Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4215: God Saver

The Thirty-three Tianguan corresponds to the thirty-three Tianzun in the place of origin in the past.

The ten great Tianguans, Xianguans, etc. in the Chaos Sea were probably created because of these, because there were historical relics dating back to endless years that had recorded bits and pieces of relevant information.

Nature is transformed by the deduction of the nine eternal deities of the place of origin. Except that the nine great deities of heaven are real, the other twenty-four deities are deduced by the deduction of the nine eternal deities.

But there are a total of thirty-three eternal heavenly thoughts here, each standing on a heavenly gate, behind them there are countless strongest people, at least they are the ancient kings, emperors, the supreme do not know how many, the quasi-giant, the eternal giant , The first-generation giants are also astonishing.

Undoubtedly, these are the guardians that the nine eternal gods have used supreme means to deduct, but the number is too much, endless, making the scalp of the heavenly strong.

Is this the last level leading to the land of origin?

How to face it?

"Tongtianqiao open!"

The emperor drank softly, and the Tongtian Bridge, one of the forty-nine original holy relics, flew out rumblingly and turned into a huge ancient bridge across the sky, which looked mottled, but contained the power of terror, directly hitting a sky gate. , The impact was faltering.

The emperor held the sword and immediately shot it. The sword light could cut through the eternity, and directly cut open a towering heaven, so that the implied power of cutting through the eternity, so that countless gatekeepers were wiped out, and the eternity of the sky was closed. Tian Nian was also cut in half, demonstrating the horror of the Emperor.

"The Emperor of Heaven is too strong. It's no wonder that in order to deal with him, Shidai did not hesitate to sacrifice an eternal extinction array against him, and then agitated many great evils from the past and present to trap him on a tributary of the long river, otherwise he really wanted to take Pangu. The universe has shattered from the mythical era, and only one emperor is enough to cause heavy casualties to the ancient universe of foreign races."

Half a step overlord sighed slightly, the emperor's power can only be known by seeing it with his own eyes.

The side of the alien ancient universe also looked gloomy, and many supreme and giant back bones were chilling.

Fortunately, he hadn't really faced the first generation, otherwise the Heavenly Emperor would kill them easily, and the giant would not be able to withstand that sword.

The Universe Emperor was wild and unmatched, swinging the Pangu axe, and with one axe, he opened up forever, and also split a majestic heavenly gate in two. I don't know how many gatekeepers were wiped out.

Among them, a phantom of the ancient cosmos of chaos appeared on his body, which was madly devouring the rain of light after these gatekeepers disappeared. They are all eternal power. Although it is better than nothing for him, the supreme realm overlord is better than nothing. This kind of tonic-like existence is beneficial to the body.

Xianzu, Shidai, and Zhenyuan Taishang also displayed extremely powerful strength, just an eternal heavenly thought, and definitely not their opponent.

Their five great upper realms, any one of them, can easily sweep a piece, and crush them with absolute strength.

During this time, Zhen Yuantai said: "If you want to enter the place of origin, just come in and take action. Otherwise, after the five people pass the customs, I will never allow you to wait for bystanders to enter."

The original purpose of many of the strongest of the heavens is indeed to just wait for the overlords of the five supreme realms to sweep through and take the opportunity to enter the land of origin.

Because it is too dangerous, the giants are also in danger of perishing.

However, the five great supreme realm hegemons do not allow them to watch from the sidelines, either come in for a battle or don't even want to go to the place of origin.

In desperation, the heavenly Xeons naturally entered the Tianmen and participated in the first battle.

Suddenly, Ye Chen rushed to the giant ship where the ancient alien universe was located, and made a strong shot. With one punch, one of the first generation giants on the giant ship was powerfully blown up, carrying the Chaos Emperor's might.

After the powers of the ancient universe of foreign races rushed to enter the gate of heaven, they were stupefied by Ye Chen's powerful shot, and immediately shouted: "The Emperor Chaos, what do you mean?"

Ye Chen said indifferently: "Hand over the emperor!"

Before Shidai entered the Tianmen, he handed it over and placed it on a huge ship, and was suppressed by other strongest people of different races.

At this moment, Ye Chen's sudden move made them change color.

Ao Yuan said coldly: "Emperor Primal Chaos, you are against the mighties of the heavens. Now the mighties of the heavens are going to enter the gate of heaven to fight, but you are going to attack us!"

Ye Chen's body was shining with endless chaotic emperor light, and his aura was overwhelmingly overwhelmed by the other half-step overlords. He said: "The **** emperor is my Pangu universe ally. Your alien ancient universe ignores my Pangu universe and takes action against the **** emperor. If you don’t hand it over, you will also fight with the heavenly Xeons. Don’t forget, one of the five supreme realm overlords who entered the Tianmen is the emperor of my Pangu universe, and when I tackled the key, my Pangu universe had many half-step overlords. , On the next fall, do you think your alien ancient universe can be compared with my Pangu universe?"

The powers of the alien ancient universe were cold and angry, but they were also silent.

In terms of overall power alone, Pangu universe is even better than them.

Ye Chen blasted past with a punch, and the entire giant ship was shaking, threatening: "Let it go!"

The overlord of the Alien Ancient Universe has a cold expression and wants to make a move, but not far away, Pangu Universe’s fighting ancestor, warlord against the sky, Taisheng emperor, time and space emperor, wild demon lord, mysterious **** ancestor, etc. The half-step overlord also saw it, especially the chaotic emperor, the bastard's own cultivation base was equivalent to that of several half-step overlords, and it was outrageously strong.

Shidai is not here, they dare not fight.

Even if there is a contending hole card, it is not easy to use at present.


The alien half-step overlord said coldly, the **** emperor was released, but he was quite weak, and his current strength is estimated to be equal to that of an original giant.

"Divine Emperor." Pill Emperor stepped forward and presented an 11th-order Heaven-defying Emperor Pill.

After the **** emperor thanked him, he swallowed it, and immediately recovered a lot, but it was impossible to recover in the first time.

But his expression was still very gloomy, because the ancient Chaos universe he was in was blown up, and his descendants such as the God Emperor Clan and even the son of the God Emperor were perished.

In the entire Chaos Ancient Universe, he is the only one who is the strongest.

The **** emperor was full of fury at the ancient universe of foreign races, thinking that he was a dignified half-step overlord who ran the chaotic sea for several epochs, how beautiful and how it fell to such a point, and even up and down the ancient chaotic universe, only he was left to survive. It is powerless, incompetent, and endless anger.

Do not avenge this revenge, and swear not to share it!

"God emperor, will also enter the kill later, these eternal powers have a great effect on your recovery." Ye Chen said.

The **** emperor nodded.

At this time, the heavenly Xeons also entered the magnificent world behind the Tianmen, fiercely fighting the 33rd Heavenly Pass, and even more fiercely fighting the projection of the 33rd Heavenly Lord, as well as the endless gods and demons.

Killing the heavens and the earth will disintegrate, the heavens will disintegrate, and the terrifying aura permeates the heavens, almost as if everything will be completely shattered.

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