Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 4288: Place of origin

Logically speaking, Ye Chen would definitely die in this situation.

Although the Eternal Calamity has reached the final step, it is still not a complete eternity of one hundred percent, and there is still a slight gap between the two eternal gods, and they will definitely die.

However, why is he still alive?

Ye Chen didn't understand.

In that extreme situation, he could still survive.

Soon, he understood.

It's not that the two eternal gods didn't completely kill him, but that he completely stepped into the eternal realm at the last moment.

Moreover, once promoted to eternity, even the eternal deity could not completely kill it.

The two eternal gods at that time only smashed ninety-nine of his souls and true spirits, and they were not completely annihilated at all, but these fragments of the souls and true spirits became dust-like small existences, almost negligible. , All were penetrated into every inch of this body.

If at that time, the two eternal gods could completely annihilate his body, he would really die.

"I'm not dead, but what's the difference between being dead?"

Ye Chen's mouth raised a wry smile.

Because in this situation, he was completely abolished, even if he was the true eternal supreme heavenly sovereign, but it was useless, and it was simply unrealistic to want to regain the throne.

After all, the ninety-nine percent of the eternal heavenly soul and true spirit can't reunite at all, waiting for nothing.

The only lucky thing is that his seemingly abolished body still has monstrous power.

Ye Chen estimated that there should still be an eternal giant-level combat power.

It's pretty good.

But that's the end of a lifetime.

It is basically impossible for this scrapped body to recover.

Because, the body is full of the eternal rules of the two eternal heavens, which are indelible, preventing ninety-nine percent of his soul and true spirit from reuniting.

That is, he, who had stepped into eternity at the last moment, was able to bear it. Otherwise, even if he was the overlord of the upper realm and his body had so many eternal laws, he would undoubtedly die and couldn't bear it at all.

It was this infinite eternal law that prevented ninety-nine percent of his eternal heavenly soul and true spirit from returning, causing him to be abolished now.

"That's it, it's better to die than to live. It's lucky enough to be alive, not to expect too much."

Ye Chen sighed and stood up forever.

His body was in tatters, he swiftly swallowed the power of the Dao of Origin, filled with endless eternal power and Dao rules, covering hundreds of thousands of miles, directly submerged in his body.

Gradually, Ye Chen's body recovered.

However, it is only the most superficial healing, in fact, the injury is still there.

But for the current Ye Chen, being able to do this step is already remarkable.

He looked young and handsome, standing on the place where the collapsed Demon Mountain was originally, although unintentionally, his body still sprayed out the terrible blood that covered the sky, with unparalleled blood pressure.

This makes all the strongest people who are watching here are one of the strongest.

It seems that the strong man who killed the Devil Emperor is not easy. Looking at his blood, I am afraid that it is at least a giant-level existence.

"Although it was abandoned, the only fortunate thing is that I still entered the land of origin, and I can see my wives and children again."

Ye Chen is still somewhat satisfied. He has cultivated for an epoch in the Realm of Desire, and even hit the Eternal Heavenly Sovereign successfully, even if it is now abolished, but the ultimate goal is why it is not to be able to reunite with his family.

Now, isn't there such an opportunity?

I just don't know where the wives and children are.

But after waiting for an epoch, it was not too short of that time, to slowly understand in the place of origin.


Ye Chen left in the air, even if the mana in his body was now blocked by the Supreme Heaven of the two eternal gods, but the physical body was still strong, the air was not a problem.

Soon, his figure disappeared.

Relying on his powerful cultivation base, Ye Chen walked in this place of origin.

As powerful as him, it is natural to understand all kinds of information easily.

The place of origin is endless.

Among them, the most core is the 33 heavens located in the center of Origin.

This division is like entering the original eternal heaven.

The division of thirty-three heavens lasts forever.

Even after the Great Twilight War, it has not changed.

Of course, there are no corresponding masters in several heavens now.

Now, there are only twenty-seven heavens left with the existence of the eternal heavenly clan.

The six eternal heavenly clans, even if they inherited the eternal heavenly sovereign, have been annihilated in the past endless years.

Although the Thirty-Three Heavenly Territory is vast and boundless, it is only located in the most core territory, and the territory outside the Thirty-Three Heavenly Territory is even more vast and endless, much vaster than the Desire Realm.

It is hard to imagine that this is really a land, vast and terribly vast.

Although the Thirty-Three Heavenly Territory is the real core place, and more than half of the super powers in the Land of Origin are in the Thirty-Three Heavenly Territory, it does not mean that there are no real powerhouses outside the Thirty-Three Heavenly Territory.

On the contrary, there are countless powerhouses outside the 33 Heaven Territory, which is many times more powerful than the lacking original realm.

At the very least, the supreme, who is scarce in the original realm of existence, has not reached the level of walking on the ground in the land of origin, but it is often visible.

Even the quasi-giant, the eternal giant and other levels are quite a lot.

Along the way, Ye Chen has seen a lot of superpowers of this Of course, compared with the rough distinction of the original world, there is a more detailed division in the place of origin. .

Supreme (receiving the sky), quasi-giant (tightening the sky), eternal giant (Tongtian), first-generation giant (Tai Xu), half-step overlord (Taizhen), overlord (Tai Shang).

Because, whenever you reach the supreme level, you are exposed to the real heaven and begin to master the power of heaven.

If there is a realm of absence, the supreme is the existence of heaven.

Therefore, in the place of origin, the supreme is also called the Jietian state.

Of course, in the place of origin, only the eternal **** is the real heaven, and it is a great existence that can be on the same level as the place of origin.

Today's Ye Chen, even after being abolished, is still above the Tongtian level, even only strong or not weak.

He is now located in the edge of the land of origin, not knowing how far away from the core of the 33 Heavenly Territory, much farther than the edge of the wilderness, which is far away from the core places such as Pangu universe.

Moreover, the space of the Origin Land is firmer than the absolute space with the Primal Chaos Sea.

Therefore, even the Tongtian-level giants would never want to rush to the core 33 heavenly land in a short time.

This is a bit troublesome, if you really want to rush to the land of the thirty-three heavens, I am afraid that you will never really arrive in a short time.

This is exactly what makes Ye Chen feel troubled.

However, it is also quite helpless.

Ye Chen moved vertically and horizontally in the place of origin, relying on a strong enough physical body and a special induction between heaven and earth, tearing apart the absolute space, passing through the air again and again.

I don't know how long it has passed, and finally came to an eternal giant city called Patchy Sky City on the edge of the 33rd Heavenly Territory.


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