Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4174: Arrogance

   Great Emperor Tianwu has a very high status in the Celestial Clan, no less than his new tycoon.

Not only because Emperor Tianwu was the heir of the patriarch of the Celestial Clan, but also because he was an extreme quasi-giant, he was highly valued by the half-step overlord ancestor Qianji Tianzu of the Celestial Clan, and he was accepted as a direct disciple, saying that it was inevitable in this era. It can break through the boundary, make the ultimate leap, and achieve the first generation of giants, which will greatly increase the overall strength of the heavens.

   Therefore, even now, he is qualified to be on an equal footing with his eternal giant.

   The sudden fall of the Great Emperor Tianwu was definitely a huge earthquake for the Celestial Clan, and even the entire origin of the Saint Clan.

Ye Chen swept to the two giants and said indifferently: "I sensed the power and the remnants of the two of you in him, and dare you to say that you didn't kill it? What a courage, even my heavenly clan. The extreme quasi-giants dare to kill, and it is true that they are non-my races, and their hearts will be different. You should blame!"

Naturally, he had already infiltrated Emperor Tianwu’s body with the chaos Zhan Zun, the Dao Ze of the God Elephant, and the Eternal Dao Might. With his ability, he had already mastered both of the two giants who surrounded and killed the Profound God Ancestor. The principle of the author, evolved, is very simple.

Sensing the familiar Dao Ze and Dao Might in Tianwu's'corpse', it is no doubt that they are the two giants. The Emperor Tianhan was shocked and angry. He glared at the two giants and shouted: "You are so bold, we originated The saints kindly took in both of you, otherwise they would have been killed by the Chaos Emperor. You dare to kill the extreme quasi-giants of my heavenly clan. You deserve to die!"

   The entire Chaos God Battlefield trembles with the eternal power of the Heavenly Han Emperor, and the quasi-giants and supreme emperors who exist in this eternal realm will be terrified!

  Especially, they are all confidants who followed the two giants, and none of them belonged to the holy clan of the origin.

   The two giants hurriedly explained: "Two emperors, please listen to us explain how we dare to kill Emperor Tianwu in the secret world of the origin holy clan, there must be some misunderstanding among them."

Hearing that, the Emperor Tianhan has also recovered a bit of rationality. This is the secret world of the origin holy race. The two giants are only eternal giants. How dare to kill the heavenly quasi-giants of the origin holy race, especially the Emperor Tianwu His identity is extraordinary, and his strength is extremely strong.

   The chaotic **** warlord and the **** elephant want to kill the Emperor Tianwu silently, the possibility is very low.

  He felt a bit strange in it.

   However, how could Ye Chen easily let go of the two, saying indifferently: "The corpse of Emperor Tianwu is here, and there are the remnants of the eternal power and Taoism of the two of you. Is there any mistake?"

   On the remains of Emperor Tianwu, there is indeed the eternal prestige of the two giants. This can be described as iron evidence, and it is indelible at all. It makes the faces of the two giants extremely ugly, which cannot be explained.

  Especially this is the secret world of the Origin Saint Clan. If you want to deal with the two of them, it is directly aimed at, who would kill the seeds of a potential giant like Emperor Tianwu, and plant and frame them.

   "Take it to death!" Ye Chen yelled and shot directly at the two giants.

   There was a loud bang, the sky broke and the earth broke, Ye Chen's big hands covered the sky and the sun, pressed against the two giants, containing absolutely invincible power.

   The central hall directly exploded. Naturally, the chaotic **** warlord and the idol statue were unwilling to be killed. With a loud roar, they revealed the boundless and huge eternal phenomena that formed the heavens.

  The God of Chaos is like an invincible God of War, with three heads and six arms, holding six big soldiers in his hand, with boundless power.

   The Great Idol is the manifestation of the Chaos Idol, one foot can be used to explode the heavens, an unimaginable great terror.

   The two giants all actively slew Ye Chen.

   "A mere magnate, I raise my hand to suppress you!"

   Ye Chen was boundless, and directly hit the two giants.

   The two giants were blown away by the eternal magic, and immediately the big hands continued to press down, and the two giants would be blown up in the first time, and the endless blood flooded Jiu Xiao.

Emperor Tianhan was shocked. After some years, the Emperor of Tianxu was so powerful that he blew up the two eternal giants with just one shot. Even the first-generation giants should not be so terrifying, it is almost half a step. Overlord level?

   Ye Chen turned into the Emperor of Tianxu, and pursued the victory, and began to suppress the two giants.

   The two giants were unwilling to fall here, desperately staying away from here, and then came to the edge of the Eternal Realm, only to discover to their horror that the Eternal Realm was blocked for some time, and they could not leave at all.

   Tian Han Huang Zun frowned and said: "Uncle Tianxu Clan, you actually blocked the eternal domain."

   Ye Chen said: "Naturally, both of them are giants of the ages. If they really want to leave here, it will cause extremely huge destructive power and need to be suppressed."

   "That's how it is!" Emperor Tianhan nodded, without any doubt.

   Suddenly, the Emperor Tianhan said: "Uncle Clan, when did you leave the customs?"

   Ye Chen said: "Not long ago."

   "You are not my clan uncle!" Tianhan Huangzun said coldly: "The Tianxu clan uncle has not been in retreat during this, who are you!"

  Thinking about it carefully, there is a kind of fear that someone pretends to be the Emperor of the Tianxu of the Celestial Clan to attack the two giants, if it is not suddenly asked, otherwise they will really be kept in the dark.

"I didn't expect to be discovered again. The cleverness of your Celestial Clan is beyond my imagination." Ye Chen sighed lightly, and immediately changed his appearance and original aura, turning into an extremely majestic first-generation giant, but he was not him. The true appearance of the deity, surrounded by a vast and magnificent yellow river, when you look carefully, it is a yellow spring galaxy formed by endless stars.

   This person is an early giant in the alien universe.

   That's right, at this time, Ye Chen didn't plan to show his true colors, but wanted to plant the blame on the ancient universe of alien race.

   If these two superpowers continue to form an alliance, it will be a big threat to the Pangu universe.

   Ye Chen naturally wants to destroy this alliance.

   "Huangquan Xinghe? You are Huangquan Datianzun!"

   Tian Han Huang Zun was taken aback, his face turned ugly, and he said in a deep voice, "Why did your alien ancient universe do this, kill my heavenly quasi-giants, and deal with them both!".

Ye Chen sneered and said: "Today, I not only killed the Emperor Tianwu, but also the Emperor Tianhan. These two people are the people chased and killed by the Chaos Emperor. Once they die, they represent Chaos. This is what the Emperor of Heaven did. Otherwise, this seat will be able to plant the blame on the Pangu universe, and let your holy race of origin deal with the Pangu universe, and the ancient universe of our world will be able to watch from the sidelines and watch the two of you fight each other and enjoy their success."

  PS: This is today's update~

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