Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4170: Deter all parties

   All parties in the Chaos Sea shook, especially the other twelve giants who had shot against the Profound God Ancestor, they were extremely frightened, as if they were facing a big enemy.

   The Emperor Chaos came to retaliate, and they could only escape immediately.

However, many giants have nowhere to escape, because they are basically the strongest and masters of their respective ancient Chaos universe. Once they leave, I dare not imagine whether the Emperor Chaos will implicate the boundless anger on the chaos behind. The ancient universe was directly destroyed.

   With the current strength of the Chaos Emperor, it is really possible to do so.

   Moreover, this is an intentional prestige of the Emperor Chaos, and it is impossible to stop there.


Ye Chen came to the Ancient Chaos Universe where the second giant who had taken a shot was located. Before Ye Chen could take a shot, the giant had already appeared on his own initiative and said bitterly: "I am willing to take all responsibilities and hope that the Emperor Chaos can release Once through the ancient chaotic universe where I am."

"it is good!"

   Ye Chen readily agreed, raised his hand to suppress, and after being locked up in the Great Chaos Cauldron, he turned and left, passing through the ancient Chaos universe.

   In some Chaos Ancient Universes, only one eternal giant ever made a shot, and some had two or even three.

   Seven ancient Chaos universes, he suppressed ten giants in total, causing the Chaos Sea to shake.

   The Emperor of Chaos is too powerful. One person suppressed the ten giants and suppressed the seven ancient chaotic universes.

There are also three giants. Even though they were born in the ancient Chaos Universe, they did not have the magnanimity of those giants. They had long abandoned the ancient Chaos Universe and escaped. The ancient Chaos Universe where they were located naturally paid a heavy price, and they were all hit by Ye Chen. Breaking through the boundary of the universe, once made the sentient beings of the three ancient chaotic universes think that Ye Chen would burst the universe, and was extremely frightened.

   In the end, Ye Chen didn't do this, plundering a large amount of training resources in these chaotic ancient universes, and then left.

   His purpose is to shock.

  Pangu Universe, has long been not the weak Pangu Universe of the past.

   And his Chaos Emperor is not the former Chaos Emperor, he is stronger and more domineering!

   If you dare to attack Pangu universe's allies, you will have to pay a price.

   And these are the price!

   The ancient alien universe is naturally uncomfortable, and it uses its power to spread rumors against Ye Chen in the sea of ​​chaos.

   "The Emperor Chaos is too domineering. He doesn't deserve to be a half-step overlord at all. Without the corresponding mind, he actually takes a shot against the relatively weak ancient Chaos universe, and loses the majesty of a half-step overlord."

   "That's right, those giants are only aimed at the Xuan Clan. It has nothing to do with the Pangu Universe, and has nothing to do with the Chaos Emperor!"

   "The Emperor Chaos has ulterior motives, I suspect that he did it intentionally, to slowly return to the calm Chaos Sea and set off a **** storm again!"

   "I think that all parties should condemn the Emperor Chaos and cannot let him continue."

   "The Emperor Chaos has shot against the ten giants one after another. It is because the ancient Chaos universe behind the three giants has nothing to do with the giants and was targeted by him. Is this the half-step overlord's mind? He is not worthy!"

   "Everyone, I propose that Yizheng kill the Chaos Emperor. I suspect that he is the biggest source of the bloodstained future!"

   "I think there is nothing wrong with fellow Taoists of different races!"


   The various parties in the Chaos Sea have been mobilized. Although those who can become giants can be described as quite wise figures, and have lived for endless years, what can be hidden from them and know the ulterior motives of the alien ancient universe.

   However, the Chaos Emperor successively suppressed the ten giants, and plundered the ancient Chaos universe behind the three giants who had fled, penetrated the universe wall, caused severe damage to the universe and plundered endless training resources, but they all felt threatened.

  Especially the Chaos Emperor is a half-step overlord. He has always had a strong and domineering character. The Fighting Ancestor is also a strong and domineering, but it is still inferior, which makes them worry.

   Ye Chen did not answer this, but found a broken chaotic ancient universe in the depths of the Chaos Sea, which had suffered terrible disasters in the past.

  He found traces of alien giants inside, which are the chaotic ancient universes that were destroyed by the alien ancient universe, just like the great chaotic ancient universes where the Bahuang, Tianjue, and Ultimate Ancient Road are located, showing the cruelty of the alien ancient universe.

   Throughout the ages, I don’t know how many chaotic ancient universes have suffered the poisonous hands of alien ancient universes.

"Foreign race, you keep saying that I am the root of the blood-stained future, it is better that you deliberately divert your attention. I shot, I have never committed a crime, I and I do not commit a crime, but you are not, this is what your foreign race has destroyed A chaotic ancient universe!"

   Ye Chen was in the depths of the Chaos Sea, using Chaos Dafa, attracting the power of the endless realm, igniting this broken ancient Chaos Universe, pushing it out from the depths of the Chaos Sea, and crashing into the ancient alien universe.


Even after the collapse of an ancient chaotic universe, it still contains incomparable power, especially when it is ignited and propelled, the power it contains is even more terrifying, stirring up countless waves in the chaotic sea and turning it into the most terrifying meteor in the chaotic sea. After crossing the boundaries of each block, it slammed into the ancient alien universe.

   The expressions of the giants of the alien ancient universe changed drastically, they rushed out to resist, and finally resisted.

   However, there is a projection of Ye Chen, which immediately mobilizes the power of the eight directions and blesses oneself. Even if it is infinitely far away from the deity, it can also have half the power of the overlord for a short time, and slam the past.

   Even if the half-step overlord was dispatched for the first time to stop it, there were still a few foreign giants who bore the brunt.

Ye Chen’s cold drink resounded through the Chaos Sea: “Foreign races, if you want to fight, you will be justified. Don’t tell the truth behind your back. Don’t think that I can’t deal with you at an infinite, I can still kill you. Several giants."

   The voice fell, and the projection disappeared completely.

   The expressions of the foreign powers are ugly. The only thing to be thankful for is that none of the giants have fallen, because the half-step overlord has come forward for shelter.

   Ye Chen’s strong dominance is further experienced.

  In the Chaos Sea, the various parties also talked in a low voice, looking at the direction of Ye Chen with fear.

   This Chaos Emperor is not afraid of the heavens and the earth. Even the ancient universe of the alien races said to start with hands. There is no fear and cannot be easily provoked!

After deterring all parties, Ye Chen turned around and plunged into the depths of the Chaos Sea, frantically swallowing endless ancient chaos. On the other side, he was deducing the location of the other three giants, even if he reached the end of the Chaos Sea. He must also pull it out with his own hands and kill him to show that the world knows his will is unshakable.

Eight hundred years later, he found the first person and hid in a chaotic sea secret realm. This chaotic sea secret realm is very special and able to avoid all deductions, but Ye Chen’s deduction ability was also greatly blocked. It took eight hundred years to find him.

   He took the shot, and naturally the eternal giant did not hesitate to resist.

   a punch!

   The eternal giant is far from Ye Chen's opponent. .

   After killing the first escaped eternal giant, Ye Chen continued to practice and continue to improve the original universe, while looking for the traces of the other two giants.

   In the end, after nine thousand years, he came to the origin holy clan unknowingly. During the deduction, he unexpectedly performed clues, and finally learned that the other two giants had joined the origin holy clan.

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