On the quiet forest path, the mottled tree shadows fall on the ground in an orderly manner.

A big black dog walked slowly from the end of the path, breaking the original silence in the forest.

This big black dog is very strange.

No matter how big an ordinary dog ​​is, it is rarely taller than a person standing there, but this dog is surprisingly big, standing on the ground at least a foot tall.

But that’s all for being big. The key is that this big black dog is still drinking.

He had a wine gourd in his mouth, and he would raise his head to take a sip from time to time, his eyes full of drunken laziness.

That’s right, it’s just laziness!

The most surprising thing about this dog is actually his demeanor, which is as smart as a human being, making it impossible for people to regard him as an animal without intelligence, but as a real "person".

In addition, on the spacious back of this black dog, there is a Taoist priest who is sleeping soundly.

The black dog was so drunk that he staggered when he walked, but the Taoist priest lay on the dog's back and fell asleep, but he couldn't fall off.

This strange pair makes people who occasionally pass by on the path feel curious.

However, the huge size of the black dog is really frightening, so even though people are curious, no one dares to get close to find out.

The path in the forest was very long, and the black dog carried the Taoist priest for a long time before finally walking out of the woods.

The front suddenly opened up, and what appeared in front of us was a spacious official road.

The official road was busy with traffic, and people from all the forks in the road gathered here to continue moving forward, making the entire official road look very lively.

"Huh... it's so comfortable to sleep!"

Zhao Mu stretched, but did not intend to sit up. Instead, he still lay there and looked around.

"Is Liang Ping back?" he asked.

"Not yet. I don't know if that boy was seduced by some young prodigal. He didn't come back for such a long time."

Xiaotian had a wine gourd in his mouth and his words were bulging.

"Hey, if he really hooks up with a girl, I, as a master, would be relieved. But that guy has been with me for two hundred years and he has never even touched a woman."

"It's simply unbelievable. I even doubt whether he is my disciple."

Zhao Mu snorted and patted Xiao Tian's butt: "I said that you, the uncle, are the same. You don't know how to teach your nephew, can't you take him to a brothel?"

"Why don't you take him? Why do you expect me?"

"I should have gone as early as possible. Who told Pindao to have a wife? I can't easily set foot in that kind of place again."

Xiaotian curled his lips: "I believe you are a ghost. I think it's not because you have a wife, but because you are afraid of being embarrassed in front of your apprentice, right?"

"After being a serious master for so many years, if your apprentice suddenly discovers that you are a frequent visitor to a brothel, your apprentice will probably be heartbroken."

"What did you say?"

Zhao Mu glared: "Pindao has always kept himself clean. Even when he went to a brothel, he just listened to music and watched dancing, but he never did anything like that."

"Yes, yes, my master is the most strict disciplinarian. He is simply a living saint."

Xiaotian rolled his eyes: "But don't expect me to teach your apprentice to chase women. Although I have a lot of wives and concubines, I am not interested in people at the moment."

Groups of wives and concubines?

All right!

This guy is quite romantic in the Hanhai Continent. He is a lover...oh no, a love dog. Love dogs are everywhere in the world, and there are families everywhere.

"Hurry and help, someone has fainted. Is there a doctor here?"

Suddenly, panicked shouts came from the front, and soon a large group of people gathered on the official road in front.

Coming for business?

Zhao Mu was shocked and immediately sat up: "Xiaotian, hurry up and take a look."


Xiaotian's eyes cleared up and he immediately crawled over there.

The majestic body, which is one foot tall, is really oppressive.

So as soon as Xiao Tian approached, the crowd automatically separated to both sides and made way for them.

I saw a white-haired old man lying on the ground among the crowd, his eyes closed and unconscious.

Beside the old man, there was a middle-aged man kneeling, who seemed to be the old man's son, calling for the doctor to save him.

Suddenly, a huge figure covered the sun, blocking the old man and the middle-aged man in the shadow.

The middle-aged man looked up in shock, and his legs became weak with fear.

What appeared in front of them was a huge black dog, which was even bigger than two horses.

The middle-aged man was so frightened that he was so stiff that he did not dare to move.

At this moment, a Taoist priest jumped down from the dog's back: "Brother, don't worry, let me take a look at your father's pulse."

"Ah good!"

The middle-aged man nodded stupidly. He didn't know whether he was too frightened by Xiao Tian to react, or whether he was doubting whether Zhao Mu could see a doctor.

Zhao Mu put his finger on the old man's pulse gate and diagnosed the pulse seriously.

After a long while, he said: "Brother, your father often suffered from headaches during sleep, accompanied by twitching of hands and feet, and his skin turned purple, but everything returned to normal after midnight?"

"Yes, yes, that's it."

The middle-aged man was overjoyed: "Taoist Master, you are so amazing. I have seen many doctors for my father's disease, but they can't find the cause. I didn't expect you to know the symptoms just by taking a pulse without asking. What a miracle doctor!"

"I'm not a miracle doctor, but your father's condition is indeed beyond the ability of ordinary doctors to diagnose and treat."

"Taoist Priest, what exactly is my father's disease?"

"It's not a disease, it's poisoning."


The middle-aged man was stunned: "It's impossible. My father and I are both poor people. We don't dare to offend others. Who would poison my father?"

"No one poisoned him. He just happened to touch something poisonous."

While speaking, Zhao Mu took out a porcelain bottle and opened it. Immediately, a refreshing fragrance spread.

Many knowledgeable people around him stared at the porcelain bottle.

To emit such a fragrance, the medicine in the porcelain bottle must be extraordinary and priceless.

Zhao Mu poured out a pill and put it into the old man's mouth. Immediately, the old man's ugly face relaxed and his breathing returned to normal.

The effect was so fast that the people around him were more certain that the medicine in the porcelain bottle was unusual.

Some people rolled their eyes and seemed to be thinking of something bad.

Zhao Mu was too lazy to pay attention to others and said to the middle-aged man: "Is there a big tree near your residence that looks like a jujube tree, but never bears jujubes?"

"Master, how do you know?"

The middle-aged man was even more shocked. Could the person in front of him be an immortal who could tell fortunes?

"Of course, I guessed it based on the poison in your father's body."

Zhao Mu smiled and said: "When we go back, we will cut down that tree. It is not a jujube tree, but a blood-drinking tree, which is poisonous."

"Is that tree really poisonous?"

The middle-aged man shuddered and his heart almost jumped out.

He really couldn't imagine that his family actually lived next to a poisonous tree?

What's the difference between this and living next to the King of Hell?

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