Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4181: Heavenly Dao Gu Zu

Ye Chen said coldly, "Do you really think you can keep me with you? At the beginning, Mo Daozi, Aoyuan and the four major half-step overlords besieged me, so I suppressed one person, and left. Now The same is true. I want to go. No one can keep me in this world."

It's already a shot while speaking, and the terrifying battle fluctuations affect the entire secret world, extremely terrifying.

Naturally, the half-step overlord of the saint race attacked Ye Chen while unleashing the powerful domain, blocking the area where they were fighting.

Otherwise, if you get to their level, you will really have a little aftermath. Under the half-step overlord, it will be an extremely terrible and devastating catastrophe, and it will cause an extremely terrifying impact on the entire secret world.

At least the first battle is over, it is very likely that the entire secret world will fall into a state of half collapse.

The great overlords of the saints released the Absolute Realm, and wanted to take Ye Chen away, stay away from this place, and rush towards the outer world of the secret world.

It is more empty there, with an endless emptiness, where you can fight with more confidence.

However, how could Ye Chen allow their wish, once they left, it would be more difficult to take the opportunity to leave the secret world.

Suddenly he was immovable like the universe, lying there, continuously releasing the phantom of the universe, which was extremely heavy, as if the real chaotic ancient universe was here, and it was extremely difficult to drag away.

It is precisely because of this that several half-step overlords of the holy race are quite scrupulous, never attacking with all their strength, worrying about accidentally causing irreversible damage to the entire secret world.

The other half-step overlord of the heaven clan-the ancient ancestor of Tiandao came forward and took the initiative to respond.

There are dense and innumerable heavenly shadows emerging on his body, as if he is the heavenly path of the ten thousand realms, mastering all the power of the heavenly paths of the heavens, and confronting it strongly.

"I am the ancient ancestor of the Way of Heaven. All the ways of heaven are bred from the way of this seat. Controlling all the destiny of the ways of heaven in the world is the newly born way of heaven in your original world. It must be controlled by this seat!"

The ancient ancestor of Heavenly Dao sighed, with the invisible power of Heavenly Dao's control acting on Ye Chen.

Vaguely, Ye Chen only felt that the rudimentary form of Heavenly Dao conceived in the Origin Universe was emerging, rushing out of the body, as if to be dragged out, and flying into the hands of the ancient ancestor of Heavenly Dao.

It should be noted that the Heavenly Dao currently born in the Origin Universe is actually the manifestation of the Origin Will of the Origin Universe. Once the ancient ancestor of the Heavenly Dao takes the hands, he can take the opportunity to influence his Origin Universe, so that the power of the Origin Universe cannot be projected and assisted. He even influences the further improvement of the original universe.

"What about the ancient ancestors of the heavenly path, I am the chaotic heavenly emperor, mastering the chaotic avenue in the world, and controlling the heavens and all the ways. The heavenly way is also one of the thousands of ways and needs to be controlled by this seat."

Ye Chen drank coldly, suppressing the rudiment of Heavenly Dao's rush out with a powerful cultivation base, and was no longer affected by half.

At the same time, his chaotic holy fist blasted out fiercely, and his fist was fierce to the extreme, as if a chaotic ancient universe was compressed on this fist, burned completely, and slammed away, carrying a majestic universe shadow, impressively It is the taboo magical power-the manifestation of the open universe.

At this point, the forbidden magical powers can be used at will. Therefore, for this level, each move is originally a manifestation of the forbidden magical powers.

Under the loud bang, Ye Chen's figure remained motionless like a mountain, and the figure of the ancient ancestor of the heavens retreated, spilling the ancient blood of the heavens.

But this drop of the ancient blood of the Heavenly Dao was not annihilated, on the contrary, it turned into a strong and powerful shadow of the supreme emperor, hitting Ye Chen side by side.

It should be understood that the ancient ancestor of the heavens is the origin of all the heavens. Every drop of the ancient blood of the heavens on his body is enough to nurture the extremely powerful heavens, and even weak cultivators get their hands. If they can bear it, they can soar into the sky and become an emperor. Becoming a heavenly existence is no less than supreme.

This is the power of the ancient ancestor of heaven.

Rumor has it that the heavens of the Chaos Sea are all the seeds of the heavens bred by the ancient ancestors of the heavens, and the heavens that gradually evolved into the heavens are the heavens of the ancient chaotic universes.

However, the strongest Chaos Ancient Universe, such as the Primordial Immortal Realm, Pangu Universe, Alien Ancient Universe, and Chaos Burial Ground, had half-step overlords or more shots, which can directly obliterate the influence of the ancient ancestors of the heavens.

The Chaos Ancient Universe of the Universe Great is completely unaffected, and the ancient ancestors of the heavens cannot control the heavens of the Chaos Ancient Universe controlled by the overlord of the universe.

"Huh, it's just a mere supreme, no matter how much I can't hurt me, let alone the so-called Heavenly Dao supreme who just evolved, dare to come out and mess my eyes, and die!" Ye Chen snorted coldly, flipped his palm, and the chaotic hand covered the sky. , Immediately, all the supreme Heavenly Paths will be photographed and wiped out, and no longer exist.

At the same time, these Heavenly Dao Supreme phantoms were transformed into Heavenly Dao Ancient Blood, and they were about to fly back to the Heavenly Dao Ancient Ancestor.

This is the blood of a half-step overlord, even if it is not blood essence, it is also very important.

However, Ye Chen was very enthusiastic about the ancient blood of the Heavenly Dao. The existence of the Heavenly Dao could evolve, and it was bound to be of great help to the formation and growth of the young Heavenly Dao in the original universe.

Immediately, a dense number of black holes appeared on the surface of the phantom of the universe, swallowing these ancient blood of heaven one by one, and then the chaotic source fire burned away, and the imprint of the true spirit of the ancient ancestor of heaven was completely turned into nothingness. The main thing is swallowed by the original universe.


The effect is also immediate, and within a short time, the prototype of the heaven has grown greatly.

"Sure enough, swallowing your Heavenly Dao Ancient Blood can speed up the growth of the Heavenly Dao embryonic form. If it swallows you? I am afraid that my original universe can be directly perfected!"

Ye Chen looked at the ancient ancestor of Tiandao with extremely hot eyes, as if looking at the prey.

And this scene made the ancient ancestors of Tiandao feel furious.

Once upon a time, someone dared to treat him as a prey.

It's a pity that Ye Chen did dare to do In the loud noise, his chaotic holy fist struck across, bombarded the sky, and blasted the ancient ancestor of the heavens into the sky. The phantom of the original universe appeared, all of a sudden. It evolved into a huge cosmic black hole, with infinitely terrifying swallowing power, swallowing all the phantoms of the heavens from the ancient ancestor of the heavens.

"The Origin Universe, the fiftieth Chaos Ancient Universe!"

At this time, the ancient ancestor of Tiandao remembered that Ye Chen was the master of the fiftieth chaotic ancient universe between heaven and earth, and his was not the original world, but the original universe.

Although the fiftieth ancient Chaos Universe has not been completely perfected, there have been rumors about the fiftieth ancient Chaos Universe, and it was the one who escaped. In addition, Ye Chen's identity as the master of the chaos makes Ye Chen even more jealous. Up.

The battle between the two sides seemed slow, but in fact all this happened in a very short time.

Earth Sage, Thousand Chance Sky Ancestor and the other two holy race half-step overlords have completed the reinforcement of the battlefield. At this moment, they all shot to help the Heavenly Dao Ancient Ancestor, and slay Ye Chen.

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