Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 782: Kill the world

On the outer starry sky battlefield, the battle stopped for a while, and the strong on both sides looked at the worldly independent fighting saints with some surprise. One second to remember [Latest chapters in Maopu novels]

How long has it been since the war, a powerful hero at the pinnacle of the sixth heaven was beheaded, and that was shot by the fighting sage king against an emperor and pilgrim sage. It didn't even last ten rounds.

More importantly, that is not an ordinary hero, but a quasi-saint of the same rank as the ancient wind prince, and only one thread is the real saint.

But obviously for that fighting saint king, he was far from an opponent at all. When he was fighting against the emperor and pilgrimage to the saint master, he was also distracted, and he was bombarded and killed within a dozen rounds, incredible.

The Sun God and other true kings were awe-inspiring. Although they had known that the fighting sage king had hidden a large part of their strength, only by witnessing it would they understand how much power this fighting sage king had hidden.

All the saints of the Ancient God Continent's heart was shocked, and there was a shock that appeared, how could this fighting saint king be so terrible.

His strength is probably higher than that of the Holy Master.

Among all the saints of the Ancient God Continent, not all of them have taken action, and there are also strong ones who have been watching with cold eyes, such as the strong ones who came out of the transcendent force in the ancient temple.

He was a fairly elegant middle-aged man, even a scholar, standing on a meteorite with his hand in his hand, never shot, watching all these battles in the distant starry sky.

However, the fear of the true kings for this mysterious and elegant man is still above the saints.

At this moment, when this mysterious ancient temple powerhouse looked at Ye Chen, suddenly there was a lot of special meaning in his eyes, which brought some special interest.

"Interesting, really interesting young junior. Today I will see how strong you are and whether you are eligible to step into the threshold of my ancient temple. I hope not to disappoint me too much."

A hidden saint around him was shocked when he heard this, with an incredible surprise...

"This scene suddenly reminded me that there are also so many powerful people in the land of the stars in the Immortal Pass."

On the battlefield, Ye Chen suddenly let out a soft sigh, even more so.

The powers on the Ancient God Continent were nothing more than them, a little confused, and couldn't understand what they meant, but every one of the true kings was slightly moved.

Because in the heavens and domains, who doesn't know that this killing **** once pushed more than a dozen heroes, holy masters, and even the undead of the great saints alone, he is as powerful as prison, and famous.

Does today's Fighting Saint King want to reappear the invincible style of the past?

"Brother Qianyue, I am looking forward to your action as before."

Ye Gucheng laughed, waved the sky sword, and cut the stars with a single sword. A star in front of him was directly split in half and exploded. It also left a sword wound on the opponent's emperor and pilgrim, and blood splashed freely. .

"I also look forward to it."

The **** of Yuan Yang nodded and smiled. The man who had always been out of the dust watched Ye Chen's move like this, but his shot was also very powerful. He also displayed the mark of the Dao Aquarius, and the crystal jade bottle appeared, spraying out. The world-destroying light beam blasted the stars, and even the two sages who could not be avoided were directly wiped out.

Although the saints also assisted the Nine Great Emperors in the pilgrimage to the saint masters, they were not inferior to the saint masters at the level of the true kings, and might even be stronger.

On the contrary, although those sages and ancient sages are also powerful, they are different in the end. The so-called assistance is more of a disguised death.

"Hmph, it's just killing a quasi-saint master. Although you are indeed a bit too powerful, the quasi-saint master is far from the holy master after all. The difference between the first line is like the sky and the earth. Today, I will show you something. It's called the real holy master means."

Ye Chen's opponent was a peerless holy lord of the Tianfeng Empire. The super strong in the past who was qualified to compete with the current emperor, although he was defeated, was not weaker in his cultivation, and he was also an emperor.

At this moment, he strode forward, holding a sacred clock with azure luminosity in his palm, rippling more and more.

Ye Chen smiled slightly: "I am looking forward to it."


The holy lord of the Skywind Empire snorted coldly, and took the initiative to attack Ye Chen, using both hands to seal the spell, and the azure divine bell above his head was rippling, constantly ringing clanging bells. Rings of invisible bells ringed endlessly, and the blue light was overwhelming, flooding Ye Chen.

Although the other true kings are fighting against the emperor pilgrimage saint master, at this moment they are all concerned about the fighting saint king, wanting to know how powerful his hidden strength is.


A vast expanse of golden light suddenly exploded, much more vigorous than Qing Guangyuan. It was Ye Chendu's eruption of strong golden blood energy, flooding the sky, like the eight trigram alchemy furnace of the mythical imperial court pouring down, Endless sacred fire is overwhelming.

Ye Chen attacked forcefully, bathed in flawless golden glory, his body was radiant, every inch of it was filled with a round of golden sun, majestic holy light, and attacked suddenly.


As if it were a real human dragon, across the sky, the whole world seemed unbearable and trembled.

The Fighting Saint King even showed the world's extreme speed. In the blink of an eye, he crossed the sky and came to the Saint Lord of the Tianfeng Empire. Without saying anything, the crystal-like jade shaking hands directly shot.

When he reached the Holy Master Realm, he was naturally much more sensitive to danger. The Heavenly Wind Empire's Holy Master's expression slightly changed, but he was not frightened, and directly blocked the blue light divine clock in front of him.


A loud bell rang, and it was visible to the naked eye that the saint master-level Taoist soldier refined with extraordinary magical materials collapsed directly, and there was a clearly visible palm print, deeply sinking into the divine bell. There are tiny cracks spreading away.

It was just a face-to-face encounter, and a sacred master-class divine clock actually suffered such an attack and scars appeared.

In addition, the divine clock as a whole flew away, turning into an aurora, crashing into the Holy Lord of the Tianfeng Empire.


The saint master was about to resist the divine bell and counteract the impact, but he was shocked, a surging force actually fell on him through the divine bell, and he was caught off guard and coughed up blood. People are confused.

What kind of power is this? It's too scary.

Others are not quite clear, but they were stunned when the Holy Master of the Skywind Empire was blown away.

The look of the Holy Lord of the Skywind Empire changed and changed, and he did not expect that the strength of this young demon would be so terrifying and powerful, which was indeed beyond his own expectations.

He hurriedly stabilized his body, also offset the impact of the divine clock, and opened his mouth to spit out an innate Taoist map.

It is the interweaving of his avenue runes, like a star road map, the heavens and stars are shining, shining brightly, directly enveloping Ye Chen in front of him, to conquer it and refine it.

This Taoist picture is extremely extraordinary, even if the Holy Lord falls into it, it will inevitably die after being refined for a long time.

Ye Chen was wrapped in it, as if shrouded in a starry sky, and it fell silent all at once, making everyone a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, the most ferocious fighting saint king was trapped soon after fighting, making the strong on both sides a little bit astonished.

But all the saints on the side of the ancient gods finally breathed a sigh of relief, because the fighting saint king did put too much pressure on others. Not long after the battle, he killed a quasi saint master. Now he is trapped, and even more so. It is about to be refined, anyway, it is much better.

Only if a real king stood by with cold eyes, they would not believe that Ye Chen would be trapped so simply.

The holy lord of the Skywind Empire laughed loudly, with a hint of delight: "What great devil, I will refine you immediately and make you my slave——"

It was just that he hadn't finished the sentence completely before he lost his color in amazement. It was clear that when he saw the innate Taoist picture, there were a trace of cracks suddenly appearing, as if it was about to break apart at any time.

He could feel that inside the Xian Dao Tu, there was an extremely terrifying force that was constantly attacking, bombarding the Xian Dao Tu, and tearing it apart.

He immediately gathered the power of the Great Dao from all directions and blessed it on the Innate Dao Map. It was necessary to stabilize it, and let several sages cooperate with him, and he could not let Ye Chen rush out, otherwise everything would be lost. .

Boom boom boom -

An incomparable force of horror blasted out continuously, and it was the fighting sage king who shot it, and the naked eye could see that he was swinging that immortal holy fist, and every punch was enough to break the mountains and rivers. The earth smashed the vacuum and bombarded the innate road map with a strong force.

Although the Fighting Saint King was trapped by the Xian Dao Tu, everyone felt that an uncontrollable power of the Great Dao was constantly emerging, bombarding the Xian Dao Tu, and the cracks appeared more and more. More and more.

The look of the holy lord of the Skywind Empire changed drastically, and he did not expect that Ye Chen had become so powerful, beyond imagination.


Soon after, a cave appeared in the Xiantian Dao map, and only a fist of golden colored glaze appeared, unstoppable.


Then it was completely bombed away, and countless Dao Mark runes were wiped out. The Fighting Saint King rose from it, strode out, and the whole person turned into a golden light, and the two who bore the brunt The saint passed by directly.


The two saints hadn't reacted before turning over, they were bombarded and killed.

In the blink of an eye, the two saints were beheaded again. All the saints in the Ancient God Continent watching the battle changed drastically. Even the other saint who was idle noticed something was wrong and rushed forward quickly. We must work with the Holy Master of the Tianfeng Empire to deal with it together.

The two holy masters join forces to attack, and the strongest people will be beheaded.


The starry sky broke, and Ye Chen walked out of another powerful figure that was exactly the same. It was the Supreme Dao Body, which directly cut off the path of the ninth holy master, and spit out coldly: "Go further, kill!"

The ninth holy lord has no doubt about Ye Chen's words, because he can feel that terrifying killing intent is pervading the starry sky.

"Next, it's you."

Ye Chen looked at the holy lord of Tianfeng Empire suddenly, full of killing intent.


Ye Chen attacked. At this moment, he finally showed the supernatural power of the tenth heaven of myth.

No real king or holy master is worth mentioning.

I saw that Ye Chen was imposing on himself by the tenth heaven divine aperture, and even more so he swung out the holy fist, with the four-color divine light surrounding the body, the four-pole holy style was so strong that it bombarded the past.


The holy lord of the Tianfeng Empire hurriedly added the blue light divine bell, but the fist struck the divine bell straight through, penetrated through, bombarded the holy lord, and penetrated the left chest.

With a bang, the divine clock burst open, fragments splashed all over the sky, and the saint master was torn apart half of his body, and he was split in half.

Flesh and blood splashed, extremely stern.

The only remaining primordial spirit is about to rise to the sky, but in Ye Chen’s eyebrow palace, the primordial spirit villain is also about to reach the extreme, instantly condensed into light piercing the sky, and turned into a chaotic supreme **** It grew bigger, and then swallowed the Holy Master Yuanshen in one bite, and the whole body was shining billions of feet, completely refined.

Holy Lord of Tianfeng Empire, die!


I don’t know who swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and the needle dropped in the silence of the moment, but it is no longer the point, because the world has finally witnessed the strength of the fighting king, compared to the confrontation Cang Jitian There was a lot of horror at the time.

The sun god, Cang Jitian, Feng Wu and other real kings all had their eyes brightened, and they were equally shocked. Is this the true manifestation of the fighting king?

I knew he had hidden a part of his strength for a long time, but he didn't expect to hide so much. It was far more terrifying than imagined.

Ye Chen didn't know what they were thinking, but he didn't care about it. At this moment, he once again showed his peak posture, invincible in this land of stars.

The fist shook, and there were a hundred and eight divine light dragons flying out, swept across the entire starry sky, and killed all the saints of the ancient gods continent. They had to fight so many with their own power. Saint of the ancient **** continent.


Although I knew the power of this fighting saint, this arrogance was beyond everyone's expectations.

More than 30 saints have shot, among them there are twelve ancient saints and eight heroes. Together, even four or five saints have to avoid their sharp edges, and all shot against Ye Chen.

But Ye Chen's Supreme Dao Body came back, standing side by side with the deity.

The ninth holy lord wanted to stop one of them, but the other seven true kings all shot, he just confronted the eight holy lords at the same time, started a melee, stalled them, and looked at Ye Chen while looking at him. Is it possible to fight against so many saints?

Ye Chen glanced at them faintly, and naturally knew that these true kings might have hidden their strength, and perhaps they already possess the strength to kill the Holy Master, although they might have to pay some price.

But ignored it.

The two respects stood side by side, looking at more than 30 ancient gods sages, a pot of ice-cold and temperatureless arcs rose from the corners of their mouths: "If this is the case, then I will kill the entire ancient gods continent today!

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