Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4176: Prehistoric antiques

Ye Chen used the Supreme Chaos Dafa to move the entire cultivation cave dwelling of the Celest Clan patriarch into the original universe.

Moreover, all the secrets of heaven are covered with chaos.

Even the ancestor of the origin holy race is hard to detect.

Far away in Thousand Chance Ancestral City, the patriarch of the Celestial Clan who was discussing important matters with the major giants of the Celestial Clan suddenly had a bad premonition. He was taken aback and secretly said: "What happened? Why did this seat have a bad premonition?"

Cultivating to his level is comparable to the kings of the first generation giants such as the Final Yan Xianzun and the Eternal City Lord. It can be said that he is extremely keen. How can he easily give birth to bad premonitions, it must be a sign.

But the patriarch of the Celestial Clan tried to make a deduction, but still did not find anything wrong.

Based on his cultivation base, it is extremely difficult for the half-step overlord to conceal his deduction, and he can catch clues after all.

However, nothing was deduced, it is conceivable that he must have made a mistake, perhaps because the alien Huangquan Datianzun came to make trouble, which led to the chaos of heaven.

The patriarch of the Celestial Clan secretly wondered, and finally shook his head, thinking that it was just a perception error, so he ignored it.

With the help of the Blood Stained Sword Master, Ye Chen came to the cultivation caves of the other supreme giants of the Celestial Clan one after another, and successively evacuated the cultivation caves of these Celestial giants and the endless Dao Gods.

Because every time the supreme Chaos Dafa is used to cover up the secrets, so his half-step overlord will cover up the secrets, even the half-step overlord is difficult to detect.

Silently, Ye Chen can be said to have emptied all the treasures of the entire Celestial Clan and left with satisfaction.

Afterwards, Ye Chen appeared again and again in the core places of the other six origins. It was the core place of the Celestial Clan. He could come and go freely. What's more, the places of the other six clans were also discussing this Huangquan Datianzun event. Not knowing Ye Chen's existence, he sneaked into the core place again and again, evacuating their important training resources.

It is a pity that the masters of these cultivation caves, the giants of the seven clans, have left because of important matters. Otherwise, Ye Chen is really going to seal the caves, suppress and ban several sage giants, and wait until they leave the secret world of the origin holy clan. Afterwards, they made a kill, effectively obliterating the vital power of the origin holy race.

When Ye Chen arrived at the core place where the Earth Race was located, his expression changed in a long-standing cave.

Because in this cave mansion, there is actually an early generation giant here, not the clan chief of the land, very old, but very powerful, just like a twilight year, because of the special nature of this cave mansion, it can be said to be perfectly integrated with him. Regardless of each other, that is, he is Dongfu, and Dongfu is him.

For a while, even he didn't notice the existence of this first-generation giant.

This old tycoon of the first generation of the local people unexpectedly noticed the arrival of Ye Chen, opened his old eyes, filled with the terrifying scene of the eternal era, and lived for no idea how many epochs.

Even faintly, Ye Chen realized that the other party's survival time was probably longer than that of Chaos Sea, because it came from the place of origin.

A prehistoric antique that truly surpassed the years of Chaos Sea!

And it is very strong. It feels to Ye Chen that it is a lot stronger than the first generation giant kings such as Final Yan Xianzun and Eternal City Lord. Although he is not a true half-step overlord, he contains strands of half-step overlord. Qi Ji is an invincible first-generation giant that is infinitely close to this level.

Ye Chen sighed and blamed him for being too confident, otherwise he would be more cautious, it would be impossible for this first generation giant of the local people to find out when he entered this cave.

"Are you a junior of the Celestial Clan?" The first generation giant stared at Ye Chen, with deep eyes as if he wanted to understand everything about him.

Ye Chen is still pretending to be the Blood Stained Sword Sovereign of the Celestial Clan, and said: "Yes, the junior is the Blood Stained Sword Sovereign of the Celestial Clan!"

This ancient prehistoric tycoon is a little bit confused. He hasn’t been born for too long, so he doesn’t know much about the outside world. Even the many supreme members of the seven clans don’t know much, at most they just take a high look. Not necessarily recognizable.

However, there is no doubt.

Ye Chen was about to turn around and leave, but the first generation giant of the Earth Clan suddenly said: "Wait, your Celestial Supreme is trespassing into this cave mansion without authorization. Even if your Celestial Clan chief dares to do so, you are not brave enough. come back!"

"The younger generation accidentally broke into the senior's cave, please forgive me, senior!" Ye Chen said, naturally it is impossible to confess.

"It's impossible for the mere supreme to break through the cave formation of this seat, even the giants can't break in silently." The voice of the first generation giants of the local people suddenly became colder and colder, and said indifferently: "Say it. ,who are you?"

As he spoke, an overwhelming eternal Taoism emerged from him, terrifying, and the cave mansion has also turned into an eternal immortal world at this moment. It is indeed the eternal immortal world belonging to this first generation giant of the land tribe. Just smelt with his cave mansion, regardless of each other.

At this moment, the aura of prehistoric old antiques was terrifying to the extreme. Being in this cave, it is that the final Yan Xianzun and the Eternal City Lord will be greatly suppressed when they come.

Ye Chen sighed softly and said, "If you let me leave, it might be better for you and me."

Silently, Ye Chen sealed the cave. The terrifying aura was flooding the cave. It suddenly revealed its true colors and surprised the local giants: "It's you, Huangquan Datianzun, you never escaped from the mystery. The world has been hidden in the secret world. No, you can't be Huangquan Great Heavenly Sovereign. Although he is bold, he still doesn't dare to attack my origin holy race like this."

It is indeed a prehistoric antique of the local people. He has lived for endless years and naturally understands countless things. Although Ye Chen has repeatedly turned into the Great Heavenly Sovereign of Huangquan, he still has some difficulties in hiding such prehistoric antiques.

Seeing that he couldn't hide it Ye Chen didn't continue to hide, suddenly his body changed and turned into his true colors.

The first generation giant of the local tribe was taken aback: "The Emperor Chaos!"

This is not only a surprise, but also a discoloration.

The Chaos Emperor of the Pangu Universe came silently into the secret world of the Origin Saint Clan, and he knew it in an instant. The so-called Huangquan Datianzun that he shot before was actually the Chaos Emperor, but the Chaos Emperor had concealed the sky and crossed the sea. After leaving a large number of giants of the Origin Saint Clan to find the trouble of the alien ancient universe, the real culprit, Chaos Emperor, has always been hidden in the secret world of the Origin Saint Clan, and has other purposes.

"Emperor Chaos, you dare to enter the secret world of the holy race of my origin, your courage is really not small." The prehistoric old antique sneered, and suddenly, the whole person and the world of the cave were merged, and the eternal body was infinitely huge. , Hundreds of millions of stars are overwhelming, and countless eternal roads are turned into rain and rain, and even more terrifying visions emerge.

Here, the prehistoric old antique came with a peerless warrior.

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