Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4182: Leaving the secret world

Tiandao's grinding disc was captured by Ye Chen.

It is the natural treasure of the ancient ancestors of the heavens, it is a natural existence of the heavens, and it has been following the ancient ancestors of the heavens and has survived to this day. I don't know how many powerful people have been killed.

Even the other half-step overlords are quite tempted by this heavenly path millstone.

Now, it was taken over by Ye Chen and placed directly in the Origin Universe.


With the placement of the heavenly path millstone, the embryonic form of the heavenly path in the Primordial Universe suddenly glowed with special vitality and is growing rapidly.

Ye Chen understood that perhaps he could merge the rudimentary form of the heavenly path with the heavenly path millstone. In this way, the heavenly path of the original universe could directly grow to the level of the true heavenly path, and also merged with the half-step overlord of the heavenly path millstone peerless Taoist soldiers. He even has the capital to fight against the half-step overlord.

The ancient ancestor of Tiandao watched Ye Chen take the Tiandao millstone, very angry, and rushed over again and again to retake the Tiandao millstone.

However, how could Ye Chen return the things he got to the ancient ancestor of the heavens, while he was rapidly refining and fusing into the rudiment of the ancient heavens, while making a shot at the ancient ancestor of the heavens.

The ancestral body of the ancient ancestor of the heavens is an immortal body that has condensed countless ways of the ancients. It is extremely powerful and can be called an immortal body, but now it has been repeatedly bombarded by Ye Chen, after all, it can’t bear it. With a loud bang, countless cracks appeared, like porcelain, dense cracks intertwined the whole body, very terrible.


In the end, Ye Chen smashed the ancestor body of the ancient ancestor of the heavens with a fierce punch. The endless blood of the ancient ancestor of the celestial path was spilled. Then the ancient ancestor of the heavens was swallowed by the phantom of the universe before he had time to recover. It turned into another source of the power of the cosmic shadow, making the cosmic shadow more stable.

"Hey, it seems that it is not just a grinding wheel of the heavenly path. If you are thoroughly refined into my original universe, not only can the rudiment of the heavenly path be directly perfected, but even the original universe can be directly perfected."

At this moment, Ye Chen looked at the ancient ancestor of Tiandao with extremely hot eyes, as if he was looking at a prey.

Such a look made the ancient ancestor of the heavens feel a little trembling.

"Die, the ancient ancestor of heaven, turn into a member of my original universe, and completely perfect the original universe for me."

Ye Chen roared and attacked frantically, the ancient ancestor of the heavens could no longer bear it, and it exploded, blood surging, spreading all over the cosmic shadow.

At this moment, Ye Chen frantically swallowed the ancient blood of the ancient ancestors of the heavens. They are the most precious powers of the heavens. Every drop can evolve into the heavens of a super-large world. The unclear appearance was all swallowed by his original universe.

At this moment, the original universe is madly perfected. Inside the universe, there are heavens and worlds, which are constantly being born. The land of the upper realm is expanding, and endless stars appear out of thin air...

The entire original universe is rapidly improving.

Sure enough, Ye Chen guessed it correctly. The existence of the ancient ancestor of heaven has an unparalleled effect on the perfection of the original universe, and can directly promote the acceleration of the original universe.

As long as the ancient ancestors of the heavens are completely swallowed, Ye Chen suspects that the original universe is most likely to be directly perfected. By then, he will not only have the power of the original universe, but even be able to withdraw from the power of the overlord of the gods. Four and a half-step overlord-level forces are controlled as one, which is enough to be a true overlord.

"Do not!"

The ancient ancestor of Tiandao roared, he was naturally unwilling to be someone else’s wedding dress. He reorganized his form and spirit, impacted the phantom of the universe, and wanted to leave this place. Otherwise, if this continues, he profoundly senses a life-and-death crisis, which is very likely to last forever. Staying behind will become the fertile soil for the Primordial Universe of the Chaos Heavenly Emperor, allowing the Primal Universe to absorb the second perfection.

"Stay obediently, isn't it okay to be a part of my original universe?" Ye Chen said indifferently, seeing the phantom of the universe under the bombardment of the four and a half-step overlords of the outside world, gradually unable to bear it, but he did not have the slightest Discoloration, on the contrary, he appeared very calm. He looked condescendingly at the ancient ancestor of Heaven who had already reorganized the half-sided god. He was very indifferent and ruthless. He waved the chaos holy fist and bombarded it again from top to bottom. The birth ground crushed it and turned it into endless Wreckage.

The Origin Universe once again swallowed wildly.


At this moment, the sky broke and the ground broke, and the phantom of the universe finally couldn't bear it. Under the terrible loud noise, it suddenly exploded. Four terrifying figures rushed in, directly attacked Ye Chen and killed it.

Ye Chen sighed softly.

As soon as the figure turned, the universe phantom completely shattered, but he took the opportunity to tear apart a corner of the absolute realm, and arrived in the air, came to the passage of the secret world, looked at the giants of the holy race guarding the passage, and snorted coldly. With a cry, he may not be the opponent of the half-step overlords of the great saints, but can these mere giants stop him from leaving?

Directly bombarded the past. After a while, a number of saint clan giants exploded, and the half-step overlord of the earth saint rushed past at the first time. Unfortunately, Ye Chen had already smashed the passage and successfully left the secret world, leaving a piece of The messy passages and endless corpses, I don't know how many strong men of the origin holy race have been killed.

For the Origin Saints, the half-step overlord is simply a terrifying disaster, even the giants are far from being a one-in-one.

Seeing that Ye Chen left the Chaos Sea, the five major half-step overlords wanted to chase them out, but at this moment, there was a space-time vortex in the distance. In the space-time vortex, Tai Sage Emperor, Fighting Saint Ancestor, Defying Warlord, Time and Space Great, etc. The half-step overlord was there, and it was the time and space that the Great Emperor opened up the time and space channel, separated by an endless distance, to support Ye Chen.

The Earth Sage roared: "Pangu Universe, immediately hand over the Chaos Heavenly Emperor, otherwise the Holy Clan of My Origin will immediately go to war with Pangu Universe!"

Qianji Tianzu said: "Immediately hand over the Chaos This matter can be revealed here. Pangu Universe does not want to go to war with our origin holy race."

The ancient ancestor of Tiandao said coldly: "Be sure to hand over the Emperor Chaos."

Fighting Saint Ancestor sneered: "If you start a war, you will start a war. Are you afraid that you will not succeed?"

Taisheng Huangdao: "Harmony is the most important thing in everything."

Hearing that, the origin of the saints almost got their noses crooked with anger, harmony is the most important thing in everything?

Didn't you see how severe the Chaos Heavenly Emperor's destruction of the Origin Saint Clan was, the Earth Soul ancestor was sacrificed, and the Heavenly Dao ancestor was almost killed, suffering heavy casualties.

Ye Chen suddenly said: "Predecessors, let's take the opportunity to attack the origin holy race. The ancient ancestor of Heaven has been maimed by me. As long as you hold the other half-step overlords, I will definitely be able to kill the ancient ancestor of Heaven. The ancestor is of great use to me, and may use him to perfect the original universe in one fell swoop."

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