Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4180: The emperor is coming

It seemed that Ye Chen was the only one left in the world, invincible in the world, and silent in the world, no one could be with him.

He was sitting on the High Emperor's Seat, behind which was a tree of gods and gods that reached the sky, standing among the stars, but withered, the trunk was covered with dense scars, completely dead.

In front of him, on a broken ground, there are hills piled high, and when you look closely, they are all graves.

Ye Chen in the Tianji River sat alone on the throne, with a sad expression, no enemies in the world.

However, when seeing this scene, Qianji Tianzu's expression changed: "Impossible, the final blood-stained future, why only you survive?"

This is his performance through the Tianji River. It should be noted that his deduction ability can be called the first person in the eternal age, and the five great overlords cannot be stronger than him in deduction ability.

In particular, he deduced face to face, together with the Tianji Pan, is enough to calculate the various trajectories of anyone in the Chaos Sea, from birth to death, including all kinds of things that will happen in the future, everything, regardless of size, can be deduced.

This trick deduced the future, and more importantly, deduced Ye Chen's future death scene, affecting Ye Chen's mood, silently and silently, a death curse would enter his body and let him fall.

However, everything he deduced about the Chaos Heavenly Emperor was actually so in the future.

In the future, only Chaos Heavenly Emperor is left alone, an invincible world.

How to affect the mood of the Chaos Emperor?

On the contrary, the mood of his Thousand Chance Tianzu was greatly affected.

The invisible death curse could not be sent out.

Di Sheng and other half-step overlords of other origin holy races also changed their colors. They scanned the past and Tianjihe's corner of Ye Chen's future results, which was so, the final blood-stained future, he actually did not die, survived, and even Almost that blood stained the future, and buried everything, and in the end he was left alone, and the blood stained the future alone.

Why does this happen?

Ye Chen's pupils shrank. Isn't this picture the first time he saw Bloody Future himself?

The world is invincible, and the world is silent.

After many years, what he saw again was not with the help of the long river, but the scenes from the evolution of the Tianji River of the Qianji Tianzu.

This is what Qianji Tianzu performed, about his final result?

At this point, he has become the half-step overlord, and has achieved the second half-step overlord status of the fairy gods, possesses the universe chaos body, and the original universe is about to be perfected. Is this still the result?

But soon, Ye Chen's expression regained his firmness. At this point, he was not afraid of everything and only believed in himself.

Even with this miserable scene of blood-stained future, he still couldn't shake his Dao Xin, snorted coldly, exhaled like a dragon, every pore in his body gushed out endless chaotic brilliance, as if there were billions of chaotic stars burning. The immeasurable power of chaos is in the mighty and mighty secret world.

Ye Chen said indifferently, "What will be my ultimate destination? I never believe in the so-called future. I only believe in myself. I firmly believe that I am invincible and can change everything. Even if this world really does not exist one day, this naive Disintegrated, this chaotic sea has really gone silent, and the years have passed away. I will also practice for eternity, reverse the past and the present, and let everything change, so that the blood-stained future does not exist."

This is his oath, and it is his goal all the time, so that the blood-stained future cannot appear.

Even if he does appear one day, he will cultivate to the end and become the supreme eternity, reversing the past, the present and the future by eternal means, turning the years back and returning to the time when nothing happened.

Ye Chen's Taoism became more determined. With a roar and a punch, the chaotic light exploded, as if opening up a large universe, containing unparalleled cosmic power, hitting the Tianji River, and tearing it apart.

His figure rushed forward strongly, facing the Thousand Chance Heavenly Ancestor, running the supreme Chaos Dafa, evolving the five chaotic forms, superimposing them, and bursting out a terrifying force that reverses the past and the present.

With a scream from Qianji Tianzu, the figure flew away suddenly, failed to stop it, coughed up blood, and his chest was penetrated by this punch.

Di Sheng and other holy race half-step overlords hurriedly shot, and jointly shot Ye Chen, against this Chaos Emperor, no matter what, he must be shot to stop him, leaving him in the secret world forever.

Ye Chen exploded with multiple forces such as the fairy path half-step overlord, cosmic chaos body, and the original universe, showing a terrifying power that surpassed the general half-step overlord, and the peak battle with several saint half-step overlords, the process was quite tragic, shaking the entire secret world .

Suddenly, an endless terror in the deepest part of the secret realm world was rapidly emerging, and in an instant it enveloped the whole secret realm world, and the monstrous majesty was even better than the half-step overlords like Ye Chen.

There is no doubt that this is the ancestor of the origin holy race, the invincible overlord of the world.

Now, I finally couldn't bear it and wanted to shoot.

"The ancestor is going to be dispatched!"

"The first ancestor made a move and pushed everything in the world. This Chaos Heavenly Emperor is a half-step overlord, and he will definitely die!"

"Call this Chaos World so arrogant, now you know the consequences."

The countless strong saints are excited.

Ye Chen only felt the endless sense of crisis, even if he was extremely powerful, but in front of such a world-class overlord-level ancestor, he still looked a lot worse.

However, he is fearless, because someone will block the ancestor.


The Secret Realm world was shaken, and the ancestor of the saint race who was supposed to attack Ye Chen was immediately turned away, and he shouted, resounding forever: "The Emperor of Heaven, you have passed, you have to get involved in this matter."

The powerful people of the Origin Saint Clan were surprised, and even the emperor of Pangu universe rushed over in person.

"As you are, you should not take action against the dunya." The voice of the emperor came.

It's a pity that Mysterious World's boundary wall was deliberately blocked. Even the giants couldn't penetrate the boundary wall. Seeing the various things happening in the chaotic sea outside the boundary, it was missed to see the confrontation between the two great overlords.

That's right, this is where Ye Chen's confidence lies.

The origin holy race has the overlord-level ancestor, but behind him there is also the heavenly overlord.

As long as the ancestor of the holy race is restrained, he can leave this secret world with confidence.

"Emperor Chaos, even if the Emperor himself appears to contain the ancestor, you can't leave!"

The eyes of the half-step overlords of the holy races are extremely cold, and they are determined to let the Chaos Heavenly Emperor stay here forever, even if the half-step overlord rushes into the origin holy race, it will also pay a heavy price.

Especially seeing the scenes of Chaos Emperor's future made their hearts tremble.

If they followed everything that Tianjihe had evolved, Ye Chen would be the biggest winner in the bloodstained future, which they could not tolerate.

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