Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4178: Exposed

More than 20 supreme giants of the Origin Saint Clan have been killed, including the patriarchs of the three major clans.

Being able to serve as the patriarch of the seven tribes of the Origin Saint Clan is basically the strongest of each tribe, and the cultivation base is at least at the level of the first generation giant.

Ye Chen's expression sank slightly, even he didn't dare to underestimate the carelessness. With a long scream, he killed him, exploding more powerful than the average first-generation giants.

The endless sky suddenly collapsed!

"So strong, it's about to approach the half-step overlord level, I'm afraid it has reached the peak of the first generation giant!"

"This Lord Dahong is so strong? It shouldn't be. I saw him participate in the battle against the Chaos Emperor a million years ago. Although he is strong, he is not so strong, and his strength is much worse. ."

"This level of strength is still no less than that of the ancestors of the earth soul. No wonder the ability to suppress the ancestors of the earth soul seems to have been stimulated by the Chaos Emperor."

"Don't underestimate the carelessness, the cultivation base of the Dahong Sovereign is afraid that it will be infinitely close to the half-step overlord, and it may even break through at any time and become the true half-step overlord!"

The holy clan tycoons were taken aback, but the patriarchs of the three tribes were here, everyone at the level of the first generation magnates, attacking at the same time.

Especially the patriarchs of the Hong and Huang tribes. Although the overall strength of these two tribes ranks at the end of the seven tribes, both of them are the first generation giants belonging to the refining stream. They have extremely powerful bodies, no less than The Congenital Chaos Demon God, even if it was compared to the immortal Great Tianzun, the first generation giant Dao Fruit, such as the Immortal God, it was only a tiny bit behind.

Ye Chen snorted coldly and struck across, faintly unleashing the power no less than the ancestor of the Earth Soul, and colliding with the patriarchs of the two saints.

Amidst the bang, the giants of the holy clan were surprised that the patriarchs of the two clans were beaten into the air, and the majestic immortal golden body was directly beaten, shattering the boundless stars, making many star regions in the secret world permanent. Sexually dimmed.

The eternal body of this great saint has reached an extremely astonishing level.

In the deepest part of the secret world of the Origin Saint Clan, there is a half-step overlord standing high, overlooking all this, and seeing all this, the eyes are gushing with terrible light.

However, they did not make a move.

Because, even if the strength of the Dahong Sovereign is no less than the ancestors of the Earth Soul, it is impossible to escape the heavy obstacles of the secret world of the origin holy race.

Naturally, when he did that step, they would personally stop it.

"Impossible. Although Dahong Shengzun is the first generation giant, the eternal body cannot be so powerful!"

"Could it be that the Lord Dahong has also reached the highest level of body refining in these years?"

The giants of the saints looked solemn, but found that the Dahong Lord was not completely invincible, and the corners of his mouth were constantly bleeding, and he was relieved. Otherwise, the eternal body would be strengthened to the extreme, and they would be difficult to deal with.

However, they didn't know that all of this was just made by Ye Chen deliberately, otherwise he was really not injured, and the Origin Saint Clan would definitely doubt his true identity.

The giants swarmed up, and they all rushed towards Ye Chen.

Ye Chen wanted to find a chance to break through. With his half-step overlord's ability, it was easy to break through. It was completely easy to push directly and forcefully, but he could not burst out that level of cultivation prematurely.

Because he knows that the half-step overlord of the origin holy race must be watching all this in secret. Once he is exposed, he will basically completely expose his true identity. These half-step overlords will also have the excuse to take action. Going back to the Pangu universe will greatly increase the difficulty.

what should I do?

Ye Chen confronted the big giants while constantly coughing out some useless blood, pretending to be injured, and then thinking hard about the corresponding countermeasures.


It was another great and terrifying collision. Ye Chen blasted the patriarchs of the three tribes back, coughing up blood, and quickly rushed to the passage of the secret world.

At this moment, Ye Chen suddenly realized that there was a lot of terrifying aura emerging in the passage, his expression changed slightly, and it was the Thousand Chance Tianzu and others who had returned.


Ye Chen didn't expect that they would come back so soon.

No way, if you continue like this, you will definitely not be able to escape. Even if he is invincible, he is not an opponent of a few half-step overlords, and even the overlord-level ancestor will do it himself. That is the biggest trouble.

Ye Chen knew that it would be too late if he didn't make a move.

It's a pity that I can't continue to intervene in the alien race!

Well, it's almost there!

The aura in Ye Chen's body suddenly soared a lot, and he overturned the giants all at once, and flew upside down to various places, coughing up blood one by one.

Even the eternal body of the patriarchs of the three major clans shattered in half, and the blood was surging.

The giants of the saint clan looked at Ye Chen's location in shock, as if they couldn't believe that in a short period of time, the Dahong Lord was actually so powerful?

"He is not Dahong Sovereign, but a half-step overlord. If I guess right, you should be the Chaos Emperor!"

Suddenly, Thousand Chance Heavenly Ancestor spoke. He had already come to the passage of the secret world, lay alone in the passage, releasing the endless half-step overlord's might and overpowering the heavens. It was an inestimable great terror.

However, all the giants of the Saints looked at Ye Chen in surprise, as if in disbelief.

Dahong Shengzun is Chaotian Emperor?

At this time, Ye Chen didn't hide his identity anymore. He showed his true body. Looking at the Heavenly Ancestor of Thousand Chance, he knew that since the Heavenly Ancestor of Thousand Chance had returned, he definitely couldn't hide it.

With a light sigh, he was about to leave the secret world, but he didn't expect to be recognized eventually.

Looking at the true body of Ye Chen, the tycoons of the holy race roared: "The Emperor Chaos, dare you to trespass into the holy race of my origin!"

"So brave, Chaos even if you are a half-step overlord and dare to trespass into my origin saint clan, you will undoubtedly die today, no one can save you!"

A holy clan tycoon was extremely angry, and those half-step overlords of the holy clan who had been overlooking all of this also showed a vicious aura.

If it's just other people, their half-step overlords won't pay much attention to it and make a move. At most, they will only make one or two moves when they see that they are not opponents.

However, he has always been the first generation giant of a foreign race, how can he think that the real opponent is actually the invincible half-step overlord of Chaos Tiandi.

At this moment, these half-step overlords of the holy race couldn't stand it anymore, and they rushed over to attack Ye Chen.

To deal with this half-step overlord, but to give up the same half-step overlord, other levels of strong, even if it is a lot of first-generation giants together, it is difficult to stop.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

Several saint half-step overlords came out together at this moment and rushed towards Ye Chen together.

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