Eternal Life: My Millennia in the Jiaofang Division

Chapter 1324 Lianxing Women's Country

"Nature is poisonous."

Zhao Mu explained: "The blood-drinking tree is a very special spiritual root. As long as it grows to be more than a hundred years old, it will contain highly poisonous roots. The longer it lives, the more toxic it becomes."

"Theoretically, as long as it lives long enough, it can poison even top immortal cultivators."

"Of course, a blood-drinking tree that can live long enough to poison top immortal cultivators has never appeared in the world so far."

"Or it may have already appeared, but no one has discovered it yet."

"Speaking of which, your father is lucky."

Zhao Mu looked at the middle-aged man and said: "The blood-drinking tree in your house has not yet reached the age of a hundred years. It only contains weak toxicity. It cannot seal the throat with blood. It can only cause chronic poisoning."

"My father's symptoms these years are actually due to the poison of the blood-drinking tree."

"But fortunately, your family probably didn't live near that blood-drinking tree for long, otherwise your father might have died long ago."

"It's not just your father. You yourself have also been poisoned. It's just that you were young and strong and the poison hasn't shown up yet."

Zhao Mu said, then took out another pill and handed it to the middle-aged man: "Take this pill. It will remove the poison from your body. Otherwise, if you delay for another month or two, you will be just like your father."

"Yes, thank you, Master."

The middle-aged man did not dare to neglect and quickly took the pill and swallowed it.

"Is there anyone else in your family?" Zhao Mu asked again.

"No more. My mother, wife and children died on the road when they were fleeing famine the year before last. Now only my father and I depend on each other, and we live in the mountains with no neighbors around."

The middle-aged man answered sincerely and did not make up the idea of ​​defrauding his family members to obtain pills.

At this moment, the old man on the ground groaned and slowly woke up.

The old man opened his eyes and looked around blankly: "Where am I?"

"Dad, are you awake?"

The middle-aged man was overjoyed: "Dad, you fainted just now. It was this Taoist priest who saved you..."

As he spoke, he recounted what had just happened.

After hearing this, the old man stood up quickly and knelt down in front of Zhao Mu: "Thank you, Taoist Priest, for saving me. Old man, I...I..."

The old man was so excited that he couldn't speak clearly for a while.

Zhao Mu smiled and helped the old man up: "You don't have to be like this, old man. It's just a little effort, it's nothing."

"Taoist Master, this may be a piece of cake for you, but for the old man, it's a life-saving grace. It's different."

As the old man spoke, his hands suddenly rubbed his body, but his face turned red.

He looked embarrassed and wanted to say something, but didn't know how to say it.

When the middle-aged man next to him saw this, he obviously realized something. He also started rubbing it on his body, and finally took out a few copper coins.

He said awkwardly: "Well... Taoist priest, my father and I went out to see a doctor today. We gave all the money we brought to the medical center, and we only have this little left."

"Please put it away first, and then tell me where you are staying. I will send it to you after I go back and get the money."

Many people around showed disdain.

The father and son looked like poor people. Even if they sold their home, they probably wouldn't be able to pay for the porcelain bottle, let alone the pills in the porcelain bottle.

But with the eyesight of these two poor men, they probably couldn't see how precious the pills they just took were, right?

The same goes for that Taoist priest. The priceless pills were actually given to two poor men. How great would it be if they were given to me?

"Money is not necessary."

Zhao Mu smiled and pushed the copper coin back: "But I have a favor. I really need you two to help me out."

"Taoist Master, please tell me."

"It's actually simple. Once a blood-drinking tree that is less than a hundred years old is cut down, it will directly dissolve and turn into blood. So when you go back to cut down the tree, don't panic when you see this situation."

Zhao Mu smiled and said: "And what Pindao asked you to do is to burn three sticks of incense in front of the blood-drinking tree before cutting down the tree. Wait until the incense is burned out before you start."

"Is it that simple?" The father and son were surprised.

"Yes, it's that simple." Zhao Mu smiled.

The father and son looked at each other, confused as to what Zhao Mu was planning.

But since their benefactor gave orders, of course they would do it.

So the father and son saluted: "Don't worry, Taoist Master, we will do as you say when we return."

"Okay, I'll leave it to you two. Take your leave."

Zhao Mu turned around, jumped directly on Xiaotian's back and lay down, and then Xiaotian continued walking forward in a leisurely manner.

The father and son knelt down again and kowtowed three times before turning and leaving.

The onlookers also dispersed, but there were some people who looked at Xiaotian's leaving figure with greedy eyes.

"Lord, did you ask them to burn incense before cutting down the tree because you wanted the luck of the blood-drinking tree?"

Xiaotian asked.

"Firstly, it's for luck, and secondly, it's for the safety of their father and son."

Zhao Mu took out a wine gourd and said, "Although the blood-drinking tree has not yet matured, it is almost a hundred years old after all."

"Over the years, I am afraid that many birds, animals, fish and insects have been poisoned by it, and there may even be people, so there may be ghosts around it."

"The purpose of asking the father and son to burn three sticks of incense before cutting down the tree is to send the ghost spirits on their way. Otherwise, once they cut down the tree, they will be entangled by the ghost spirits, which will be detrimental to themselves."

"Then you're not afraid that they will break their promise and just cut down the trees without burning incense?" Xiao Tian was confused.

Zhao Mu looked indifferent: "If this is true, then what does their life and death have to do with me?"


Xiaotian was silent.

Yes, Zhao Mu saved lives by using elixirs to remove poisons, and asking the other party to burn incense and chop down trees was also saving lives.

But if the other party is treacherous and can't even keep the promise he made to his savior, then even if he is haunted by ghosts and dies, who is to blame?

Xiaotian shook his head and asked: "My lord, how long will it take for the fragrant peach tree to grow in the outer space of the Eastern Divine Land?"

"Unless there is a special opportunity, it will be very early and there is no rush."

Zhao Mu held up the wine gourd and drank deeply.

Although he has been chasing Xiao Jinyun's soul these years, Zhao Mu has not delayed his business.

Just like using the elixir to treat the old man just now.

Over the years, Zhao Mu has been using elixirs from the Vast Sea Continent to trade with people from the Eastern Divine Land in various ways.

Free elixir!

Exchange elixirs!

Treat illnesses and save lives!

As for these transactions, Zhao Mu will eventually receive feedback from the energy of the Eastern Divine Land, accelerating the growth of the incense peach branches in the void outside the world.

This is also the fundamental purpose of his journey to the sacred land of the Eastern Region...

Xiaotian carried Zhao Mu on his back and strolled forward.

After a while, a young man walked up the official road ahead. It was Liang Ping.


Liang Ping came up and saluted.

"Well, how's it going? Have you found out where the place is ahead?" Zhao Mu asked.

"Reporting to Master, I have inquired clearly. Ahead is a mortal country called Lianxing Female Country. It is said that it is a country where women are respected."

Liang Ping explained.

"Women are respected?"

Zhao Mu looked into the distance and smiled slightly: "It seems that we have arrived at an interesting place."

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