Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4171: Infiltrate the origin holy race

   Ye Chen couldn't help frowning, because the origin holy race was no less than the alien ancient universe, not to mention a half-step overlord, and even the real world hegemon was personally seated, as powerful as him, and did not dare to force the origin holy race.

   "In the past few years, it has been reported that the Origin Saint Clan and the Chaos Sea have gradually communicated with each other, and may be able to find an opportunity to sneak into the Mystery of Origin."

   Ye Chen secretly thought about how to successfully kill the two giants who besieged the Profound God Ancestor.

   This hatred, no matter what!

   A distance from the Secret Realm World of the Origin Saint Clan, Ye Chen paused, looking in the distance, and saw that the Secret Realm world opened a channel, connecting the Chaos Sea.

   That passage is similar to the Immortal King Pass of the Primordial Immortal Realm. It is guarded by the eternal giants with the origin of the holy family. It is not easy to sneak in.

   However, he could not be bothered.

He is the highest achiever in the Chaos Dao in the Chaos Sea. He has the body of all phases. The Chaos Dao can transform everything. So he merges into the Chaos Sea, approaching the secret world of the Origin Saint Clan silently, and he did not enter in the first time. , But waited silently.

   After many years have passed, it suddenly appears that a supreme of the holy clan of origin has returned from the Chaos Sea.

   Silently, Ye Chen is possessed by the supreme saint of origin.

   is as strong as the supreme, and it is impossible to perceive Ye Chen's slightest bit, without knowing it.

   The holy clan giant guarding the passage swept through the divine mind, but still could not find the existence of Ye Chen, only then opened the passage and let the supreme enter.

   Soon, following this origin saint supreme, Ye Chen entered the secret realm world of this origin saint for the first time.

   This origin secret realm is no less than a chaotic ancient universe, vast and boundless, and the avenue rules are extremely perfect, and the spatial intensity is no less than the prehistoric fairyland.

   Moreover, what is even more amazing is that Ye Chen perceives a special power similar to the Eternal Heaven Realm in this vast world of secret realm-Eternal Force!

   "The origin of the saints is really extraordinary, and there is eternal power in the secret world, is it also because of the heart of Pangu?"

   Ye Chen muttered to himself, in the past, the Lord of the Eternal Heaven Realm got the Heart of Pangu, so the Heart of Pangu escaped with eternal power and spread throughout the Eternal Heaven Realm, so that it would still exist after endless years.

Later, the Origin Saints attacked and killed the Eternal Heaven Realm and seized the Heart of Pangu. Although the Heart of Pangu was also separated from the Origin Saints in the end, it was still mastered for a long time, making this secret world full of eternity. Force is not impossible.

   But Ye Chen felt that he didn't think it was that simple.

   followed the supreme, came to the territory where the supreme was all the way, and then left.

   Then, he changed his original aura, turned into a member of the Origin Saint Clan, and sneaked into the secret world of the Origin Saint Clan silently.

   With his universal body, which is the origin of the secret world of the origin of the holy race, he cannot detect whether he is a creature born in this world, and he will automatically default.

   Moreover, he turned into a member of the Celestial Clan of the Origin Saint Clan.

   Since the Xuan Clan betrayed that year, the origin of the Saint Clan has only left seven clans.

   In fact, in addition to the Seven Great Clans, there are countless large and small races, known as the Origin of Ten Thousand Clans, but the most powerful are the Seven Great Clans, which completely control the entire Origin of the Holy Family.

Among them, the Celestial Clan has the highest status. The number of people in this clan is the rarest. The number of people in the clan has been maintained at about hundreds of thousands, but the status is the most noble, because this clan has born two and a half steps in the endless years. The overlord ancient ancestor became the first family of the origin holy race.

   It is rumored that the ancestors of the origin holy tribe belonged to this tribe.

   But there are also rumors that the origin of the eight saints is actually the eight great clans created by the eight sons of the ancestors, and the blood of the most noble ancestors drenched in the body.

   As for the ten thousand tribes, they are the descendants of the eight great holy tribes that originated in the endless years, and the tribesmen and the many races of the Chaos Sea have been married. Although they also have the blood of the ancestors, they are very thin and cannot be compared with the eight tribes.

   Compared with the first one, the second one is more credible.

   There are not many members of the Celestial Clan, each of them inherited the innate and powerful blood and talents, and can be said to be a natural king. In the world of the Secret Realm of the Origin Saint Clan, every Celestial Clan will be respected by all parties.

   Ye Chen met a person of the Celestial Clan, and he had a good direct insight into the secrets of the Celestial Clan, and directly transformed into a member of the Celestial Clan.

  Because the origin holy clan has an impression of all **** kings or above, Ye Chen is naturally not too arrogant. Instead, he has become a mighty power of the heaven clan and is investigating the whereabouts of the two giants along the way.

   "I have seen the Lords of the Celestial Clan, the two majestic Lords of Chaos God and the Great Lord of Gods are currently in the Holy City of Origin.

Ye Chen met many saints on the road. Because of the identities of the heavenly people, he smoothly asked the whereabouts of the two giants of yours, and the gods of war and the gods are the two giants. title.

  The Holy City of Origin is the absolute center of the secret world of the Origin Saint Clan. Rumor has it that it is the origin of the Origin Saint Clan.

   There are also The Holy City of Origin is a supreme holy city in the Land of Origin, which is of great significance to the Holy Family of Origin.

Ye Chen passed the teleportation formations of the giant cities in the secret world. Because of the identity of the heavenly people, these teleportation formations were successfully opened. After seven days, he finally successfully arrived at the center of the holy city of the origin holy clan—— The Holy City of Origin!

   When he came to the Holy City of Origin, he immediately sensed the extraordinaryness of this Holy City.

It is said that the Eternal City is known as the first city of the eternal ages, but compared with the holy city of origin, there is a big gap. He can clearly perceive that the holy city of origin seems to be just a city, but the space is extremely vast and magnificent. Countless worlds, there are no lack of powerful worlds such as the emperor realm, the immortal world, the chaotic primitive world, and even the cosmic origin atmosphere of the chaotic ancient universe, there are also endless giant formations, and even the half-step overlord's way.

Ye Chen was shocked for the first time. It is indeed the origin holy clan who once ruled the entire Chaos Sea. The background is really unfathomable. Even when he invaded the prehistoric world, he still did not use all the background. In the Holy City of Origin, he felt that the half-step overlord had come and it was very difficult to break it.

   Even under the urging of a few giants, you can hit the giants for the first time, and you can definitely deal with the half-step overlord.

Moreover, in the Holy City of Origin I don’t know how many quasi-giants and supreme emperors are hidden during the year, and how many giants there are. Sitting in this holy city at all times, in the invisible void, a burst of emperor light is like a dragon, surrounding the entire Origin. The holy city is unbreakable. .

   Ye Chen was also awe-inspiring. He asked himself, even if he was, he couldn't break the holy city of origin in the first place.

   Once fully urged, it can definitely suppress the half-step overlord.

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