Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4185: 4 echelons

However, the creation of creatures is more difficult than creating the universe.

Everything in the universe can be evolved from its original chaotic avenue, but the creation of living beings is the creation of souls, which contains endless mystery.

Basically, the creatures in the origin world of other strong men are all creatures that enter from the outside world, not created by the origin world.

The mystery of the soul, involving the true spirit, is unfathomable.

Ye Chen can create some creatures, but it is impossible to create truly powerful innate creatures, such as the Chaos Holy Spirit, such as the innate Chaos Demon God, and it involves another higher level.

The Chaos Sea is a boundless land created by Pangu splitting the singularity.

The innate Chaos Demon God was born from the blood that was scattered by Pangu.

The avenues of good fortune in the Pangu universe are all over the Chaos Sea, so the strongest innate creatures can be bred.

Ye Chen still has a long way to go if he wants to do this. He needs to wait until the original universe is gradually perfected, and the universe is perfected before he can gradually give birth to powerful creatures.

And this still takes time.

The years are long, and since Ye Chen returned from the origin holy clan, the Chaos Sea has become more chaotic, surpassing any previous era.

The blood-stained era is intensifying.

Today, Chaos Sea is divided into four major echelons.

The first echelon is the most powerful forces such as the Primordial Immortal Realm, the Alien Ancient Universe, the Pangu Universe, and the Origin Saint Race, all of which are seated by the overlord of the world, and are now called the hegemonic power, which completely dominates the peak of the Chaos Sea.

Especially the Primordial Immortal Realm is allied with the Pangu Universe, and the Alien Ancient Universe is allied with the Origin Saint Race, and the four hegemony-level forces contain each other.

The second echelon is the Eternal Heaven Realm, Chaos Burial Ground, and the powers of the God Emperor and the Great Heavenly Venerable.

Because they are sitting on the half-step overlord.

Among them, Eternal Heaven Realm and Chaos Burial Ground are the strongest. There are not only half-step overlords, but also many giants.

The Eternal Heaven Realm is the strongest, under the half-step overlord, it is no less than the four overlord-level forces, and the overall strength is extremely powerful.

The third echelon is the ordinary chaotic ancient universe or the big world with giants.

The fourth echelon lacks giants, but also has the power of the ancient universe.

Naturally, below the fourth echelon, it is the uninfluential force.

Today, the four dominant forces in the first echelon rarely go to war, because they all know how terrifying the consequences will be if they go to war.

Especially when Ye Chen smashed into the Origin Saint Clan at first, causing the Origin Saint Clan to suffer heavy casualties. He was already injured, and the ancient ancestors of the Heavenly Dao were almost killed, which caused a great impact.

The second echelon basically doesn’t go to war, but the Wild Demon Lord is a fighting madman, walking the Chaos Sea from time to time, and even staring at the ancient alien universe and the chaotic burial ground from a distance, revealing a deep sense without concealment. The killing intent made the powers of the two ancient universes angry.

Even the two and a half-step overlords of the Chaos Burial Ground wanted to kill the Demon Lord of Wild Heaven directly.

However, although the Wild Demon Lord is always in the Chaos Sea, he knows the stakes and has always been not far from the Pangu Universe. Once in danger, Pangu Universe will rescue him as soon as possible.

In particular, I learned that the half-step overlords of the Pangu universe are stronger than the other, and even the ancient universe of the alien race is willing to bow to the wind, not as strong as theirs.

It is evident from the fact that the Emperor Chaos dared to enter the secret realm world of the Origin Saint Race alone, this young and strongest half-step overlord has been so bold more than once.

In the chaotic sea, there seemed to be nothing he dared to do.

Of course, since Ye Chen returned from the original holy clan, he hasn't appeared much, which made the Alien Ancient Universe and Chaos Burial Ground breathe a sigh of relief.

Once he appeared, he was in big trouble. After all, Shidai was not good at dealing with him, and he was protected by the emperor.

In the ancient alien universe, many giants were puzzled.

Since the initial generation declared full-scale war and ended in a hurry, they returned to the ancestral temple and remained motionless.

In the origin of the universe, there is a black hole, as if it existed eternally and never disappeared.

Many foreign giants have seen with their own eyes, Shidai has always been sitting in this black hole created by the collapse of a whole chaotic ancient universe, and has been watching. No one knows what Shidai is watching.

In the Pangu universe, Ye Chen has been healing his wounds, creating the universe and constantly perfecting the original universe.

After the embryonic form of Tiandao merged with the Tiandao millstone, it became a brand-new Tiandao.

On this day, Ye Chen called it Chaos Blue Sky.

It is to commemorate the blue sky on the tenth day of the Pangu universe.

In order to save him, he did not hesitate to expose himself and was killed by Shidai.

Chaos Blue Sky is very strong, it is the complete heavenly path that he first created. It has not differentiated into the tenth heaven, and it also contains chaotic characteristics. It also integrates the heavenly path and controls the original universe.

Coupled with the power of the entire Origin Universe, Chaos Blue Sky can even become a half-step overlord.


Ye Chen, who was cultivating in the Chaos Sea, suddenly felt that the phantom of the universe shrouded outside was hit by a huge object.

I opened my eyes and saw that it was an incredibly huge headless corpse, much larger than the Primordial Chaos World. It was surrounded by an endless world wreckage, and it slammed into it with terrifying pressure. The projection to the Origin Universe slammed through with a bang and slammed into Ye Chen.

Seeing this corpse, Ye Chen was shocked, it turned out to be the corpse of the burial owner of Origin.

Since he met once when he was still a quasi-giant in the extreme realm, the Burial of Origin has become the origin of the Bloodstained Era, and all parties have competed for the head of the Burial of Origin.

Because the original burial master is a half-step overlord, UU read www. The ten heads of uukā each contain the way of origin.

Back then, he fell into a state of suspended animation due to the origin of the burial owner.

Never thought that after many years, the corpse of the original burial owner could be seen again.

It's just that the ten heads have long since disappeared. He also got one of them, a Chaos Thunder Orb, but it is completely different from the Chaos Thunder Orb he got before. It is the opposite. This chaotic sea of ​​chaos is missing the other half of the chaotic avenue condensed into the chaos origin pearl.

Ye Chen was a little sighed, thinking that the original burial master was at the level of the world overlord, no less than the emperor, the first generation, the immortal ancestor, etc. The rumor is that the place of origin exiled the prisoners imprisoned in the dark universe, because it has been imprisoned for endless years. Weak.

In the First World War, he also doubted how the giants had killed the burial owner of Origin.

Even if the origin burial master was imprisoned for endless years, he was already weak, but he was always at the level of the overlord of the world, no matter how weak he is also the overlord, it is difficult for a giant to kill the overlord of the world.

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