Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4177: Suppress

I have to say that the prehistoric antique of the local people is truly unique and powerful, almost entering the half-step overlord level, and the whole body is shining with a strong half-step overlord brilliance, far surpassing the ordinary first-generation giants.

Even if the final Yan Xianzun and Eternal City Lord met, there was a strong life and death crisis.

The origin of the Saint Clan is far beyond the imagination of the world. If Ye Chen hadn't met him personally, he wouldn't know that there were such great giants.

For the half-step overlord, it may not be a problem, but for the giants, it is definitely a big killer.

However, the prehistoric old antique is actually very cautious. Even though he has been practicing in retreat for endless years, he has heard of the Chaos Emperor from time to time during this period. There are too many legends. I can't help but care. The same is true at this moment. , One side scolded Ye Chen, and on the other hand, it was to inform the outside world, calling other saint race half-step overlords, and even the ancestor himself, to kill this terrifying Chaos Emperor.

This Dongfu world has long been banned by Ye Chen, and even the phantom of the chaotic universe completely encompasses the Dongfu world. If he is almost waiting for his original universe, how can he not know the little actions of this prehistoric old antique? With a cold snort, With a fist hitting the past, the power of the world's half-step overlord exploded, exploding all the principles in the world of the cave, and collided with the peerless soldiers.

With a terrible loud noise, the entire cave world fell into a state of disintegration, and the peerless soldier was blown away, its luster dimmed, and cracks appeared.

The prehistoric old antique kicked backwards, vomiting blood, and his body was full of cracks. He was directly injured, but he did not explode the eternal body in the first time, showing an extremely powerful cultivation.

He looked at Ye Chen in horror. Although he had known the horror of the Chaos Heavenly Emperor for a long time, he didn't expect the horror to be so horrible. He suffered a heavy blow to himself when he saw him. The other half-step overlord could do this, and could not do so quickly!

At this moment, the prehistoric old antique knew that the Chaos Emperor's combat power surpassed the average half-step overlord.

He gritted his teeth, and the half-step overlord's brilliance that shined all over his body became more intense, and at the same time, the whole world of the eternal cave mansion was actually burning, giving birth to an infinite glow, and an endless great power emerged, blessing the old antiques in prehistoric times. Body.

I have to say that the prehistoric old antique is a peerless and cruel man, he will not hesitate to burn the world of the cave. This is the cave that he has exhausted endless years and countless treasures, and even includes the strong eternal power, which is his Nirvana The land is the place where he hopes to be detached from Nirvana. It can be described as the accumulation of his wealth, which finally condenses.

At this moment, it burned at all costs, just to escape.

With such a forced explosion, the strength of the prehistoric old antique is stronger, and the half-step overlord brilliance on his body is even more intense, as if he has successfully entered the half-step overlord level.

With a loud roar, the prehistoric old antique penetrated the blocked cave, rushed out, and yelled: "The murderer is here, he is a bastard—"


When the words were not over, Ye Chen chased after him, displayed the five chaotic forms, and instantly condensed together, falling from the sky, exploding this prehistoric old antique to life, showing unparalleled combat power.

On the other side, his whole body was shining with colorful glow, but he was transformed into another alien giant, watching the heavens, and suppressing the crushed first generation giants of the earth clan, and sealing him in the original universe, the Chaos Cauldron directly Blessing and suppression, coldly said: "My Dahong Lord has never been afraid of anyone!"

So far, he still has not exposed his identity, and continues to be exposed in the secret world of the origin holy race as an alien giant.

At this time, in the secret world, the giants from all over the world rushed together, the eternal law obscured the sky and the sun, covering the eternal domains, full of infinite visions, looked at Ye Chen angrily, and shouted angrily: "Holy Venerable Dahong, Another race!"

"kill him!"

"Foreign race, punish!"

As soon as the identity of the Dahong Sovereign that Ye Chen transformed into came out, he immediately angered the great powers of the origin holy races. First, the Huangquan Datianzun, and then the Dahong Sovereign, arbitrarily wrecking havoc in their secret world, really when they originated. Are the saints good to deceive their generation?

They were frightened and angry, but what was even more shocking was that the prehistoric antique of the local people was actually suppressed.

The prehistoric old antique, but the Chaos Sea has existed forever before the world was opened. He followed from the place of origin. Although he has not become a half-step overlord like Earth Sage, he has accumulated innumerable eras and his cultivation is unlimited. Close to that level.

Even under the half-step overlord, it can be called an invincible existence.

Even the king of the first generation giants, such as the patriarch of the Celestial Clan, the Final Immortal Venerable, and the Eternal City Lord, is not his opponent.

Dahong Sage, the first generation tycoon of a foreign race, but that's only the case. If he is not a half-step overlord, how can he suppress the prehistoric antique of the local race?

Could it be that the Lord Dahong became the half-step overlord?

"The Lord Dahong has become a half-step overlord unknowingly?"

"It doesn't have to be a half-step overlord, it's very likely that this Dahong Lord possesses a half-step overlord-level forbidden magic weapon, and killed the ancestor of the soul by surprise."

Some saint clan giants analyzed that, as far as Ye Chen’s current aura was concerned, it was not a half-step overlord level at all, and the power released by that level was far more than countless times more terrifying, and it was far different now.

"In any case, you must save the ancestors of the earth soul, and you must not let the ancestors of the earth soul have an accident!"

The tycoons of the holy race naturally did not allow the prehistoric old antique ancestor of the earth soul to have an accident. It is extremely hopeful that it will become the next half-step overlord, and it is extremely important for the entire origin holy race.

Naturally, Ye Chen couldn't let them besieged and rushed to the passage like lightning.

A large amount of cultivation resources of the Origin Saint Clan was plundered by him, and it was time to leave.

Along the way, there are eternal giants waving their soldiers to kill, but the Dahong Sage that Ye Chen evolved is also the first-generation giant-level combat extremely powerful, naturally fearless, rushing to the past, strong collisions, and that A holy clan giant blasted away, spilling endless blood.

However, the saint clan giants who have been killed have seven, and there are other giants in the rear. They are shocking and terrifying, shocking the entire secret world.

Along the way, Ye Chen collided with many holy clan giants. Naturally, he wanted to act more comprehensively. He didn't dare to admit that he was not injured at all. He also sensed the holy clan’s half-step overlord’s spirit to come over, and shocked him. There was a slight injury, the corner of his mouth was bleeding, and he soon came to the passage.

Nowadays, there are many holy clan giants guarding the passage, among which there are the three first-generation giants, who are the heads of the three clans, and they are all guarded here.

In the rear, the patriarchs of other big clans also came out in person.

Suddenly, more than 20 giant auras emerged, and the entire secret world was vast.

The patriarchs of the three tribes personally guarded the passage and slew Ye Chen together.

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