Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4186: Sinners exiled: Heavenly Emperor, Shidai, Xianzu!

The overlord of the world is above everything, second only to the eternity in the legend, in the sea of ​​chaos, it can be said to be the supreme existence in the true sense.

The overlord of the world kills the giant, that is, one blow is enough.

Now, thinking about it, the Emperor Taisheng, the Saint Ancestor of Fighting, and the Warlord Against the Heavens have all become half-step overlords. The ancient universe of alien races, the saints of origin, and the prehistoric immortal world must have other half-step overlords secretly taking action. Killed the origin burial master at the rank of the master of the world!

In that battle, all ten heads of Origin Burial Lord were chopped off, which became the root cause of the Blood Stained Era.

At one time, people thought that that was the beginning of the blood-stained future.

Now it seems that it is far from reaching the point where the future is blood-stained.

Now, the headless corpse of the origin burial owner has been wandering in the Chaos Sea for tens of thousands of years, and I don’t know what it has gone through. No one can get its corpse and finally appeared in front of him.

Ye Chen looked at the headless corpse of the Origin Burial, and he was a little sighed. After all, this is a supreme existence of the supreme overlord level. However, he did not know why the Origin Burial was imprisoned in the dark universe before that endless years. Inside, and was banished from the land of origin.

After all, it is the overlord of the world, and it can also be called a half-step eternal existence, which should not be the case.

What happened that year?

What happened in the place of origin?

Why did the emperor, the first generation, the immortal ancestors, the origin saints and others leave the place of origin and enter this chaotic sea that is lacking in chaos?

Is it really just because of Pangu?

Ye Chen didn’t know that when he used the Supreme Chaos Dafa to collect the headless corpse of the Origin Burial Lord, suddenly, the headless corpse of the Origin Burial Lord changed and rushed out of the ten source brilliance before Ye Chen. Transformed into the original face of the original burial owner, just like when I first saw it that year.

It was a phantom, but it was still very powerful, containing the endless majesty of the overlord, looking down on Ye Chen, evolving into an invisible realm, isolating everything from the outside world.

Ye Chen's expression was calm. At this point, he was leaning against Pangu Universe, and the emperor was always watching, even if the real overlord came, there was no fear, not to mention just a mere shadow.

He saw the phantom of the original burial master, it was more of a mark of the soul, the last mark of the soul, watching quietly, without saying a word.

The last imprint of the origin burial owner looked at Ye Chen, and after a long time, he sighed: "It's really too similar."

"Like what?" Ye Chen asked bluntly.

Originator Burial Master said: "That person!"



"Shi?" Ye Chen frowned, "Who is Shi?"

"A person who is invincible in the world, created everything, opened up everything, and mastered the supreme existence of reincarnation." Origination Burial Master said.


Ye Chen asked again.

"No." The Burial of Origin gave him a deep look. "This is my last imprint of the soul. When I saw you for the first time that year, I felt like you were very similar to him. I failed to see him for the last time. I’m sorry, but I can’t live forever. Those people won’t let me live, because I know too many secrets, and they will definitely kill me. Now, the last look you see is the best prove."

Ye Chen frowned. Behind the event of beheading the original burial master that year, it seemed that there was a major affection hidden.

"Who is the one who wants to kill you?" Ye Chen had an intuition that the person who wanted to kill the original burial owner was not the one who shot it back then, but someone else.

Originator Burial Master said: "It is the ruler of the Desperate Realm, in other words, the overlord of your Chaos Sea."

Ye Chen was startled and said, "Is it the first generation?"

"He is not the only one." Originator Burial Master said, "There are at least three participating masters."

"Who is there?"

"Sidai is one of them, Xianzu is one of them, and one person is the Emperor of Heaven." Ye Chen's expression was shocked by the words of the burial owner of Origin. If it is only the origin and the ancestor, but he did not expect the Emperor to participate. among them.

The perception of the emperor has always been that he was alone in the past, he did not hesitate to enter Hanoi over the years, to resist many of the most terrifying evils of the ages, is a wise emperor with a heart in the world.

It's just that, I didn't expect that the emperor would take part in dealing with the Burial of Origin.

The emperor, why did you kill the origin burial master?

Ye Chen was puzzled, full of doubts, and said solemnly: "What secrets do you know? Why do they want to kill you at all costs."

"Because they are actually just exiles!" The words of Origin Burial Lord changed Ye Chen's expression.

The three great overlords of Heaven, Shidai, and Xianzu are all just exiles?

What kind of sin did they commit? They were exiled by the land of origin, and the chaotic sea with the original realm in the mouth of the burial owner of the origin seemed to be the land of exile in his mouth.

The burial master of Origin said: "They are all true sinners. They are exiled here. They bear the sins of the ages and cannot return to the land of origin. Back then, I was the guardian of the passage between the land of exile and the land of origin. But during the exile , A war broke out and the passage was destroyed. Although they could not return to the place of origin, they imprisoned me in a dark ancient universe, drawing my strength to maintain this passage from collapsing and deteriorating, and Take the initiative to enter this land of the Primordial Chaos Sea and find a way to return to the land of origin. Your ancient path of origin, in fact, is their master, trying to re-evolve a new channel, but it was unsuccessful."

Ye Chen couldn't believe it. All this overturned his understanding of the three great overlords.

They were all exiles who bore the sins of the ages.

The first generation is nothing more than But the emperor of heaven and the ancestor of the immortal are all respected existences in their respective chaotic ancient universes.

Ye Chen stared at the Burial Master of Origin, and said: "What happened back then, what sins they committed in the land of origin, why were they banished."

If you want to know all this, you can only know through the origin burial master who is also the master of the world.

The Burial of Origin sighed lightly, but didn't say anything. He just said: "All of this, as long as you find the true ancient road leading to the land of origin, you will find everything, and there are all secrets there. I can't talk about these."

It is just a brand after all, it can't last for too long, it has already begun to dissipate slowly.

At the moment when the world dissipated, a set of coordinates was transmitted to Ye Chen from the burial master of Origin: "This is the coordinates of the Half-Benged Passage, and it is also the final coordinates of the place where there is a lack of the original world to the origin. I hope one day. You can go there, maybe someone will be waiting for you!"

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