Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4188: The Secret of Origin (Part 1)

The place of origin, thirty-three eternal, known as thirty-three days!

It is also the 33rd Heavenly Lord!

The place of origin is powerful beyond imagination.

If it weren't for the existence of the Heavenly Emperor, who came from the place of origin, to speak in person, how could he believe it.

After all, it is necessary to know that Chaos Chaos Sea, a place with a lack of original realm, has no eternity outside the Pangu God who opened the world.

"Thirty-three days in the land of origin is the true heavenly sovereign, also called the eternal heavenly sovereign."

"In the place of origin, only the real eternity is qualified to be called the heaven and the deity. Otherwise, other people who dare to call the sky and the deity, and even the emperor and other titles related to the sky, will be punished by the place of origin. There is a great cause and effect in the world, and it will be a sudden disaster in the end." Tiandi said.

Ye Chen knows that, just like the ancient emperor and emperor, he cannot be arbitrarily named, otherwise it will cause the eternal heavens to come to endless punishment, and there will be great cause and effect in the dark, which is terrible.

However, he couldn't help but look at the Emperor of Heaven.

Heaven cannot be self-styled, the emperor of heaven, why is it called the emperor of heaven?

Or, in other words, the name of the emperor is that the emperor is self-proclaimed, has great ambitions, and wants to return to the place of origin and become the emperor of the heavens?

Or does it contain other intentions?

Ye Chen was a little curious.

"Of course, the Chaos Sea has the original realm, but a place of exile. This place is not as good as the place of origin. Therefore, it is called Tianzun, Emperor, etc., and they will be punished by great cause and effect in the dark. Just like the emperor in the monastic world With the emperor and immortal, in the duny world, mortals can also call themselves."

Ye Chen knew it.

However, the Emperor of Heaven did not say anything about his title of Emperor of Heaven, and continued: "Moreover, the ancient ancestor of the Heavenly Dao who originated from the Holy Clan, although claimed to be the origin of all Heavenly Dao, is actually just this one with a lack of origin. The origin of Tiandao is only, and the true origin of the ancient ancestor of Tiandao is actually related to an eternal Tianzun. He was lucky enough to get the fate of a perished eternal Tianzun, and he was regarded as the master of Tiandao in the place of origin. One of them, and came to the realm of Desire and became the ancient ancestor of the origin of heaven."

"Wait." Ye Chen frowned, and said: "Senior Heavenly Emperor, will eternal existence really perish? Doesn't it mean that they are immortal in the eternal world?"

He is curious.

According to legend, eternity is an immortal existence, and there is nothing in the world that can truly kill eternity.

Since eternity will fall, why call it eternity?

As for whether Pangu, the eternal god, has died, in fact, Ye Chen still believes that he has not died.

It's just a three-pointed soul, and Pangu's heart is still beating.

Even the physical body merges with the ancient Chaos universe into one, becoming the Pangu universe.

In his understanding, the Great God Pangu has not died yet, but exists in the form of the ancient chaotic universe.

The emperor’s eyes are extremely deep, as if there is a change in the eternal era, penetrating the endless cause and effect of the world, saying: "In the world, nothing is truly eternal. The so-called eternity is just because their form and spirit are completely integrated with the place of origin. , With eternal origin, able to travel the past, present and future, immortal and immortal. But even the true eternal deity will perish, such as the eternal eternal deity who got the chance for the ancient ancestor of heaven, in fact, it is indeed not regarded as perish, because they The eternal origins of the people have returned to the land of origin, and the world of their eternal origins has also returned to the land of origin."

"Of course, their eternal origin world still has their mark of the Great Dao, immortal and immortal, and they are actually still alive in another way, but their thinking has become quite slow. The so-called heavens and stars are actually all of them. What has been transformed by his thoughts continues to focus on the entire world, but it has become an existence like a heavenly way."

"By the way, the Eternal Heaven Realm is actually not only the secret realm of origin, but also the original world of an eternal deity. The eternal monument is naturally left by that eternal deity."

"Back then, when I was only exiled, the Eternal Heaven Realm was also exiled, thus entering this land with the original realm."

Ye Chen nodded. No wonder the Eternal Monument is so peculiar, capable of recording so much unknown information. It turned out to be an ancient monument left by the Eternal Heaven, and it is naturally not a thing.

"Although the place of origin has been robbed of nearly all of the natural power of the original world, after all, a small part of the original world has been retained. In the endless years, finally a supreme eternity-Pangu!"

"Pangu broke into the place of origin with an eternal body, established a reputation, and finally became one of the 33 days in the place of origin."

Ye Chen knew that the Great God Pangu was not the eternal **** born from the place of origin, but from the original world.

"Thirty-three heavens dominate the place of origin, like the immortal heavenly way, high above, dominating everything in the place of origin."

"This is the origin of the thirty-three days. It is also why there has been a statement of thirty-three days in the Primordial Realm of Chaos Sea throughout the ages."

"However, what I want to say here is that between heaven and earth, there are not only 33 days, but also 10 days, do you know why?" The Emperor suddenly asked.

"Junior don't know, please tell me!" Ye Chen shook his head. He originally thought that because ten is the number of Dzogchen, so it was ten days.

But when the emperor said so, he knew it was absolutely what he imagined.

The emperor slowly spoke, and was slowly telling a shocking event that shook the past and the present: "You must know that although the 33 Heavenly Lords were born in the place of origin, it was extremely prosperous, but it was not eternally prosperous. Extreme decline is an unchanging principle that can be applied to the original Pangu universe, and it can also be applied to the place of origin."

"When thirty-three eternal gods were born in the place of origin and the original world, the endurance reached the limit. At the beginning of that day, the eternal road in the place of origin suddenly collapsed, the power of good fortune was exhausted, and no new ones could be born. Everlasting."

"If it's just that, that's all, the thirty-three heavens are aloft, overlooking the place of origin, disregarding the past, the present and the future, and they don't want anyone to climb into their supreme eternal honor."

"However, the great collapse of the Eternal Avenue has led to the exhaustion of the origin of the place of origin, and the eternal avenue of the thirty-two eternal deities has been seized in the opposite direction to supplement the depleted origin."

"The place of origin is the place of good fortune. It contains the hope of nurturing the eternal deity, possessing unpredictable power, and can also reversely seize the eternal origin of the eternal deity."

"Only the Great God Pangu is the eternal **** born from the original world, so the place of origin cannot capture the eternal origin of the Great God Pangu!"

"Of course, no one is weak to be able to become eternal gods, and their strength is beyond imagination."

"They naturally don’t want to be taken away from their eternal origin by the place of origin, but in the place of origin, they will be restricted by the place of origin, because the place of origin contains special power. The eternal deity will also be subject to certain restrictions."

"However, the place of origin cannot be destroyed, because the eternal origins of the eternal deities are placed in the place of origin, and are closely related to the place of origin. Once the place of origin is destroyed, although they may not die, they are very likely to be lost forever. The eternal heavenly position."

"In order to prevent the Land of Origin from seizing their eternal origin in the opposite direction, therefore, the 33 eternal gods launched the most terrible battle in history. That battle was called the battle of the eternal twilight."

Battle of Eternal Twilight!

Just hearing this name, Ye Chen knew how terrible it was.

It involves eternity!

"That battle was intended to reduce the number of eternal gods, so that part of the eternal origin returned to the place of origin, so that the place of origin can be balanced."

"This is also the unanimous decision of the eternal deities, not only to maintain the place of origin, but also to prevent the eternal deities from losing their eternal fruit status!"

"However, there is no eternal deity who is willing to return the eternal origin to the place of origin, and no one wants to. It is precisely because of this that no one is convinced, and the most terrible battle broke out."

"The battle of the eternal twilight is the most terrifying war in all ages. It caused the vast and endless place of origin to almost collapse, and many eternal gods fell one after another. In the end, only ten eternal gods survived." Tiandiqing Sigh, how shocking the past was in that battle. Throughout the ages, no battle can surpass it.

Most of the thirty-three eternal gods were lost, and in the end only the ten most fruitful gods remained.

Ye Chen was shocked when he heard it, as if he knew that the myth had been shattered in a weak period.

Eternal Heavenly Sovereign, as far as he is currently, is still quite far away.

Through the narration of the emperor, it is possible to imagine how terrifying the battle of the eternal twilight back then was. If it were placed in the chaos sea, the realm of the lack of origin, not to mention the thirty-three eternal gods who fought, it was just two of them. The eternal deity fought fiercely, and was afraid that it would have collapsed long ago.

Regardless of what he claims to be one of the most powerful half-step overlords in ancient and modern times, but there is still not much power to fight back against the overlord of the world, not to mention the true eternity, which must be far above the overlord of the world.

"However, after the battle of the eternal twilight, the last ten eternal deities discovered that the place of origin is still taking their eternal origin, and the fall of the twenty-three eternal deities did not completely return the place of origin. They discovered that the ultimate destination of Eternal Origin is not the place of origin, but the original world."

The emperor slowly said, "The eternal origins of the twenty-three eternal gods who fell behind are so huge, but not many are returned to the place of origin, all are returned to the original world."

"Originally, the land of origin seized the endless good fortune of the original world, and the original world was abandoned, lost the power of good fortune, and became a land of endless abandonment."

"The place of origin, high above, such as the heavens and domains of the Pangu universe, and the heavens of the primordial immortal world, is the absolute upper bound.

"Nowadays, the vast majority of the Eternal Eternal Origin is returned to the original world, and the eternal gods worry that the original world will once again become the true source world, the eternal holy world, and even give birth to the second place of origin. "

"Because once the second place of origin is born, and a number of eternal gods are born again, this situation will be faced again."

"It becomes meaningless for the eternal gods to launch the battle of eternal twilight."

"In order to maintain the current balance, in the end, the last remaining eternal gods will jointly attack the original world, which will completely explode the original world that hopefully gave birth to the second place of origin, and eventually collapse into a ~ And put an endless curse, seized half of the Eternal Avenue, making it impossible to give birth to the second place of origin in the land of the original world, let alone the real eternal deity."

"However, Pan Gu is the eternal heavenly sovereign born from the original world. He can't just watch the original world fall into a useless ruin. Therefore, he personally took action to split the original world that became a singularity and return the eternal road to this one. The original world is intended to nurture a new place of origin and fight against the place of origin."

"However, even if Pangu is powerful enough to return the Eternal Dao to the original world, the original world is always cursed by the eternal gods. If the other half of the Eternal Dao is lost, the true eternity cannot be born, and the place of origin cannot be born."

Ye Chen knew that, it turned out that this was the reason why Chaos Sea was always missing the other half of Chaos Avenue.

In addition to the Great God Sheque Pangu, there are nine eternal heavenly exalted curses.

Although Pangu Great God is strong, it is impossible for one person to resist the curse of the nine eternal gods.

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