Eternal Holy Emperor

Chapter 783: Tu Sheng


Ye Chen's deity displayed the immortal style, the Supreme Dao body displayed the seal of the king, one person turned into the invincible war fairy, the other turned into the supreme king, and rushed past at the same time.

The first to bear the brunt is the Nobita. Although the number of occupiers has an absolute advantage, it is not the slightest care.

At the same time, they waved their master-level Taoist soldiers, and they displayed the strongest magical powers. All kinds of sacred lights suddenly flooded the starry sky and the mighty land of ten directions.

It can be seen to the naked eye that there are many star fragments that have exploded and turned into the most brilliant fireworks to shine.

The same is true for the twelve ancient saints behind, and all the saints behind are the same, using an indiscriminate group attack, bombarding them in an all-round way, covering every inch of void, so that Ye Chen can't avoid it.

Ye Chen's killing spirit was extremely strong, and the golden palm directly drew the starry sky, instantly splitting a gap of space spanning dozens of hundreds of miles, like an abyss, swallowing more than half of the attack.

But the remaining half of the attacks are also densely packed, and they can definitely crush the Saint Master-level powerhouse.

However, at this time, Ye Chen's Supreme Dao Body made an amazing decision and opened up a golden world in the back.

It was the Five Elements Gold Realm, with countless radiant golden rays spewing out. It was a golden Taoist soldier formed by condensing blood, and it also contained his Taoist marks. It impacted and turned into a densely packed mass. The meteor shower unexpectedly collided with all the attacks and resisted it for a living.

The void cuts off, the five elements of the gold world attack indiscriminately, and with two simple moves, the attacks of the saints are blocked.

These methods have long been beyond the scope of the Holy Master.


Ye Chen's deity was suddenly approaching the extreme, using the secret technique of the realm, and instantly came to the sages.


An incomparably thick golden finger fell from the sky, and with the endless golden light, it rumblingly pressed towards the saints.

The Nobita Lord felt a fatal crisis, and evaded it for the first time. He didn't dare to stop him.

But the vast giant finger fell among the sages behind, and immediately exploded the two ancient sages and the four sages who couldn't dodge to the living place.

One blow, killed the six great saints, shocked the world.

At the same time, the Supreme Dao Body also took action. It was not a holy method of fighting, but a heavenly summoning technique. A phantom of the sky was directly covered and enveloped. The magical powers of the ancient invincible kings of the Donghua family perfectly demonstrated the response in his hands. Some invincible prestige swept away directly.

Puff puff--

Including a male lord, an ancient saint and three saints were also killed.

This scene is too scary, all the saints have no power to resist together, this fighting saint king is really too powerful.

The remaining saints were completely horrified by Ye Chen's invincible awe. They didn't dare to stay any longer. They flew away and rushed down like flying to leave this land of starry sky.

It's just that Ye Chen smiled slightly, with endless coldness. "It's all this time, do you think you can escape?"

One step forward, the battle turns the stars, and in an instant, he crossed the sky and came to one of the heroes. He slapped it out, slapped it with the power of the vast world, rushed out surgingly, tore open the sky, and raised his hand. A male lord was broken.

Another hero took the opportunity to sneak up with a hidden secret treasure, and wanted to take the opportunity to attack Ye Chen's deity.

Unexpectedly, Ye Chen had noticed it long ago, and turned around and shouted.


The void exploded, and a nearby star was roared alive, and the hero who had been hiding in the void silently was completely shattered.

Roar and burst the hero!

What kind of power is this?

All the saints have a numb scalp, are they still human?

Then Ye Chen used the four-pole sacred pattern, and the four-headed creatures emerged, each of which could be ten feet huge, not squeezing the sky like usual, but it was very real and exuded a breath of invincibility.

The four great holy spirits flew out like lightning, and quickly chased all the saints who were running around. The Supreme Dao Body locked in the breath of all the saints in all aspects, and all possessed the power of the master-level of all saints.

The four poles dance directly, blocking the entire vast starry sky, making it difficult for the saints to escape.

The Five Elements Gold Realm has become extremely strong, and various golden dao soldiers flew out with the aura of sharp gold, and even contained part of the invincible will, to attack the fleeing saints.

Although it is impossible to kill all the saints in the first place, it can also be effectively carried out in low gear.


A dozen or so huge golden dragons flew out of Ye Chen's Tianling cover, all of his own majestic blood, all turned into golden dragon sacred arrows.

It also has the sacred bow of the elves obtained from the Gulan world.

He bends his bow and shoots his arrows. He pulls a dozen golden dragon sacred arrows and shoots them all over the moon, locking in the aura of the escaped saints, bowing and shooting arrows, once again turning into terrifying dragons, chasing them up.

Boom boom boom -

A series of explosions sounded endlessly in the starry sky.

Except for the three great heroes and the two ancient sages desperately resisting them, the remaining eleven saints were shot and exploded into the starry sky.

Seeing this scene, the eyes of the ninth holy master were red. This is an indispensable power on the ancient gods continent. Among them are the top powerhouses of his imperial dynasty. It belongs to a kind of background. Killed, his expression changed drastically.

He can no longer let Ye Chen kill In fact, other emperor pilgrims are like this, but it is still unstoppable, because they are all blocked by the real kings and it is difficult to shoot.

And the more they fought, the more they discovered the terrifying aspects of these true kings and demon heads, beyond their imagination, they felt unmatched.

Only the mysterious and elegant man of the ancient temple is always above everything else.

A terrifying battle is taking place. The ninth saint gave up his life and forgot to die, knowing that without the strongest means, all saints could not escape from the fighting king.

Moreover, the other holy lord who had been hidden appeared, and appeared together, fighting against the holy king.

The peerless battle is breaking out, and the two holy masters are directly burning the divine power in the body. The whole person has increased to the limit, and it has exploded at any cost. The offense and defense are unified, and it is suddenly much stronger, and it can really match Ye Chen.

Moreover, the five heroes who were born have formed an ancient five-element battle formation, and they can also exert a power comparable to the outbreak of the two holy masters. It can be said that if the three holy masters fight against the holy kings Up.

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