Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4287: Still immortal

An endless place of nothingness.

A corpse that looked covered in blood and filled with terrible wounds was constantly wandering in a place of absolutely devastating nothingness.

Ren is the land of endless emptiness, filled with the power of omnipresent emptiness, even if it is as strong as the supreme, staying in this land of endless emptiness for a long time, will be eroded by the power of emptiness, and finally turned into ashes.

Especially when there is a void storm, like a storm in the world, but it is more than hundreds of millions of times violent. The Supreme is submerged by the void storm, and it will be wiped out in an instant.

However, even if this corpse looked abnormally tattered and covered in blood, it seemed that any mundane flame could burn into ashes, but this emptiness that could erode the Supreme Emperor's body could not erode the corpse at all.

Even if there was a void storm that threatened the life of the Supreme, even if the corpse was submerged, even if the Supreme could be annihilated in an instant, it still had no impact on the corpse, and it could only force the corpse to move.

I don't know how long it has passed, but suddenly, this corpse touched the boundary wall of the Origin.

The boundary wall of the place of origin is far better than all worlds, and even the boundary wall of the chaotic ancient universe does not know how many times.

Because the place of origin was born from the original realm, absorbing almost all the luck and energy of the original realm.

Throughout the ages, many eternal gods have been born.

When these eternal deities were promoted to high heavens, they had their own eternal power blessed in the land of origin.

Therefore, the boundary wall of Origin is so strong that it can withstand the void storm that can annihilate the Supreme, which shows that it is not a giant-class existence that cannot be torn apart.

The moment this mysterious corpse collided with the boundary wall of the land of origin, it was as if the Heavenly Lord's blow caused the tough boundary wall in this area to shock.


The corpse suddenly penetrated the boundary wall of the land of origin and appeared in the infinite starry sky.

The corpse looks ordinary, but in fact it is extremely heavy, as if it is heavier than the entire starry sky.

The moment Hajime appeared, he fell directly to the infinite land below.


In the process of falling, accidentally hit a huge star.

This star was originally burning crazily in the endless starry sky, unleashing unimaginable power all the time.

In particular, this is a star that belongs to the land of origin. It is even more extraordinary than the star born in the ancient universe with the primordial chaos. Such a star is enough to burn the ancient kings into ashes.

But at this time, when the corpse fell, it fell directly into the star, and then directly exploded.

With a loud bang, this tens of millions of miles in diameter star directly exploded into the starry sky, like a brilliant firework.

A similar scene constantly appeared in the starry sky.

Many ancient and terrifying stars were bombarded time and again by this mysterious corpse, turning them into the most dazzling fireworks in the night sky.

Finally, after I don't know how long it has passed, the abrupt body of the corpse burned and turned into a meteor, falling from the sky at an extremely terrifying speed, crashing into a 100,000-mile magic mountain in the infinite land.

On the infinite land, a dark barren mountain with a height of 100,000 miles is as unpredictable as if it were a magic mountain.

The outside world has always been rumored that there was once an incredible Demon Dao supreme hiding here.

There are rumors that it was once the ruler of a demon emperor of the imperial domain, who once ruled the imperial domain for endless years, and then disappeared.

The one hundred thousand li tall demon mountain is suspected to be the seat of the demon emperor who disappeared for a million years.

According to legend, the reason for the disappearance of the Devil Emperor was to sit in a barrier and hope to hit a higher road area.

Throughout the ages, there have been demon cultivators coming, hoping to find the legendary demon emperor and become his disciple, or find the sitting body of the demon emperor and inherit the demon emperor's inheritance.

At this moment, inside and outside the Demon Mountain, many demon cultivators saw a terrifying meteor rushing into the sky above the sky, and they all showed horror.

"who is it!"

Abruptly, there was a sharp shout from the Demon Mountain, shaking hundreds of millions of miles.

It proves the speculation of the world that there are indeed superpowers living here, and the cultivation base is unfathomable and terrifying.

In the magic mountain, an unparalleled wave of great roads rises violently, leading the heavens and all the paths, and there seems to be hundreds of thousands of miles of tall magic shadows flying into the sky in a trance.

"The Devil!"

With a radius of tens of millions of miles, countless creatures worshipped the Demon Emperor phantom far away, full of excitement.


However, the corpse broke through the air and pierced the majestic shadow.

The Devil Emperor, who was sitting in seclusion in the Demon Mountain, was shocked, but had not yet returned to God, seeing the corpse pierced through the Demon Mountain and hit his body.


This emperor of Demon Dao, who had an endless reputation, was hit to pieces in a short while.


A dark barren mountain with a height of 100,000 miles was penetrated by the corpse at this moment.

With this as the center, the vast territory with a radius of hundreds of millions of miles directly collapsed.

Numerous casualties.

The Emperor Yue Demon Mountain collapsed, the Demon Emperor was destroyed, and the earth sank for millions of miles.

All of a sudden, it shook the vast land nearby at every turn.

That was the magic mountain of a demon emperor. It was penetrated inexplicably. What happened?

Could it be possible that a mighty hostile from the outside world took action against the demon emperor who was rushing through the world?

At this time The Magic Mountain has long been turned into powder and disappeared.

In the same place, everything about the Devil Emperor was completely wiped out, and the emperor's body, known as the immortal, was also turned into nothingness, unable to withstand the impact of the corpse.

There was only one corpse covered in blood, lying horizontally in the center of the collapsed ground for hundreds of millions of miles.

I don't know how much time has passed, the devil emperor who was smashed by life and succumbed to death, the blood mist and emperor soul fragments that filled hundreds of thousands of miles, gradually rushed to the most central corpse.

In the end, all the flesh and blood essence and the fragments of the emperor soul of a supreme great emperor, as well as the origin of the broken emperor's path, were completely submerged in the body of the corpse, and nothing remained.

Next to him, there was also the spirit of the emperor's gods who had been hit and turned into powder, and was completely swallowed by the corpse.

It seems to have triggered some kind of medium.

At the center of the corpse's eyebrows, a little light slowly appeared. He opened his eyes, looked at the blood-stained sky, and uttered a word: "I'm not dead!"

He sat up with some effort, right in the middle of the sinking land of hundreds of millions of miles, saw the terrible scene caused by himself, and showed a bitter smile.

Even the Eternal Heavenly Lord himself shot, can't he kill him?

This kind of tenacious vitality is really unbeatable.

The corpse felt his body carefully, and found that his body was almost fragmented, on the verge of complete destruction.

As for the spirits, there was only one strand left, and the other spirits were completely dissipated.

But it did not fall.

But it's almost like being scrapped.

But, strangely, even so, he still lives.


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