Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4196: recovery

The great ancestor, or the original will of the Eternal Night, escaped after all, relying on the infinitely close to the overlord-level strength to escape and leave, as strong as Ye Chen, as strong as the eight half-step overlords, and failed to stay completely. he.

Stronger than Ye Chen, only left the Profound God Ancestor.

With absolute strength, he suppressed the Profound God Ancestor in the Origin Universe. The power of the half-step overlord of the immortal Dao, the power of the cosmic chaotic body, and the power of the Origin Universe were integrated, and the Profound God Ancestor was suppressed strongly, unable to effectively break free.

Originally, the Profound God Ancestor was only a newly promoted half-step overlord. He hadn't had time to cultivate to the peak period. He was already hunted by the original will of the Eternal Night. Now he can only be said to be barely equal to the Eternal Night. It's just a dark clone of Earth Origin Will.

Ye Chen suppressed the Profound God Ancestor, and his eyes were like the hottest stars, shooting out two terrible eyes, and directly submerged into the Profound God Ancestor's eyes, wanting to understand everything in his body.

He wanted to know whether the true Profound God Ancestor was still alive.

After all, the Profound God Ancestor is a half-step overlord, even if it is hunted by the original will of the Eternal Night on the day of enlightenment, but the half-step overlord is stronger than other half-step overlords and it is extremely difficult to kill.

At the beginning, Ye Chen was able to kill Mo Daozi, on the one hand because he was really strong enough, on the other hand, was it not because of the price of burning a switch that he finally dragged Mo Daozi to the funeral.

After burning everything, his strength is definitely stronger than the original will of the Eternal Night Land, and he can even fight against the pinnacle of the first generation, which can be seen.

Just like this, he successfully killed Mo Daozi.

Therefore, Ye Chen suspected that God Profound Ancestor had not completely fallen.

Soon, Ye Chen made an investigation, and he found that the spirit within the Profound God Ancestor had disappeared, and some of them were only left with a soul that belonged to the original will of the Eternal Night Land. He controlled the body of the Profound God Ancestor and looked coldly. Ye Chen said, "Emperor Chaos, don't take any pains. The Profound God Ancestor was killed by this seat long ago. The true spirit is annihilated and it is impossible to live."

"Really?" Ye Chen smiled indifferently. He didn't believe it. Looking at the ancestor Profound God, the chaotic emperor glow that shot from his eyes was even more terrifying. It contained endless chaotic power and seemed to disintegrate everything from the outside. The inland has insight into all kinds of Profound God Ancestor inch by inch.

He felt that the Profound God Ancestor should not have been completely destroyed, and hundreds of thousands of years would not be completely killed, and he might still be alive.

It's just that I don't know where the real Profound God Ancestor is hiding.

However, after Ye Chen’s search, he found the true Profound God Ancestor. It was a divine soul, very weak, far less than the half-step overlord level of the peak period, but also very powerful, at least not weaker than the first generation. The giant is hidden in an unknown space in the body.

I can feel the power of infinite darkness that fills the space of Eternal Night’s original will, and is refining the soul of the Profound God Ancestor all the time, and I want to completely refining it.

But the Profound God Ancestor is a half-step overlord after all. He wants to be completely refined. It is not easy to say that he has been stubbornly insisting on it and has not been completely refined.

However, this place is not the place to save the ancestor of the Profound God.

After Ye Chen suppressed the Profound God Ancestor, he said to the Heaven-defying Warlord, Eastern Emperor, and Immortal Lord Tian: "Let's go, there is no need to stay here."

However, Ao Yuan said coldly: "The Chaos Heavenly Emperor, we also have a part in dealing with the original will of the Eternal Night. It should be said that the Profound God Ancestor must also give me a part."

Qian Ji Tian Ancestor said: "The Profound God Ancestor is a traitor to the Saint Clan of my origin. Although he has fallen, he should be handled by the Saint Clan of Origin."

Di Shengdao: "I also hope that the Emperor Chaos will exchange the traitor Profound God Ancestor to the Holy Clan of Origin."

Ye Chen glanced around and said concisely: "War?"


The four half-step overlords of the Origin Saint Race and the Alien Ancient Universe suddenly looked gloomy. There is no doubt that the attitude of the Chaos Emperor is very direct, strong and clear. It is impossible to hand it over. If you want it, it is a battle!

Thousand Chance Tianzu wants to scold his mother, this Chaos Tiandi is also a half-step overlord, or the strongest half-step overlord, but no matter how you look at it, it looks like a rascal, compared to the fighting ancestor and the warlord. If you want to be ashamed, open your mouth and shut your mouth is to fight. Can you maintain the majesty of the half-step overlord? Can you speak well?

However, Ye Chen sneered.

At this point in his cultivation, he had long understood the cruelty of the cultivator world, the weak and the strong, and whoever has the big fist is the real master.

Now, how can he pay attention to so many useless rules with the enemy.

Fist is the best rule!

In the end, in desperation, the four half-step hegemons of Origin Saint Race and Alien Ancient Universe could only leave angrily without speaking, and there was nothing to say at all.

Ye Chen smiled coldly, and returned to Pangu universe with the Profound God Ancestor, and directly took action with other half-step overlords such as Heaven-defying Warlord, Fighting Saint Ancestor, Supreme Emperor, Time and Space Emperor, etc., and combined the original will of Eternal Night. Split the soul was completely suppressed, and rescued the suppressed soul of God Profound Ancestor.

"Thank you fellow daoists for helping!"

After the soul of the Profound God Ancestor took control of his body again, his energy was weak, and he held his fist to thank Ye Chen and other half-step overlords of the Pangu universe.

"You don't need to be polite. Back then, the Xuan Clan didn't care about facing the dangers of the ancient alien universe to help Pangu Universe. This kind of grace is only a return." Taisheng Huangdao.

At the same time, Emperor Pill came and used the Eleventh-Order Heaven-defying Emperor Pill to recover from the injury of the Profound God Ancestor to a great extent. Of course, it would take a long time to completely recover to the peak of the year.

However, for the Profound God Ancestor, there is basically no danger in the Pangu universe.

Rescuing the Profound God Ancestor made the Xuan Clan very excited and extremely grateful to Pangu Universe.

After that, Ye Chen did not choose to retreat, but went into the world to practice.

For hundreds of thousands of years, the comprehension of the "Tiandi Jing" has reached a very high The comprehension has been almost completed, and the other third of the eternal road has been mastered.

In other words, he now masters two-thirds of the Eternal Avenue.

Now, only one third of the Eternal Avenue on the Shidai side is left.

However, this is also the most difficult.

The emperor and the immortal ancestor are on his side, and can give him cultivation and comprehend one-third of the eternal avenue that he has mastered, but Shidai cannot.

The first generation is the enemy.

Moreover, Shidai is also the most terrifying black hand in history, not only the overlord of the world, but also the eternal sinner exiled from the land of origin.

But Ye Chen always felt that the Emperor of Heaven had concealed some things from that year.

Why did they exile the three of them? What kind of sins did they bear, so that they exiled the three great overlords?

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