Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4172: Emperor Tenmu

   "Fortunately, this big killer was discovered early, otherwise it would only be discovered when fighting with the Origin Saint Clan. It would definitely suffer a lot!" Ye Chen secretly said, his expression more solemn.

As for the existence of the half-step overlord, Ye Chen’s induction was not able to sense it, but it does not necessarily mean that there is no, because in this origin holy clan secret world, in the origin holy city, Ye Chen dare not care, there is no Unleashing the slightest bit of divine consciousness depends entirely on the keen perception of being a half-step overlord.

   was found by the half-step overlord and besieged, he still had a certain degree of confidence that he could not die, but if he was discovered by the ancestor of the origin holy race and shot himself, he felt that he would probably be dead for a lifetime.

   He has no confidence that he is so powerful.

   Ye Chen hid his breath perfectly, transformed into the mighty power of the Celestial Clan, and walked in the Holy City of Origin.

   Wherever he went, many people from other races of the same rank or lower rank saluted one after another, and those of one rank or above also nod slightly to indicate that this is the treatment of the Celestial tribe.

  In the holy city of origin, the flow of people is like weaving and it is very lively.

  Naturally, here, there are countless strong people.

   is the ancient king, and even the emperor can be seen from time to time.

   Suddenly, he sensed the breath of the two giants, located in a giant palace in the center of the Holy City of Origin.

   That waiting Qi machine doesn't need how Ye Chen feels, it spreads out naturally, the light of eternity penetrates Xiaohan, like a giant dragon soaring into the sky.

  Eternal giants, no matter in that power, can be called giants, including the origin of the holy race.

  The Origin Saints also value the two giants very much, and specially arranged the magnificent palace of the palace, so that the two giants can rest, and even allowed to open up a domain in the secret world.

   When he came here, even very close to the two giants, at this moment, Ye Chen was a little bit troubled, because he didn't know how to shoot.

This place is the hinterland of the Origin Saint Clan. If he forcefully kills the two giants, it will not be a problem, but it will also immediately alarm the countless powers of the Origin Saint Clan, and even the uppermost ancestor will be alarmed. He must be fierce. Good luck.

   Soon, the two giants suddenly left the Holy City of Origin together, with an unknown purpose, but Ye Chen secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

   It's just that the departure of the two giants makes it difficult for him to release his spiritual perception, but he inquires.

  Because of the identity of the Celestial Clan, I soon found out that the two giants returned to the eternal domain where the **** of chaos was seated. Because the Tianjiao battle of the eternal domain was held today, it was reported that the two wanted to collect disciples.

   After knowing where to go, Ye Chen was just turning around to leave the Holy City of Origin, just as he was heading to the teleportation formation. Suddenly, a majestic figure appeared, standing above the Holy City of Origin, with the majestic power rolling on his body, which was extremely amazing.

   "Emperor Tianwu!"

   "His Majesty Tianwu, the quasi-giant of the heavenly clan!"

   Countless people in the city knelt down at the same time, including many emperors also appeared, bowing in the void and saluting.

Because this person is the Great Emperor Tianwu, a quasi-giant of the Celestial Clan, and the heir of the current patriarch of the Celestial Clan. He is extremely talented. In only two epochs, he has reached the level of the extreme quasi-giant and has great hope in Before the end of this era, he broke the border and became the first generation giant.

   Only Ye Chen did not salute. This scene was unexpected.

But fortunately, because he was a member of the Celestial Clan, and the Emperor Tianwu couldn't react to Ye Chen, he didn't blame him. After a glance at Ye Chen, a light of emperor enveloped him and came to Emperor Tianwu. : "I just heard that you are inquiring about the whereabouts of the gods of war and the gods, do you also want to participate in the competition of the young generation of the gods of war?"

   Chaoshen Battlefield is the eternal domain of Chaoshen Zhanzun.

   Ye Chen nodded: "Yes."

   Great Emperor Tianwu smiled: "Okay, you are a member of my Celestial Clan. It just so happens that this seat is also going to the Chaos God Battlefield, so I will take you to the Chaos God Battlefield by the way!"

   After that, Daoguang swept across, wrapped Ye Chen all at once, and left directly from the Holy City of Origin.

   Great Emperor Tianwu, a quasi-giant of the extreme realm, he personally took Ye Chen to the Battlefield of Chaos, and he was extremely fast along the way.

During   , he saw that Ye Chen's face was a little strange, and he said: "You are a little strange in this view, what is your name?"

   Ye Chen knows the people of the Celestial Clan, uses Tian as the surname, and says: "Tianchen!"

"Tian Chen..." The Great Emperor Tianwu said silently, glanced at Ye Chen, frowned and said: "This seat has never heard of this name, but all the people of the Celestial Clan, even the newborn baby, this seat also knows the name. I have never heard of this name."

   I couldn't help but doubt Ye Chen's true identity. However, he was a quasi-giant in the extreme realm, but he didn't realize what was wrong with Ye Chen's bloodline. Those bloodlines were pure Celestial bloodlines.

   Ye Chen looked at Emperor Tianwu and sighed, "You are too smart."

The expression of Emperor Tianwu did not change, he paused, turned to look at Ye Chen, his eyes became colder in an instant: "Let’s say, who are you, dare to take away from my Celestial Clan, even the other six clans. , It is also a great sin to die for!"

   The gaze contained the terrifying power of the extreme quasi-giant. Even if the supreme was unbearable, Emperor Tianwu naturally did not think Ye Chen could bear it.

However, Ye Chen shook his head: "I did not seize the person from the Celestial The Emperor Tianwu frowned: "Impossible, if you haven't taken the man from the Celestial Clan, how can you be your seat? You can't understand your own blood, and you can only do this if you win the house. "

   "It is not difficult to simply become a person of the Celestial Clan." Ye Chen smiled lightly, ignoring his coercion, and stood with his hands.

  This place is far away from the holy city of origin for an endless distance, and under Ye Chen's perception, there is no giant, let alone a half-step overlord, so he is silent and blocked here with the power of chaos.

The Great Emperor Tianwu naturally also sensed the blockade of the void around him. It was as powerful as him, and his divine sense could not penetrate it. He was isolated here, and his expression changed slightly. He stared at Ye Chen closely, and said solemnly: "Who are you? "

   is able to seal the void silently and silently, it is better for him to know after careful induction, that the other party is definitely not an ordinary person.

   "It's better not to know who I am."

   Ye Chen shook his head, but shot directly.

   In this area, he is absolutely sealed off, unless he is personally inspected by the half-step overlord or the overlord of the world, it can be known, but it will be discovered by him in the first time.

   Seeing him lift up his palm and shoot it, this endless void suddenly disappeared. The Emperor Tianwu's expression changed, but he only sensed the endless crisis. He looked at Ye Chen in horror, and immediately exploded with the power of the quasi-giant of the extreme realm. .

Around him, there are endless visions emerging. Behind him is a pair of Kunpeng Emperor’s wings, with a white tiger head on his head, and a true dragon tail behind him. There are ten kinds of chaotic phenomena, and he seems to have turned into a smelted ten. Chaos Holy Spirit, the supreme invincible.

   This is his strongest state, even daring to fight the eternal giant peak.

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