Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4168: Survive

   The ancient chaotic universe where the ultimate ancient road is located collapsed.

   just like this, lying in the endless chaotic sea, the broken walls of the universe are constantly moving away, and there are endless broken stars falling into the chaotic sea.

   Ye Chen can also clearly feel the powerful and incomparable Dao rules, the Dao rules used by the eternal giants to fight, all over the nearby realm.

   At the very least, three eternal giants from the alien ancient universe have come to fight this chaotic ancient universe, and maybe even more.

   also saw the endless corpses traversing the universe inside and outside, some of them are huge and incomparably huge, the emperor, the hair can circulate in the galaxy, but completely dead.

   There is only endless blood and light all over the collapsed universe.

   Ye Chen's eyes are blood red, and he is full of grief and anger!


   He rushed into this collapsed ancient chaotic universe, and as far as his eyes could be, everything in the entire ancient chaotic universe was in full view.

   Just like the ancient trials of the past, many have now turned into dust, even if there are still existing, they are already broken and no longer exist.

   There are many remains of young Tianjiao floating on every ancient trial gate.

   Even in the blood-stained era of this year, there are still countless Tianjiao predecessors and descendants, rushing to the ultimate ancient road trial.

   Unfortunately, all this has been broken.

   There are also the remaining party of the Forbidden Soul Palace, or the former emperors, such as the Jiuyan emperor, etc., all shattered with the collapse of the universe.

   Everything that was familiar has disappeared, including the ultimate ancient realm.

  Today, the entire ancient chaotic universe completely collapsed.

   Ye Chen was in a heavy mood, all the way to the deepest part of the universe, which was originally the origin of the universe, but at this moment it was extremely empty, and there was nothing but endless blood spilling on the boundless territory.

   He sensed a familiar aura. These blood were all the blood of the eternal Daoist spilled by the Great Heavenly Sovereign Cang Yan. The blood stained the heavens. He had experienced the most terrible battle here, but it was over for a long time.

   He couldn't feel the breath of life, even the vitality in the blood was completely wiped out.

   It's just that I didn't see Cang Yan's figure.

   Even though he knew that most of the ill-fortune was no longer auspicious, Ye Chen still had a glimmer of hope, hoping that the Great Heavenly Sovereign Cang Yan was still alive and did not really fall.

   He used the half-step overlord's means to go back in time, and it was not just this area, but the entire ancient chaotic universe, and even several nearby realms.

   has a wide coverage area, which can be called shocking the past and the present.

   Looking back in time, Ye Chen saw the battle.

   A full five alien giants attacked and killed this ancient chaotic universe, holding a half-step overlord’s forbidden weapon, so they broke through the walls of the universe in the first time and successfully attacked and entered.

   Cang Yan Datianzun is the only eternal giant in this ancient chaotic universe, and also the master.

The original will of the ancient Chaos Universe also sensed a strong crisis, and released the power of the original universe to bless the Great Celestial Venerable Cang Yan, allowing him to master part of the original power of the universe and forcibly upgrade to the level of the first generation giant. It is extremely powerful, and the entire ancient Chaos universe is Become his home court.

   It's a pity that the five big aliens are too strong, and one of them is the original giant.

   Cang Yan Da Tian Zun is indeed very strong under the blessing of the origin of the universe, but it is not an opponent. In the time-retarding picture, the Xing Shen was quickly destroyed by the alien race, and the Xing Shen was annihilated again and again.

   The terrible battle also caused the entire ancient chaotic universe to collapse and fall into disintegration.

   In the end, Cang Yan Great Heavenly Sovereign body shattered to pieces, and even the eternal immortal body was shattered, the eternal body and the eternal soul exploded again and again, and finally disappeared completely.

   And Cang Yan Da Tian Zun, also fell.

   Hope is extinct!

Moreover, the entire ancient chaotic universe has collapsed, and even if the Great Heavenly Sovereign Cang Yan once entrusted part of his soul in the heavens and stars, it is useless. At this moment, it collapses with the collapse of the universe, and there is no resurrection. Hope.


   Ye Chen felt only endless anger, and thunderous blood burst from the sky spirit cover, flooding the entire chaotic ancient universe.

   In the old days, there were so many Cang Yan Great Heavenly Sovereigns who came forward to protect and guard the Pangu universe, and Pangu universe can only come to this day.

   But Cang Yan Datianzun had an accident, but he couldn't stop it, and he didn't even know that it was too late and he regretted it.

   He wanted to reverse the years and arrive at the moment when the aliens attacked and killed him.

   can't do it!

   Boom boom boom boom boom--

   Soon after, several giants of the Pangu universe also came here, and their pupils shrank when they saw the ancient chaotic universe where the ultimate ancient road was collapsing and dying.

   Alien Ancient Universe, after destroying Tianjue Ancient Universe, another chaotic ancient universe collapsed.

  Moreover, the Chaos Ancient Universe where the Ultimate Ancient Road is located is a bit weak after all. Only Cang Yan Da Tianzun, an eternal giant, is an opponent of the alien ancient universe.

  What's more, the ancient alien universe deliberately blocked this chaotic ancient universe, and the outside world has no way of knowing what happened.

   "The Emperor Chaos!"

   Inside the mortal universe, a majestic world appeared, and it was the ten-day realm ancient domain that survived.

   Among them, there are two quasi-giants, the God Emperor of Tianmu, and the lord of the Palace of Ten Heavens.

   They didn't fall, but they suffered heavy injuries, and their breath was weak.

   Ye Chen smiled reluctantly.

   The two can be regarded as deceased, and it is best not to fall apart.

The lord of the Palace of the Ten Heavens sighed: "Three days ago the ancient alien universe struck, and the ancient realm of the ten-day realm was about to fall into the brink of collapse. The creatures of the universe were sent into the ten-day realm ancient realm, and they sent us away from the most tragic battlefield, protecting our lives with eternal immortality."

   He told the truth, that battle, the ten-day realm almost collapsed.

   Cang Yan Great Heavenly Sovereign was in a dangerous situation, but at a more critical moment, he took action and sent away the ten-day realm as an immortal body, which also saved the ten-day realm from being destroyed and survived.

   Some of the creatures in the original universe survived this, among them were many Tianjiao who were practicing on the ultimate ancient road, who were transferred into the ten-day realm by the Great Heavenly Sovereign Cang Yan with supreme means.

Naturally, even so, the five giants of foreign races almost destroyed the Ten Heaven Realm, shattering the eternal immortal body. Even if most of the most terrifying power is blocked, only what remains is the Ten Heaven Realm. It almost collapsed.

During the    period, it was the two of them desperately guarding the ten-day realm of the ancient realm, only to survive.

   Then, both of them were injured and took the opportunity to escape. The giants of the foreign race failed to destroy the Ten Heaven Realm Ancient Realm.

   "It's credible, the alien came too suddenly, and killed us by surprise. The Great Heavenly Sovereign Cang Yan couldn't retreat at all, he could only fight desperately."

   The lord of the Ten Heavenly Emperor Hall and the Heavenly Eye God Emperor both sighed. In that case, even the first generation giants would undoubtedly die, not to mention that Cang Yan Great Heavenly Sovereign has not yet reached that stage, and it is naturally inevitable. .


   Ye Chen roared, his eyes filled with bloodshot eyes, endless anger emerged, and he looked at the alien ancient universe on the other side of the Chaos Sea.

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