Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4187: The emperor talks about the secret of origin

I met the last imprint of the soul of the origin burial owner, and learned about the secrets of the emperor, the first generation, and the immortal ancestor. Those secrets are even unknown to the half-step overlord.

There is no doubt that the impact on Ye Chen is huge.

Who could have imagined that the three major hegemons who smashed the Chaos Sea, ancient and modern invincible, were actually sinners exiled from the land of origin, bearing the sins of the past.

However, Ye Chen really wanted to know what crimes they had committed, and they were actually called carrying the sins of eternity.

Moreover, since the three major overlords are the ones who bear the sins of the ages, why did the Origin Saint Clan enter the land of the Primordial Realm, which is lacking in the Chaos Sea?

He knew that the Chaos Sea was lacking, but why did it call it the original world?

Rao, when Ye Chen was in such a situation, stormy waves still appeared in his heart.

Because it involves the highest-level secrets of the entire Chaos Sea, unless the original burial owner personally told it, he cannot know.

Ye Chen was silent for a long time when he realized the ultimate coordinates left by the Burial of Origin to the place of origin.

The two ancient roads of origin opened up throughout the ages were actually only opened up to find the passage that collapsed. They were hit by accident and so they released the dark ancient universe that held the burial owner of Origin.

To reach the place of origin, it is necessary to gather all the sacred objects of origin from the heavens to open the true ancient path of origin.

In the past, at the end of the ancient road of origin, because only half of the holy relics of the origin were collected, it was just a mistake to open the dark universe prison that imprisoned the burial owner of the origin.

"Is it necessary to gather all the Origin Relics to open it smoothly?" Ye Chen whispered to himself.

The scene of the headless corpse of the origin burial owner hitting Ye Chen was also seen by all parties in the Chaos Sea. After endless years, the overlord-level remains of the origin burial owner reappeared in the world. After ten heads were cut down that year, The remains of this overlord level disappeared.

In fact, for so many tens of thousands of years, do you really think that everyone does not look at the remains of this overlord class?

Impossible, the remains of the overlord of the world, can be called a priceless treasure, half-step overlord will be jealous.

However, on the Ancient Path of Origin that year, in the final battle, after the ten heads of the burial owner of Origin were chopped down, too many changes occurred and eventually disappeared.

But now, the head of the burial owner of Origin reappears, why on earth?

No one knows, but watching Ye Chen pick up the headless corpse of the origin burial owner, many people showed a pity and regret.

But no one dared to compete with Ye Chen, a lunatic who even dared to break through the ancient universe and the origin of the holy race, there was nothing else he dared to do.

When Ye Chen returned to the Pangu universe, the first time he went to the heavenly emperor who was at the origin of the universe, he looked up at this sinner exiled from the land of origin by the burial owner of the origin. However, in any case, he couldn't see this in front of him. The wise emperor and the sinner in the place of origin that carried the sins of the ages are regarded as one person.

In the final analysis, the Emperor of Heaven has made great contributions to the Pangu Universe. Even without the Emperor, the Pangu Universe may not exist.

The Emperor looked at Ye Chen, calmly, and said, "He should have told you everything."

Ye Chen said: "Senior Tiandi, you are the first person to save the Pangu universe. You are Ruoxi's father and the master of King's Landing. I believe you are a human being. I just want to know why you are called the land of origin and you were exiled. The sinner, claiming that you have borne the sins of the ages, but the younger generation believes in what you are."

The so-called burden of eternal sins is not aimed at the Pangu universe, but the place of origin.

The place of origin is still an illusory place for the Chaos Sea. Ye Chen's perception of the place of origin is average, therefore, the emperor cannot be regarded as the sinner mentioned by the burial master of the origin.

The emperor said: "In fact, I, the first generation, and the immortal ancestor are indeed sinners in the place of origin. They committed a big mistake and were exiled here. And here, you should also know that there is a lack of the original realm. You should I am curious, why the Chaos Sea is called the Realm of Desire, and why we are exiled here, the saints of origin, and why we also enter this place of Realm of Desire."

Ye Chen said: "I would like to hear the details."

"About the origin of the Chaos Sea, you should not be clear." Tiandi said, "In fact, before the existence of the Chaos Sea, even before it was opened up by Pangu, it was an indispensable place, which can be called the original world, the source world, and the eternity. Holy Realm. In other words, this place contains an opportunity for eternal attainment."

"It can even be said that the origin of the place of origin was actually conceived by this chaotic sea."

Ye Chen was startled. The place of origin is not the origin of everything, but this chaotic sea, which is called the realm of absence, is the true origin?

It is really shocking!

The Emperor of Heaven said: "Another important meaning of the original world is the source world, the origin of all things. In the endless years before the chaos sea opened up, the original world gave birth to the place of origin, which is the gathering of all the origins of the original world. The vast world bred by the power of power captures the endless creations of the original world and contains endless possibilities. The first eternity between heaven and earth is born from the place of origin."

"Because the land of origin gave birth to eternity, it was also created by taking the endless creation of the original world, so that eternal existence, named the land of origin, means the origin of everything, replacing the original world as the holy land in the minds of all living beings."

"In fact, the place of origin does have infinite creations. You may only know the eternity of Pangu, but in the place of origin, there is far from only one. Through the ages, a total of 33 people have been born."

"Thirty-three eternal?" Ye Chen was shocked. Eternity is the ultimate goal of endless creatures in the Chaos Sea. Except for the Pangu who opened the Chaos Sea, no one has been However, the place of origin. But there are as many as thirty-three, more than the overlord of Chaos Sea, or even the half-step overlord.

"Do you feel a lot?" The Emperor of Heaven smiled slightly and said: "The land of origin is the land of endless creation, just as the heavens and domains are for the eight lower realms, and the land of origin is for the Chaos Sea. Of course, the thirty-three eternity is the accumulation of endless years in the place of origin. Since its birth, there have been countless epochs in the place of origin, far beyond the sea of ​​chaos, and the land of origin is the boundless realm, eternal The avenue is perfect, and the accumulation of endless epochs naturally gave birth to many people."

"In addition, in the place of origin, eternal existence has another title-heaven!"

"God?" Ye Chen was surprised.

"Yes, it is the sky." The Emperor said, "In the place of origin, only eternal existence can be called the sky, and it can also be called the sky. The thirty-three heavens of the eternal sky are actually based on It evolved from the land of origin in 33 days. All this is recorded on the eternal monument and interpreted by later generations. Therefore, there is also the 33 heavens in the eternal heaven."

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