Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4195: collapse

Ye Chen's expression moved, and the places of the world that had rushed out of the place of origin, surely among them were the land of eternal night, otherwise the original will of the land of eternal night would know these secrets.

It would be impossible for him to know it unless he passed through the emperor.

It can be seen from this that the ambition of the original will of the Eternal Night is not small, not only hopes to become the eternal deity, but also to fight for the identity of the king of the day!

However, now that the Eternal Night Land Origin Will has refined the Profound God Ancestor and the Primordial Ancestor, the strength is already faintly powerful to a whole new level, surpassing all the half-step overlords in the Chaos Sea, even better than Ye Chendu To be stronger.

If it really swallows eight half-step overlords, especially chaotic half-step overlords like Ye Chen, melting and uniting, swallowing such a huge power will not only become a world-class overlord, it is even possible to directly transcend and become eternal. Heavenly existence.

At that time, it may not be impossible to compete for the throne of the king of heaven!

When the thoughts turned, the great ancestors had already shot.

The shape of the ancestors of the predecessors is compatible with the deserted land, which can fully mobilize the infinite power of the whole deserted land for their own use, and has turned into a huge Jedi prison, trapping Ye Chen and many others. A half-step overlord, only his jealous laughter resounded throughout the barren land: "Today, all of you will be trapped here. This seat will completely refine all of you and become My container, become a part of me and hit the eternal heavenly position. This is your honor, come on, be a part of this seat!"

There is no doubt that his ambition is enormous, he wants to completely refine the eight and a half-step overlords and become a part!

Naturally, the eight half-step overlords did not have a simple generation, and the rest easily allowed the great ancestors to succeed in refining. At this moment, they were all taking action, displaying the power of destruction as a half-step overlord.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

Under the eight-half-step overlord, whoever is the real overlord of the world, I am afraid that he will have to avoid his edge. The chaotic ancient universe will be destroyed. The same is true of the barren land, which is difficult to bear.

With a loud noise, the barren land was pierced by the raw land, and an unparalleled huge cave appeared, running through the barren land inside and outside.

However, the great ancestors knew the horror of the eight half-step overlords, so naturally they avoided their sharp edges and did not dare to force them.

"Explore the Desolate Land, so that he cannot use the power of the Desolate Land!"

Ye Chen spoke, and an incomparable chaotic power emerged from his body, evolving the heavens and the world, rushing to all sides of the barren land.

At this moment, his combat power climbed to the extreme, but he reached the strongest level under the overlord of the world, and it was not inferior to the original will of the Eternal Night.

He took the lead, and the Chaos Sacred Fist was also brave to the extreme, capable of breaking everything in the world.

At the same time, the other seven half-step overlords, even the half-step overlords of the origin holy race and the alien ancient universe, have never opposed Ye Chen's will at this moment, because they know that once this great ancestor escapes, it will be for them. For the overlord-level forces, it was also a great disaster.

The great ancestors are not like other half-step overlords, or even like other overlords. They have the characteristics of devouring. It is hard to say what kind of overlord will eventually grow. It may even be more terrifying than the overlord and become eternal. Existence is not impossible.

The most terrifying attack was overwhelming and submerged in this vast and boundless barren land that could contain hundreds of territories, easily shattering a place that seemed to be dangerous to outsiders.

It's just that the ancestors of the wilderness have finally made this barren land smelt into one body, and of course Ye Chen and others are not allowed to destroy or destroy it.

With a loud roar, another figure appeared next to the great ancestor of the wild. It was indeed the ancestor of the Profound God, who became the container of the original will of the Eternal Night Land and turned into a dark puppet.

Ye Chen was furious. The Profound God Ancestor was the ancient ancestor of the Xuan Clan. He was also the only invincible existence of the Xuan Clan who became the half-step overlord. However, he was so refined by the original will of the Eternal Night Land, which made him unable to be angry and ashamed of the Xuan Clan back then. Take care of Pangu universe.

He directly rushed to the front of the ancestors of the wild, and broke out the strongest blow, sinking a large tract of endless territory in the deserted land.

However, the ancestor of the great desolation controlled the Profound God Ancestor to come to prevent Ye Chen from knowing the relationship between the Profound God Ancestor and Pangu universe.

"court death!"

The sky-against warlord snorted coldly and waved the sky-against battle, bursting out the most terrifying half-step overlord's power, tearing the sky apart and smashing and killing the ancestors.

It’s just that the great ancestors were particularly jealous of Ye Chen, but they were generally afraid of other half-step overlords such as the Heaven-defying Warlord. In the final analysis, his power has far surpassed the average half-step overlord, and even Infinitely close to the overlord level.

In this world, apart from the five overlords, the only thing that can threaten him is Ye Chen, the strongest half-step overlord.

Therefore, the great ancestors were not afraid of the heaven-defying warlord, snorted coldly, and shot to meet the terrible blow of the heaven-defying warlord.

But after all, he still underestimated the warlord against the sky, because the warlord against the sky was a brave man who claimed to be the best in the chaotic sea before the endless years. Enough to make the other half-step overlords avoid their sharp edges, a **** light appeared in the palm of the hand that the ancestors hardly took.

"Yong Ye, you should be here today!"

Ye Chen roared, and shot like lightning, punch after punch, all attacks from the open universe, the forbidden magical powers blasted and killed, and every gesture, there is no terror power that destroys the world, permeating the world, shaking. The whole barren land.

Under such a violent bombardment, even the ancient ancestors were extremely uncomfortable, and the ancestors of the Profound God had been blown away long ago.


The other half-step overlords did not dare to hesitate, and they killed them with violent violent enthusiasm, and attacked the present. The Desolate Land, one of the chaotic sea jedi, was completely unable to withstand under the rumbling noise, heaven. The ground collapsed, it collapsed, torn apart, and rushed to all sides.

The great ancestor also vomited blood and hemorrhages at the corner of his mouth, and there were numerous cracks in his body.


The eight half-step overlords furiously struck each other, and the ancestors of the great wildness could no longer bear it, and the body shattered, even with the Profound God Ancestor on the other side, crushed by the half-step overlord’s birthplace, his appearance was violent, Torn apart.

As a last resort, the ancestors had to escape.

After all, he was too arrogant. Although he was infinitely close to the level of hegemony, he was still a long way away from the joint attack of eight and a half-step hegemons.

But how could Ye Chen allow him to run away, chasing him frantically.

It's a pity that he was eventually allowed to escape, but the half-step overlord of God Profound Ancestor was suppressed by Ye Chen and failed to escape with the ancestor of the wild.

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