Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4175: Sow discord

   I have to say that Ye Chen's way of doing this is quite reasonable and logical, and it makes the Heavenly Han Emperor look very ugly.

   He couldn't help but yelled, chose to shock, and find an opportunity to leave here, telling all this to the overlord of the origin holy race, and understand the conspiracy and tricks of the alien race.

Of course, Ye Chen couldn’t give him this opportunity. The Huangquan Galaxy developed by Chaos Dafa swept across the entire eternal realm and fell on the Heavenly Han Emperor. It should be understood that this is the evolution of Chaos Dafa and contains Ye Chen’s chaotic principles. , Every strand is extremely heavy, not to mention that it is like a galaxy, which can completely suppress eternal giants.

   Heavenly Han Emperor was swept, opened his mouth to vomit blood, his figure retreated, and he used the eternal Dafa to attack the blocked battlefield of chaos.

   He will break the blockade no matter what, and tell all this to the rest of the Origin Saint Clan.


   Ye Chen naturally shot again and again, and also blasted the Emperor of Heaven again and again, but intentionally or unconsciously, let him smoothly tear open a corner of the blockade of Chaos God battlefield, and the remnant soul was able to escape.

   Ye Chen said "annoyed": "It's awful, I was ran away."

   After suppressing the two giants, he turned and rushed towards the passage of the secret world of the origin holy race.

   Now, the two giants have been suppressed, and the planting and setting up have been completed. Now it depends on the war between the origin holy race and the alien ancient universe.

Emperor Tianhan rushed to the highest place of the sky, manifesting the boundless eternal dharma, shaking the boundless starry sky of the secret world of the origin holy family, the stars were shaking, thousands of galaxies were rolling, and he could only hear him shouting: "Foreign race The Huangquan Datianzun here is here, and he killed the Emperor Tianwu, killed the chaotic **** warlord, the idols, and almost killed me, to plant the blame on Pangu universe!"

   His roar immediately shook the entire secret world of the origin holy race, spread to the heavens, and caused an extremely huge impact.

   boom boom boom——

   Within a period of time, an eternal tycoon of the holy clan of origin was alarmed, and the infinite eternal magic that stood up to the heavens stood upright, and his anger was soaring to the sky.

Someone who was close, rushed to the place where the Heavenly Han Emperor was, and took it over for protection, and felt the chaos in the battlefield, felt the scars of horror tearing everything, and was extremely angry, saying: "He If you still can't escape, immediately close the secret world and capture and suppress Huangquan Datianzun!"

   A sage giant was furious, straddling the sky, and rushed to the passage for the first time.

   The sage giant at the passage was also notified and immediately closed the passage.

  The Huangquan Datianzun evolved from Ye Chen emerged, bombarding the passage with the Huangquan Galaxy, and sacrificed the chaotic warlord and the idols, and set it alight, and bombarded the passage at all costs.

   In the terrifying loud noise, the passage was exploded and penetrated by Shengsheng, and he rushed out directly. The method was extremely extravagant!

   "Huh, Huangquan Datianzun, you want to escape, it's not that easy!"

   A giant of the holy clan of origin chased and killed, and quickly entered the Chaos Sea. There were more than a dozen people, and even a half-step overlord chased and killed it behind.

   is indeed the Heavenly Ancestor of Thousand Chances, the half-step overlord of the Heavenly Clan, the ancient ancestor of the heavens, after learning that the youngest disciple had been killed, he was extremely angry and pursued him personally.

   The Chaos Sea shook all parties and attracted much attention.

  The Huangquan Great Heavenly Sovereign that Ye Chen transformed into only left some traces, and then completely disappeared.

Heavenly Ancestor Strong as Thousand Chance never found the clues of Huangquan Great Heavenly Venerable, and said gloomily, "I can't derive the clues of Huangquan Great Heavenly Venerable? Even the half-step overlord would never want to isolate the deduction of this seat. There is only one possibility. , That is, the overlord of the world will personally take action to isolate the deduction of this seat. It is a great generation."

   "However, how can the saints of my origin suffer from this dark loss? No matter what, the foreign race must pay the price!"

   He led all the strong members of the Origin Saint Race towards the ancient alien universe.

   It’s just that he didn’t know that Ye Chen had never left the secret realm world of the Origin Saint Clan. What he left was only the evolution of his Dao Body.

   Although it will be discovered sooner or later, right now, it is precisely when the origin of the holy race is most empty.

   Ye Chen turned into a supreme member of the Celestial Clan this time.

   As for the supreme, he was silently suppressed long ago, and completely evolved into it, and replaced it with the name Blood Stained Sword Sovereign.

   Naturally, this time, Ye Chen personally searched for the soul and knew all the memories of the Blood Stained Sword Venerable, so that the mistake of being discovered would not happen again.

  Blood Sword Sovereign, was also one of the best celestial talents of the celestial clan at that time. He was so talented that he had been accepted as a direct disciple by a celestial giant before he was proclaimed to the Supreme Being, because his status was not low.

   It just so happened that this celestial clan giant left with the Thousand Chance Tianzu. In this way, there was less risk.

The Blood Stained Sword Sovereign that Ye Chen had rushed to the core tribe where the Celestial Clan was located. At this moment, the strongest of the Celestial Clan headed by the Thousand Chance Tianzu left. It can be said that the time when the Celestial Clan is most empty, he wants to take the opportunity to plow the garden. Sweep the cave and rob the heavenly clan.

  The core place of the Heavenly Clan is not far from the Holy City of Origin. Perhaps more accurately, half of the endless core area centered on the Holy City of Origin is occupied by the Heavenly Clan, and the other half is occupied by the other six clans.

Heavenly Ancestor Domain, the exclusive domain of the Thousand Chance Heavenly Ancestor, is vast and vast, much broader than the Chaos God Battle contains quite strong eternal power, and it is also the home of many core tribes of the Heavenly Clan Occupying a place, people of other races dare not enter this place, there are many supreme heavenly people here

   When Ye Chen’s Blood Stained Sword Sovereign came to the Celestial Ancestral Region, the Ancestral City of Thousand Secrets was the core ancient city of the Celestial Ancestral Region, and many of the most powerful members of the Celestial Clan gathered here.

   Among them, there is the first generation giant, the Celestial Clan chief, and several Celestial giants are here.

   Tianxu Huangzun and Tianhan Huangzun are also listed here.

   However, at this moment, the Heavenly Han Emperor's Venerable Qi machine is sluggish, and it has been blown up again and again by Ye Chen, seriously depleting the eternal origin, and its strength has plummeted, but it is still a giant.

Ye Chen looked at the Heavenly Ancestor Hall from a distance, without revealing any murderous intent, but wanted to make a move, directly suppressing the entire Heavenly Ancestor Hall and directly suppressing the strongest group of Heavenly Clan, enough to make the origin holy race vigorous. hurt.

   Silently, Ye Chen left the Ancestral City of Thousand Chances. At this moment, too many Celestial Xeons gathered together. It is not clear whether another Celestial Half-Step Overlord is always paying attention and cannot take risks.

  He came to the cultivation cave of the Celestial Patriarch.

Said to be a cave mansion, in fact, it is much more luxurious and amazing than the immortal king cave mansion of the Zixiao Immortal King stolen by Ye Chen in the past, rich in eternal power, and countless giant-level avenues and treasures are placed in it. Among them, also due to the many ancient soldiers on the Dadao, even the Immortal Cave Mansion is far less than this cultivation cave mansion. .

   I have to say that, as the patriarch of the Celestial Clan, the first great tribe of the Origin Saint Clan, he was really rich and messed up. Throughout the ages, there were few first-generation giants that could match it. Ye Chen couldn't help but exclaim.

   So, he decided to completely move the entire cultivation cave!

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