Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4167: Cang?? Perish


   is a million years in a flash.

   Ye Chen stared at Yan Wushuang, who was always conceived in the power of endless faith.

   This disciple has never recovered.

   Even if Ye Chen is now a half-step overlord, even a strong one among the half-step overlords, he is unusually powerful, but it is still impossible to resurrect Yan Wushuang.

   Because it involves the deepest true spirit.

   Yan Wushuang was almost completely wiped out, he only kept a trace.

   All the time, the method adopted is to let all living beings remember Yan Wushuang with the power of endless faith, so that he can recover from the faith of all living beings.

   But now, it has not succeeded yet.

   But until now, Ye Chen felt that success was not far away.

  He believes that one day Yan Wushuang will be completely resurrected and returned.

   turned around, Ye Chen came to the Purple Peak High Heaven Palace for the first time after returning to Pangu Universe.

   Ziji Lingxiao Palace is at the origin of the universe.

   In the hall, the emperor is present.

After    the Emperor of Heaven returned to the Pangu universe, he has basically been in the origin of the universe and never left.

   "I have seen the predecessor of the Emperor of Heaven." Ye Chen saluted. In any case, he still respects the Emperor of Heaven. Even if he knew that the Emperor of Heaven came from the place of origin, if there was no Emperor of Heaven, there would be no Pangu universe today.

  The Emperor of Heaven is a well-deserved hero of the Pangu Universe, and his accomplishments are indelible.

  The Heavenly Emperor looked at Ye Chen and said, "Is your purpose of coming here to ask me, why didn't you stop it earlier?"

   Doubt is not to prevent the First Generation from dealing with the Tianjue Ancient Universe, not to prevent the First Generation from taking action against the ancient Great Heavenly Lord, nor to prevent the Eternal Night Land from capturing the Profound God Ancestor by the original will of the Eternal Night, and it does not prevent the First Generation from taking action to save the Chaos Burial Ground.

   Shidai only took a few shots, and now the Chaos Sea was completely messed up, and even almost completely stepped into the blood-stained future.

   Nowadays, people in the Chaos Sea are in panic.

   Ye Chen was silent. He wanted to ask, but he was not qualified to ask.

  Because the emperor must have his measure of whether he makes a move.

   Throughout the ages, the Emperor of Heaven has always been one of the wisest beings.

  The Emperor of Heaven said: "I can't easily make a move. Over the years, I have been injured and have never recovered."

   Ye Chen's expression was shocked, it seemed a bit unimaginable, invincible, like the emperor, would also be injured.

   But after thinking about it carefully, it was a little unexpected, but it was reasonable.

No matter how powerful the emperor is, he is only one person. What's more, he was helpless to enter Hanoi because of the first killing formation in ancient and modern times-the Great Extinction Formation in the past, and then because he was alone facing the most terrifying horrors in ancient and modern times. The overlord exists.

   No matter how strong he is, in these endless years, alone against so many heroes, fighting endless years, it is impossible to be completely safe.

   "It's because the juniors have not considered them well, and I ask seniors to forgive them." Ye Chen apologized earnestly. The Heavenly Emperor was injured. It must not be an ordinary injury.

   This kind of injury may be fine to deal with other people, but if it is dealt with the first generation who is also the overlord of the world, it is likely to be exposed. If the first generation takes the opportunity to take action, it will be troublesome.

"It's okay, you came here this time, should you have another purpose?" The Emperor smiled slightly, very contagious, and an emperor light appeared in his hand, full of endless mysteries that were difficult for the half-step overlord to understand for a while, said : "This is one-third of the Pangu Divine Soul and one-third of the Eternal Dao that I have mastered. It should be able to effectively complement the complete Chaos Dao that you are missing."

   Ye Chen couldn't help but marvel, as he deserves to be one of the most powerful people in the ages. The Emperor of Heaven is really wise and understands the various purposes of his coming.

   Yes, one of the purposes is to hope to get one third of the Eternal Dao controlled by the Emperor.

   Tiandi, Shidai, and Xianzu are all three-thirds of Pangu’s Soul in the past, each owning one-third of the Eternal Avenue,

   took this group of emperor light, not only is the "Tiandi Jing" created by the emperor, but also contains the mysteries of one-third of the eternal road that the emperor has mastered.

   Only when you understand it thoroughly can you master it thoroughly.

   I have to say that the Emperor of Heaven valued him very much and gave it to him without hesitation.

"Besides." The Emperor of Heaven stared at Ye Chen suddenly, his eyes seemed to have insight into everything and his body, and saw the Pangu Heart, and said: "If you have to last, don't refine the Pangu Heart. Anything. People are about to be refined, but you can’t!"

   Ye Chen stunned, what does it mean?

  Anyone can refine, but he can't refine the Heart of Pangu?

   "Let's go, I need to heal my injuries." The Emperor didn't explain, and let Ye Chen leave.

   Thanks to the emperor, Ye Chen turned around and went back to Chaos Tianfu to comprehend the "Tiandi Jing".

   This retreat is ten thousand years.

   Ye Chen had to admit that the mystery of the "Tiandi Jing", even if he was already at the half-step overlord level, he could still understand a lot, and benefited a lot from the final completion of the Chaos Avenue.

   Suddenly, Ye Chen was awakened and had to leave.

  A majestic figure of the great emperor appeared. It was the disciple of the ancient demon god. Now he has become an ancient emperor. He pays his disciple salute and said: "Master, the ultimate ancient road universe has a letter."

   Hearing the words, Ye Chen's expression moved slightly The ancient chaotic universe where the ultimate ancient road is located, but the ancient chaotic universe where Cang Yan is located.

   Since Cang Yan Great Heavenly Sovereign left Pangu Universe, there has been little spread of letters.

   Now, suddenly there is a letter, why?

Only a communication composed of pure soul light appeared from the hand of the ancient demon god, and immediately turned into a familiar figure, it was the Great Heavenly Venerable Cang Yan, but at this moment this respected Great Heavenly Venerable was covered in blood, even half of it. The eternal body exploded, and the eternal immortal body of the eternal Taoist soldier was also shattered by most, looking unusually embarrassed.

Cang Yan was panting, his aura was wilting, and said: "Ye Xiaoyou, our ancient Chaos Universe has been attacked by a foreign race. They suddenly attacked and blocked the surrounding area of ​​our ancient Chaos Universe. Ask the outside world for help. I tried my best to tear the blockade and send out this soul light. When you see this soul light communication, I am mostly dead."

   "Beware of alien ancient universes, and must—"

   Before the words fell, three terrifying figures were killed, and Cang Yan Da Tianzun exploded, and the soul-light communication disappeared.

   Ye Chen's expression immediately changed.

   An accident occurred in the chaotic ancient universe where the ultimate ancient road is located.

   He left the Pangu universe for the first time, entered the Chaos Sea, and went to the Chaos Ancient Universe where the ultimate ancient road was located.

   But when he came, he saw a scene of grief and indignation. .

   The ancient chaotic universe collapsed completely, just like the ancient universe of the Eight Desolates of the year, the heavens shattered, the walls of the universe shattered, and endless blood stained the entire broken ancient universe.

   Everything fell into silence.

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