Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4169: revenge

   "Have you finally noticed it?"

   In the ancient alien universe, the half-step overlords such as Aoyuan, Annihilation, and Extinction looked indifferently into the distance, colliding with Ye Chen's eyes in the sea of ​​chaos.

   Ye Chen wanted to kill the ancient alien universe so that the entire alien ancient universe would be buried with Cang Yan.

   The Alien Ancient Universe is really hateful, killing a respectable predecessor.

   However, it does not work.

   Ye Chen can only look at the ancient alien universe, and there is endless killing intent in his eyes.

  He is forbearing.

   Because the strength has not reached that step yet.

   What he needs is to fully understand the "Tiandi Jing" as soon as possible, and then master the one-third of the Eternal Dao, so that the Chaos Dao can complement more.

On the other hand, the original universe must also be completely perfected and complete. In this way, he can not only master the majestic power of the complete chaotic ancient universe, but also regain the power of the half-step overlord of the gods, combined with the half-step overlord of the immortal way. He is confident of the power of the universe and the chaotic body of the universe, even if he is against the predecessors of the previous generation, the ancestor of the origin holy clan, and other overlords who have overwhelmed the ancient and modern times, he dare to fight at the top.

   No, I'm not strong enough, I need to become stronger, to step into the highest realm, and truly crush the Chaos Sea instead of having enemies now.

   Ye Chen secretly made a vow to get there as soon as possible.

   "Let's go, go back to Pangu Universe. Ten-day realm ancient domain will join Pangu Universe from now on." Ye Chen said.

   The lord of the Ten Heavenly Emperor Hall and the Heavenly Eye God Emperor were very surprised. They lost the protection of the ancient Chaos Universe, and the Ten Heavenly Realm was quite dangerous.

   Especially this world has been branded by the avenue of the supreme of the heavens, it is very special, even the eternal giants will be tempted.

   They are just quasi-giants. In this most terrifying prehistoric turmoil where even giants would fall at every turn, they couldn't protect the ten-day realm ancient domain at all, and it was even difficult to protect themselves.

   Nowadays, the protection of Pangu universe is undoubtedly the safest.

   They are watching the Chaos Sea, and they naturally know how strong the Pangu universe is today.

   Before leaving, Ye Chen took action and mobilized the power of multiple realms to bury this chaotic ancient universe that was once the ultimate ancient road glory, and even Cang Yan Great Heavenly Sovereign.

   He took some blood away.

   After taking the Ten Heaven Realm Ancient Domain back to the Pangu Universe, Ye Chen came to the Land of Endless Faith and entered the Great Heavenly Venerable Cang Yan.

   At the same time, under the guidance of Chaos Tianfu, Pangu Universe is extolling the merits of Cang Yan Datianzun.

   That's right, Ye Chen hopes to be able to use the power of the faith of sentient beings to resurrect the Great Celestial Lord Cang Yan.

   Although hope is very slim, there is always a trace, better than none.

   Soon, he left the Pangu universe, crossed the sky, and came outside the alien ancient universe, which made the alien ancient universe like a great enemy.

   Aoyuan, Duanjiu, Extinction and other half-step overlords almost even started, looking at Ye Chen coldly.

   Ye Chen walked around the ancient alien universe, and finally left, leaving many experts in the ancient alien universe confused.

   Even the half-step overlords are a little unclear.

   What is the intention of the Emperor Chaos?

   After that, Ye Chen continued to walk in the Chaos Sea, occasionally stopping, sticking himself in the deepest place, frantically devouring the ancient chaos, making the original universe more perfect.

   On the one hand, he is comprehending the "Tiandi Jing", on the one hand, he is perfecting the original universe, on the other hand, he is also traveling around the world to find the original will of the Eternal Night.

  The Profound God Ancestor must be rescued, or else this will continue. After the Eternal Night Land's original will truly seizes the Profound God Ancestor, God knows what kind of freak will be born.

   may be born a monster no less than the overlord of the world.

   It's a pity that the sea of ​​chaos is vast, and I don't know how it is, it is impossible to guess the true vastness.

   Eternal Night Land's original will disappeared without a trace, it was stronger than Ye Chen could not find it.

   Is this really a terrible freak born?

   Ye Chen looked gloomy, turned and left, and finally came to a chaotic ancient universe.

His appearance made this ancient chaotic universe like a great enemy, especially the ruler of the ancient chaotic universe. He was an early generation giant who had participated in the siege of the Profound God Ancestor. Therefore, he was very worried that the Emperor Chaos would come. The purpose of this is to retaliate.

   Unfortunately, he really guessed it, Ye Chen's fundamental purpose is to get revenge.


   Ye Chen didn't say a word, and immediately shot, the chaotic light rushed into the sky, and blasted directly into this ancient chaotic universe.

  Half-step overlord level strength was surging, and this chaotic ancient universe was shaken all at once, and it almost exploded, and a terrible black hole appeared, penetrating the universe inside and outside.

In this ancient chaotic universe, countless worlds were destroyed at once, and endless creatures were annihilated into the sky, including a quasi-giant not far away, the Optimus pillar of this ancient chaotic universe. Such strength, unfortunately, also fell.

   "The Emperor Chaos, please forgive me!"

   As a last resort, this first-generation giant of the ancient Chaos Universe had to bite the bullet and walk out and personally forgive Ye Chen, otherwise it would not be impossible for Ye Chen to shoot to explode the ancient Chaos Universe.

   Ye Chen really stopped, and cold eyes fell on the first-generation giant, which contained an extremely terrifying deterrent, making the latter like Mount Tai overwhelming, and the immortal body was also a little trembling at this moment.

   This is the gaze of the half-step overlord, and the first generation giants are also under tremendous pressure.

But the first generation giants were betting that Ye Chen would not really take action, because in this way, Pangu universe would fall into the charge of destroying other chaotic ancient universes. After all, Pangu universe is not an alien ancient universe and will not take the initiative to bear such charges. of.

   A long time later, just when the original giant thought Ye Chen was about to leave, Ye Chen made a sudden move.


  The blood was surging, and there were many territories, and the entire chaotic ancient universe was shaken and almost collapsed.

   Ye Chen took the shot after all, forcibly defeating the first generation giant, and suppressed it, sealed it in the Great Chaos Cauldron, and turned and left.

   This scene shook the Chaos Sea.

   All parties were shocked, and the Emperor Chaos actually took the initiative to attack other ancient Chaos universes.

If it is a foreign race ancient universe, they all think it is very ordinary, and the Chaos Heaven Emperor's blood and energy is famous. It is not a half time to enter a foreign ancient universe, but now it is rare to attack an ordinary Chaos ancient universe. . .

   Ye Chen ignored the shocked looks of other people. Since the master of the ancient chaotic universe has decided to take action, it is a sin, and it is impossible to expose it anyway.

  If you want to survive, that is, the person who shoots is killed, even if it is the strongest person in the entire chaotic ancient universe and the bearer of the blood-stained future.

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