Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4184: There will be 1 battle

Who would have thought that the Emperor Chaos would be so bold and brave enough to break into the hinterland of the secret world of the origin holy race alone, even Huangquan Datianzun, who pretended to be an alien ancient universe, would attack the powerful holy race, suppressing Emperor Tianwu and killing the chaos God Zun Zun and Shen Xiang Da Zun, two of the Chaos Sea giants who used to target the Profound God Ancestor's Tribulation, sacrificed the quasi-half-step overlord’s earth soul ancestor, severely inflicting damage to the ancient ancestor of heaven, and even the ancient ancestor of heaven. The world's best soldiers and Tiandao millstones were also captured.

All of this made people feel that the Emperor Chaos was bold, and he could also feel that he was against the sky. He actually inserted money and blamed the foreign race, trying to provoke the relationship between the two, but it was once successful.

They asked themselves, I am afraid that only Ye Chen would dare to be so bold, courageous, and more correspondingly capable, and he would never dare to do so when he was another person.

However, in this battle, Ye Chen also produced a stronger deterrent.

The thirteen giants who were besieged by the Profound God Ancestor to cross the catastrophe were all killed by Ye Chen, and none of them remained.

Ye Chen used blood to frighten the Chaos Sea, and he dared to invade. Even if the hegemonic power originating the Saint Clan who hid the Chaos Sea in the past, he was able to pull out and kill and frighten all parties.

The only pity is that the Land of Eternal Night has disappeared without a trace, it is impossible to trace its whereabouts.

It is expected that the current Profound God Ancestor is more fierce than lucky.

After returning to the Pangu universe, the Heaven-defying warlord showed a regretful attitude: "It's a pity, I really want to kill a half-step overlord of the Origin Saint Clan, but I was chased and killed back then."

Endless years ago, when the Heavenly Emperor and Shidai led all parties in the Chaos Sea to fight against the Origin Saint Clan, the Heaven-defying Warlord suffered too many losses during his growth. At that time, he was far less than the half-step overlord who is now incomparable. Powerful, not even a real giant, suffered repeated blockades from the Origin Saint Clan to prevent the rise of such a world-famous arrogant as him.

Even if he died in the past years and reincarnated as the fighting ancestor, there are reasons for the secret participation of the origin holy clan.

If it hadn't been for the emperor to speak, he really wanted to directly enter the Origin Saint Clan.

The ancestors of the fighting and the warlord against the sky are past and present. At this moment, he said: "There will be a battle."

The gaze of the Great Emperor Time and Space seemed to penetrate the ancient, modern and future, looking into the future, and said: "This day will not be far away!"

The overlord was silent for a few half steps.

As the highest achiever of ancient and modern time and space, Emperor Time and Space can gain insight into the past and present and see the future.

Since he spoke like this, it can only show that he saw the scene of the final battle.

Suddenly, Ye Chen snorted, and a wisp of blood overflowed at the corner of his mouth, shining with bright chaotic light.

Several other people looked at him: "Are you injured?"

Ye Chen nodded, his expression pale.

Regardless of the fact that he was facing the five and half-step overlords of the holy race in the Secret Realm at the time, he even killed the ancient ancestor of the heavens and vomited blood, and paid a heavy price. In fact, he was also injured.

Although in that battle he mainly isolated everything with the phantom of the universe, the only one who really faced him was the ancient ancestor of Heaven. For example, the four major half-step overlords of life resistance, such as Heavenly Ancestor Thousand Chance, Earth Sage, etc., were all isolated, but really Do you think this is the only way?

In fact, the Thousand Chance Heavenly Ancestor, Earth Sage, and others attacked the cosmic shadow, and those half-step overlord-level dao powers could still pass through the cosmic shadow, invisibly acting on him.

However, he was forced to bear it.

Yan Ran did not hurt at all.

Within the cosmic chaos, the internal organs are all shattered, and they cannot be cured in the first time. They are all half-step overlord-level horrible injuries that affect other people, even the first generation giants will be destroyed for the first time.

For Ye Chen, at this point, the injury was still so severe, and it was no longer an ordinary injury. It is conceivable that the situation he faced was a precarious one.

If it hadn’t been forcibly sacrificed to the ancestors of the earth soul, if it hadn’t been obtained the millstone of the heavens, or had taken a lot of the ancient blood of the ancestors of the heavens, once strengthened his body, he wanted to leave the secret world smoothly, absolutely nothing simple.

"It's okay. Although there are injuries, they are not fatal. I can suppress and resolve them."

Ye Chen said that he suppressed the injury with Chaos Dao, and the power of the half-step overlord of the immortal Dao around his body was overflowing with endless fairy clouds, swallowing the power of the endless chaotic sea, and resolving the injury in the body.

After separating from several half-step overlords, he immediately returned to the Chaos Tianfu to retreat for treatment.

It took a full thousand years for Ye Chen to suppress his injuries.

Yes, it just suppressed the injury and did not recover.

These injuries contained the power of the five major half-step overlords, as powerful as he could not resolve the attainable power in a short period of time, and needed to be wiped out bit by bit with absolute power over the long years.

However, these injuries cannot affect the full play of his strength.

After leaving the customs, his eyebrows wrinkled slightly, feeling a little overestimating himself, and at the same time facing the five half-step overlords, for any half-step overlord, it is definitely an act of seeking death.

He can bear it, entirely because his strength is much stronger than other half-step overlords, but it is also limited and not absolutely invincible.

After thousands of years of healing, Ye Chen had time to observe the changes in the original universe, and found that the original universe has been improved a lot. On the whole, it is more than 90% complete, endless stars, heavens and worlds, billions of planes, time and space. Turbulence and so on have appeared, and what is left is to perfect the universe and wait for the birth of life.

However, it is these two that are the most difficult.

The paths of every chaotic ancient universe are similar, not completely the same.

Like the ten thousand ways between the Pangu universe and the ancient alien universe, the heavens and all the ways of the former are relatively normal, while the heavens and all the ways of the alien ancient universe contain a kind of evil characteristic.

The heavens and paths of the primordial immortal world are even more extraordinary It is a system of immortals, with pure immortal power.

To evolve the universe, it takes a long time to gradually evolve.

In other words, I don’t know how long it will take to complete the original universe.

Of course, if Ye Chen personally guided the evolution of the universe, it accelerated countless times.

Moreover, Ye Chen also holds the power of the half-step overlord of Shendao and Immortal Dao, and also holds two-thirds of the eternal avenue of Pangu’s soul. He also has the heart of Pangu. He is also the highest achiever of Chaos. This also leads to that once he creates The ten thousand ways that belong to one's original universe, such as non-normal ten thousand ways, once perfected, will surpass the ten thousand ways of other chaotic ancient universes.

For example, the same is Sword Dao. In the Pangu universe, the characteristics of the gods are realized, the characteristics of the immortals are realized in the prehistoric immortal world, and the characteristics of the immortal realms are realized in the alien ancient universe. They are all different, but In Ye Chen's original universe, I realized that it must be all-encompassing, with both the characteristics of the gods and the immortals, and even the characteristics of other ancient chaotic universes.

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