Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4189: Shi, the king of heaven!

The nine eternal gods impose eternity and curse, so that the original realm is always missing the other half of the chaos avenue, thus becoming today's missing original realm, and sentient beings can no longer give birth to true eternal gods.

This is the origin of Lack of Origin.

This is also the reason why the Great God Pangu wanted to reopen the Chaos Sea.

The emperor said: "Back then, I, Shidai, and Xianzu were banished from here because they committed serious crimes in the place of origin and bore the sins of the ages. Although the few people like me are strong, there is a shortage in the original world. Exiled from this place, far away from the place of origin, the burial owner of origin is the guardian who guarded the passage between the place of origin and the realm of lack of origin."

"Of course, when I was exiled, I waited for the three of them to be unwilling to exile the Realm of Extinction, and wanted to go back. I had a battle with the Burial of Origin who guarded the passage, which led to the collapse of the passage. Finally, I suppressed the Burial of Origin in a dark universe. , With the help of its overlord-level infinite vitality, restore the passage."

"But after that war, the passage was also exiled by the Burial of Origin, and disappeared afterwards. It was hidden in the void between the Land of Origin and the Realm of Deprivation. It is difficult to find out without corresponding coordinates."

"In fact, you can understand that the passage is the real ancient road of origin, and the two ancient roads of origin evolved over the endless years, and the ultimate goal is to find the real ancient road of origin. Come out. Just to find the real passage one day, combine the ancient road of origin with the passage, and restore the old passage. So that one day, the original world can go to the place of origin again without being permanently trapped here. ."

Ye Chen nodded, and he naturally knew the origin of the ancient road through the original notice from the originator.

And now he holds the coordinates of the true origin of the ancient road.

"As for the true origin of the Origin Saint Clan, it was the clan that was responsible for the exile of the three of us. It was also responsible for guarding this lacquered world after the 33rd Heavenly Lord. On the one hand, it guards the three of us, and on the other hand, Guarding this Desirable Realm to avoid accidents, the second place of origin is born, or a new eternal deity will be born, leading to the complete eternal heavenly path of Desirable Realm to be restored."

Heavenly Emperor Dao, but he didn't elaborate on the crimes he had committed in the first place, he just talked in time and his eyes were calm, as if he was relieved long ago.

However, when Ye Chen listened to the emperor's remarks, he always felt a little strange.

But no strangeness can be found.

Why did the Emperor, Shidai, and Xianzu be exiled?

Why didn't the emperor speak out?

And, is the origin saints really just guarding the place where there is a lack of origin?

In particular, Pangu God was exhausted after reopening the original realm. Didn’t the nine eternal gods of the Origin know that Pangu God had fallen here? His soul might be divided into three points, which might make the emperor and the first generation exiled. 、Is the ancestor of the immortal become the real eternal heavenly sovereign?

All this seems to be suspicious.

But if the emperor didn't say it, he was not easy to ask.

Suddenly, Ye Chen raised his eyes and said, "Senior Emperor Tian, ​​do you know, who is Shi?"

Earlier, the burial owner of Origin said that he was very similar to "Shi".

Especially many years ago, when he first went to the blood-stained future, the supreme future self once said to him: "Don't wake up, because you are Hajime..."

Ye Chen was wondering, is he the reincarnation of the mysterious Hajime?

Of course, neither the blood-stained future supreme self, nor the origin burial master, can do everything.

Therefore, he can only learn a thing or two from the side of the Emperor of Heaven.

"Shi, is an incomparably great figure in the place of origin, but more people will respectfully call it: Yuanshi Tianzun." When it comes to Yuanshi Tianzun, the emperor said sternly, "Similarly, he is one of the 33 eternal heavens. The ups and downs of the entire origin of the ruler."

"Even, before the endless years, in the glorious era where the 33 eternal deities stood together, Yuanshi Tianzun was one of the highest beings among the eternal deities. The combat power was in the forefront, extremely powerful, and there was a faintly titled deity who became the heaven The tendency of the king."

King of Heaven?

Ye Chen was shocked, that Yuanshi Tianzun was so strong!

This title can be seen completely, Yuanshi Tianzun's invincible!

He couldn't help but said, "Is there any difference between the strong and the weak in the Eternal Heavenly Lord?"

The emperor said: "It can be said that there is, or it can be said that there is no. The eternal gods are generally supreme, but the eternal avenues of their respective achievements are different, which determines the issue of combat power. Just like in the realm of existence, the emperor way of proving Tao to become emperor is life. Dadao, and Dadao of destruction, which kind of imperial way do you think is stronger?"

"Destroy Emperor Dao!" Ye Chen said.

"Exactly, the Eternal Dao is like the Emperor Dao, except that the Eternal Dao has a special skill in the art industry, some are good at the way of attacking, and some are not good at it. Yuanshi Tianzun is an eternal Tianzun who is extremely good at fighting."

Ye Chen curiously asked, "Yuanshi Tianzun, what eternal avenue is he good at?"

The Emperor of Heaven glanced at him: "The Avenue of Chaos!"

"The Avenue of Chaos?" Ye Chen was startled. Isn't the Avenue of Chaos the only way to achieve eternity?

Do not!

He quickly came back to his senses. The Chaos Avenue is just the supreme avenue that has the most hope to prove eternity in the world of Chaos Chaos Sea. In the place of origin, there is no shortage of eternity. Naturally, other avenues can be used. Attain the eternal fruit position.

The Emperor of Heaven said: "Chaos is the origin of all paths, one connection, all paths are connected, no avenue is stronger than the avenue of chaos. Therefore, you are also known as the person who has the most hope to achieve eternal fruit status."

"Yuanshi Tianzun is the eternal chaotic heavenly sovereign. He is good at all great roads, whether it is the way of attack, the way of defense, the way of life, the way of death, the way of alchemy, etc., he can reach the highest level, the most All-round eternal deity."

"Therefore, Yuanshi Tianzun's strength is beyond the ordinary eternal Tianzun, so it is faintly qualified to become the king of Tianzun, so there are other titles, such as the name of Yuanshi Tianzun. At that time, he was also the most promising to become Tianzun. One of the king’s people."

Chaos, indeed.

It's no wonder that the burial master of Origin calls him a lot like Shiji, because he is the master of chaos and he is also good at all kinds of supreme avenues, just like Shiji.

It’s just that why the supreme self in the future told him not to wake up because he is Hajime...

However, Ye Chen didn't know that the supreme one in the future said that he is Shiji, or the person whose name begins with Shi.

Or, he is the beginning.

After all, he and Yuanshi Tianzun were equally good at Chaos Dao and reached a very high level.

Ye Chen couldn't help but said, "Yuanshi Tianzun, is still alive?"

The Emperor of Heaven smiled lightly: "I know, the burial master of Origin said that you are very similar to Yuanshi Tianzun, but Yuanshi Tianzun is one of the most promising beings to become the king of Tianzun. He is the one who survived the battle of the eternal twilight One of the eternal deity, so you can rest assured that you are not the Yuanshi deity."

Hearing this, Ye Chen felt relieved.

Although, Yuanshi Tianzun is the most powerful and supreme being in the place of origin, and even has the qualification to be called the king of Tianzun.

But he never hoped that he would be the reincarnation of Yuanshi Tianzun, he hoped that he would still be the original self.

But, suddenly, he had some hope that he was Yuanshi Tianzun.

The blood stained future is destined to be extremely tragic, not to mention beings, even the supreme, the quasi-giant, the eternal giant, and even the half-step overlord, may not be able to survive.

Even Ye Chen didn't dare to say that the future self would definitely become the eternal heavenly position.

If he were Yuanshi Tianzun, perhaps it would be the best result to reverse Suddenly, Ye Chen remembered what the Heavenly Emperor had said before, and said, "Is there anyone else who is qualified to be the King of Heavenly Lord?"

"Pangu Great God!" said the emperor: "He is the only eternal deity born in the original world. He inherits the final power of the original world. He is also the son of the original world. He has the great fortune of the entire original world. The outstanding ones are not even affected by the seizure of eternal origin by the place of origin."

But it's a pity that the Great God Pangu didn't hesitate to reopen this original world for the sake of the original world, even abandoning his eternal road in order to restore the original world.

But no, the original world is lacking after all.

PS: This chapter is 2500 words. Last night, 3,500 words are actually two more in one, but 500 words are missing, so today I added these 500 words. Many readers thought that I didn't make it up. At that time, I didn't leave a comment after writing, which caused many readers to misunderstand. In addition, I forgot to update the one that was suddenly missing a few days ago. I thought it was updated regularly. In the past few days, either directly add four thousand words, or divide the number of words and add them slowly. That's it.

   Please remember the domain name of the book’s first publication:. 4Fiction Net mobile version reading URL:

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