countless dark chains, intertwined and restrained him.

   It is horrifying that, as strong as the Profound God Ancestor, this newly promoted half-step overlord can't break free.

   Here, Ye Chen, Huangtian Demon Lord, and the Eastern Emperor who is far away in the prehistoric immortal realm have changed their colors.

  Because they sensed a familiar and evil spirit.

   The breath of Eternal Night, and the breath of the original will.

   There is no doubt that these blood-red eyes are the original will of the Eternal Night Land, appearing silently and attacking the Profound God Ancestor.

   Even though it was the three of them, they still needed to work together to deal with it. A newly promoted half-step overlord of Profound God Ancestor is not as good as any of them, let alone the original will of Eternal Night.

"not good!"

Ye Chen took the first shot. Although Bromance was in front of him, he exploded with terrifying combat power. Moreover, the four half-step overlords of Fighting Saint Ancestor, Against the Heavens, Time and Space Emperor, and Supreme Sage Emperor also shot. He won a certain amount of time.

   Ye Chen pierced the Chaos Sea and rushed there, shouting: "Kill!"

   He killed the original will of Eternal Night.

   The Eternal Night Land Origin will look at Ye Chen indifferently: "It's you, I'll be caught by me today."


After the two fight, Ye Chen is somewhat invincible, but now he has achieved the half-step overlord status of Immortal Dao, and his strength is even stronger. While the original will of the Eternal Night Land restrains the Profound God Ancestor, it poses little threat to him. .

   "The original will of the Eternal Night, you escaped in the past, and you dare to appear today. It is not you who captured me, but I captured you!"

Ye Chen's body was shining with extremely blazing chaotic flames, and he directly grasped many realms in a radius and blessed him. At the same time, the power of the half-step overlord of the immortal way, the power of the cosmic chaos body, the power of the original universe and other powers were added. Suddenly, an extremely astonishing force erupted, and a fist was to blast the original will of Eternal Night.

   There is no fancy, at this level, when you move your hands and feet, it is the supreme embodiment of the Dao, without the use of any magical magic.

   One punch after another, bombarding the past, annihilating the boundless chaotic sea, slamming the original will of the eternal night.

However, the original will of the Eternal Night is really terrifying, and the blood-red eyes stretched out the white palms, and the same gestures were manifested in terrifying avenues, and Ye Chen was hard to shake, and did not lose the wind. Well matched.

But the Demon Lord of Huang Tian has a solemn expression: "The original will of the Eternal Night is extremely terrible, and no half-step overlord is its opponent. The only flaw is that the original will of the Eternal Night does not have a real body, and the master of the Dao is also Very general, the truly powerful is the power of the entire strange Eternal Night, which originates from the secret world of the Origin, and it is terrifying, which gives it the invincible power to overwhelm the world. No, its purpose Yes--"

His expression changed drastically, and he was busy transmitting to Ye Chen: "Brother Ye, we must stop it. Its purpose is God Profound Ancestor and it is everything to him. After swallowing everything about Profound God Ancestor, it can be completely transformed into a real thing. The cultivator will not only get the body by then, but also the half-step overlord Tao fruit of the Profound God Ancestor. If you smelt the whole body, I am afraid it will create an extremely terrifying monster."

   Originally, the original will of Eternal Night is extremely terrible, and it needs three and a half-step overlords to suppress it, but it is only a serious injury and cannot be killed.

   Now, once you have captured everything from the Profound God Ancestor, it will be transformed into a truly terrifying existence, much more terrifying than the half-step overlord, and may even become the sixth invincible overlord of the Chaos Sea.

  This is the most terrifying thing.

   The power of the invincible overlord can be seen through the first generation. It is as strong as the Great Heavenly Venerable of the ancient times, but it is also killed by a click. It is not a general, it is terrifying and incredible.

   Ye Chen knows this naturally, but the terrifying nature of the will of the Eternal Night is more direct, dissolving his heavy offensives, making his attacks unable to effectively harm it.

   Moreover, the other half-step overlords were blocked, and they were unable to give any assistance.


   Under a collision Ye Chen's figure flew upside down, the Eternal Night Land Origin Will took the opportunity to turn around and take the Profound God Ancestor away.

   "Senior Tiandi, please take action to save the Profound God Ancestor!"

   Ye Chen made a decisive decision and asked the Emperor for help.

  The Emperor of Heaven did not hesitate, looking at the origin of the Eternal Night, the eyes of the Emperor of Heaven made it feel endless threats, and immediately turned and left with the Profound God Ancestor.

   It's just that the emperor can't allow it to leave.

   swing the Emperor Sword.

   In an instant, across the ages, the years, time and space are divided in front of this sword, and it is truly terrifying.

   Shidai shot, blocked, cut out a blow with unpredictable force, traversed the Chaos Sea, and collided with the Emperor of Heaven.

   The two fight against each other and annihilate everything.

   However, the sword of the Emperor of Heaven was weakened and still existed, but the first blow was dissipated.

   This is surprising, isn't the first generation inferior to the emperor?

   The Eternal Night Land Origin Will felt the endless crisis, and hurriedly attacked to block it, and delivered a terrifying blow, enough to destroy time and space.

   But the Emperor's sword still cut open and landed on it.


   Eternal Night Land Origin Will roared, blood-red eyes split into two, and endless dark blood was spilled.

   It’s just that they regrouped very quickly, took the Profound God Ancestor through time and space, and then disappeared. .

   Looking at the direction of the Eternal Night Land’s original will, Ye Chen and the others sank. He immediately deduced the position of the Profound God Ancestor, but was shielded, stronger than him, and the person who claimed to be the highest master of Chaos could not do it.

   This time, I'm afraid the Profound God Ancestor will be more ill-fated.

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