Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4214: 33 days

The ancient Tianmen lies in the deepest part of the ancient road of origin, and is inlaid on it. The ancient patterns on it are rapidly resurrecting. Prehistoric pictures are emerging, reflecting a special brilliance.

The trance seemed to have opened up the real path of origin, and magnificent pictures emerged behind it.

There are vast and endless ancient continents, even beyond the ancient road of origin.

There are majestic emperor stars shining across the sky.

There is a supreme flying in the air.

There are eternal giants sitting in the starry sky, pulling the light of thousands of supreme emperor stars to absorb themselves, and there are also strands of eternal power being swallowed to strengthen their bodies.

Overlords of the Supreme Realm exist and evolve into the universe, mastering infinite creation.

Even more, the supreme Eternal Heavenly Lord overlooks the boundless land, giving birth to a large universe, evolving into ten thousand ways, and transforming into ten thousand souls in a single thought, so that the half-step overlord dare not imagine such a method.

Also let the heavenly strong yearning for it.

That is the place of origin in the legend, the place where the origin of Eternal Avenue can be proved.

The four supreme overlords of the Heavenly Emperor, Shidai, Xianzu, and Zhenyuan Taishang are unclear, seemingly complex.

The Emperor Universe showed his yearning and whispered to himself: "That, is the place where the Great God Pangu swept across the heavens and dominated the ages?"

Although he was the overlord of the supreme realm cultivated by the **** of Pangu axe, the former great **** of Pangu reopened the original realm and opened up forty-nine ancient chaotic universes. He wasted too much, and eventually died of exhaustion. Pangu axe **** he was almost extinct.

It was Pangu Great God who protected him from resuscitation before sitting down, but lost all the memories of the past, like a heart-born baby, he had to practice again.

But he knew that the Pangu axe of the deity's real body was the weapon of the Pangu God, and he naturally worshipped the Pangu God, and even the appearance was very similar to the old Pangu God.

Otherwise, the seven-half-step overlord of the guardian line would not exclaim, and once suspected that he was the resurrection of the Great God Pangu.

In particular, it is known that the Great God Pangu is not only one of the thirty-three eternal deities that were invincible in the past, but also overwhelms many deities, and has the power to become the king of deities, and is full of worship.

In the eyes of the Emperor of the Universe, Pangu was like his father, full of yearning, and wanted to know more about Pangu's past deeds.

All of this can be known as long as you enter the place of origin.

Almost everyone is looking forward to it.

At this moment, Ye Chen only felt that the Chaos Avenue in his body had a special resonance inexplicably, as if there was something resonating with his Chaos Avenue, and it seemed that it was gradually becoming complete.

He knows that there is a real Eternal Dao in it, which is not comparable to the Primordial Realm of Chaos Chaos Sea. Once inside, he can even complete the complete chaos Dao smoothly in a short period of time, proving Dao to become the emperor. , And even hit the eternity in the legend.

However, that is not the real place of origin, and it has not been able to reach the place of origin smoothly.

Shidai's eyes were extremely deep, all of which seemed to be in his expectation, and there may be other exciting colors, but they have never been exposed.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

After the opening of the Tianmen, scenes and scenes appeared, but the other forty-eight holy artifacts of origin were not useless. They flew out and landed in the Tianmen one by one, intertwined with each other, and deduced a special mysterious passage. Run through the mysterious place.

Vaguely, a supreme and eternal breath came from behind the gate of heaven.

All the heavens are the strongest and their expressions are hot.

Behind the door, is it even the place of origin?

The supreme tycoon couldn't help but feel excited, and directly rushed over, wanting to enter the land of origin for the first time.


However, this was just entering. The strongest person who reached the level of the eternal giant was instantly broken to pieces, and his whole person exploded behind the heavenly gate out of thin air, turning into a cloud of blood.

The heavens are the strongest horror.

It can be seen by the naked eye that an incomparably huge and stalwart figure appeared there. Behind the majestic Tianmen, exuding extremely terrifying heavenly majesty, it is also an eternal heavenly thought left behind, guarding this place, looking at the heavens indifferently. Strong.

The seven and a half-step overlords of the guardian line that have not been lost are all there, sneered: "Do you really think that you can return to the land of origin after gathering the holy artifacts of origin? No, it is only given to you by the eternal gods. There is only one chance for the exile of sinners in the original world. If you want to go to the place of origin, you still need to overcome the trial left by the eternal god."

The look of the strongest of the heavens changes, do they still need to overcome the trials left by the eternal heavenly Lord?

It was all an eternal level trial, and they were not sure that they would be able to break through.

Even a little carelessness will be broken.

That was the case with that eternal giant, but he was completely wiped out in an instant, and he couldn't die anymore.

However, the five supreme overlords were fearless, stepping forward, stepping into it, and taking action together.

Boom boom boom boom boom--

Heavenly Emperor, Shidai, Immortal Ancestor, Zhenyuan Taishang, Universe Great Emperor, the five great supreme overlords, everyone looks at the outside world as the most famous supreme overlord. Only those who are comparable and insurmountable dominate the entire Chaos Sea. Endless era.

Now that we are working together, it can be said that the gods block and kill the gods, the Buddha blocks and kills the Buddha, pushing everything horizontally.


The magnificent world behind the Tianmen is more like an evolving world of trials, but it is astonishingly huge and uneasy about the ancient road of origin.

At this moment in the fierce battle, the thought of eternal heaven can use the terrifying might of killing the half-step overlord, push it horizontally, show the unimaginable supreme means, just like this, directly push it horizontally, wanting to top the five great masters. The realm overlords are all killed here, and cannot go further.

"Heh, it's just an eternal heavenly thought, no matter which eternal your true deity is, but if you want to block this seat in this way, it's just a whimsical thing."

Inside, the indifferent words of an overlord of the Supreme Realm came out, full of arrogance, as well as contempt and He didn't put the heavenly thoughts of an eternal **** in his eyes.

In the fierce battle, the idea of ​​eternal heavenly sovereign exploded strongly and turned into a cloud of mist and rain.

There, there is endless light and rain drifting, rushing to the ancient road of origin, all containing the essence of eternal power, swallowed by the strongest of the heavens, all showing a touch of movement.

Is this eternal force?

It really surpassed the highest level energy above the Chaos Sea.

Only the two powerful forces of the Origin Saint Race and the Eternal Heaven Realm had calm expressions.

Of course, most of the eternal power was swallowed by the five supreme overlords, and the aura on his body was even stronger.


Suddenly, in the last section of the road behind the Tianmen, thirty-three towering Tianguans appeared, each of which surpassed the Tianguans and Xianguans seen in the world.

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